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"How to reduce the required storage space for large indexes and large PostgreSQL tables to improve and ensure performance?

The Situation: I have 3 postgresql tables that are used to store sensor data, some of which is available every second, from currently 2670 data points. The data was already there and was written to ...
Julian_k's user avatar
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Azure AI Search Sharepoint URLs

I am currently indexing Sharepoint Files in Azure via AI Search. This index is then used in AI Studio via "add your data". This way the Sharepoint documents are used as citations in the chat,...
user26391977's user avatar
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VBA for Index match lookup to return multiple columns by Column name.but column name is not the first column for the lookup

I have a complex situation where I could not find answer in any forums so posting this as a new question. I am looking to expand my existing vba script which run fine for me which return multiple ...
user2392568's user avatar
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Sitemap Indexing Issue [closed]

Will submitting a new sitemap to Google negatively impact our rankings? If so, should we revert to the old sitemap after deleting the new one? Will Google automatically resume indexing based on the ...
Hassan Ali's user avatar
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Drop index - No catalog entry found for partition ID xxxxxx in database 7

I am trying to drop index (that currently disabled) but have this error. No catalog entry found for partition ID 72057594063814656 in database 7. The metadata is inconsistent. Run DBCC CHECKDB to ...
Maria Benich's user avatar
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Angular 17 SSR + ISR Pages got de-indexed and not indexing

I have recently built an SSR application using angular 17 and ISR from rx-angular/isr. Initially, Everything was going fine, Pages were getting indexed properly. But after 13 August 2024, My pages ...
princ09's user avatar
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SQL Server repeated value - index suggestions [closed]

I have a 200'000 row table with 40 columns. I was told this table should have indexes. We do quite a few lookups on a column called client. The values for client can and do repeat across the dataset. ...
daPlayaURH's user avatar
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Change to Postgres indexing scheme for IS NOT NULL?

I have a Postgres table that has numerous columns which frequently show up in the where clause of select queries. The table has been indexed accordingly, with indexes on all of these columns (mostly ...
just-some-questions's user avatar
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I need to index a GTF (gene transfer format) annotation file [closed]

I created a GTF file for HLA alleles to be used as a resource for GATK Funcotator. Running Funcotator without indexing the GTF gives this error: A USER ERROR has occurred: Input funcotator_dataSources....
doodle's user avatar
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I am Facing This error While Running Indexing Api through The CMD [closed]

csv[["URL"]].apply(lambda x: indexURL(x, http)) File "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Packages\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.12_qbz5n2kfra8p0\LocalCache\local-packages\...
Ahmed raza's user avatar
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How to improve code-splitting with ReactJS and ViteJS

I am building an application using ReactJS and ViteJS, and i am trying to do code-splitting to reduce the after build chunk sizes and request them only when needed. I have tried to use lazy loading ...
Ahmed Afifi's user avatar
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Idea to provide a read only archive of old e-mail accounts [closed]

We recently had a long term employee leaving the company with 30 GB of emails on Google Workspace, because we have merged other leaving employees' mailbox to this last employee. Long story short, this ...
Max13's user avatar
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Find duplicate "group of rows" in pandas DataFrame

How can I find duplicates of a group of rows inside of a DataFrame? Or in other words, how can I find the indices of a specific duplicated DataFrame inside of a larger DataFrame? The larger DataFrame: ...
Florent H's user avatar
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DB Index running slower than intended

I am trying to run this query and it takes around 76 seconds without any index, now I added an index in it and now it takes around 80 seconds. This table has 24k records as of now. Here is the DDL : ...
Praguru 14's user avatar
-1 votes
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Excel =MIN(INDEX(( returning wrong value

I'm trying to return earliest date from a range by using the following formula: =MIN(INDEX((donations_tracker!$A$2:$A$15 = A4)\*(donations_tracker!$D$2:$D$15),,,)) The formula returns 1899-12-30 for ...
recesssionista's user avatar

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