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How to use iOS .framework files in .NET 8.0 MAUI

Can someone please create a binding library that uses .framework and NOT ".a" static lib along with working MAUI demo that uses the binding library so we can close this issue and get it over ...
Niko Klemm's user avatar
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Toolbar colored icons are appearing in Shell.ForegroundColor property on iOS - (MAUI)

I have some colored icons which appear fine in Android, however when I deploy the same App on iOS, the icons turn white (which is defined in styles.xaml) in the Toolbar and grayscale ones remain same. ...
programmerboy's user avatar
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2 answers

Invalid bundle structure. The “” binary file is not permitted. when publish .Net MAUI to App Store

I'm having trouble publishing my app to the App Store via Transporter: Asset validation failed (90171) Invalid bundle structure. The “” binary file is not ...
Taras Lisniak's user avatar
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Firebase Integration in .NET MAUI iOS Project Causes Missing Swift Libraries Error(.NET 8)

I'm attempting to integrate Firebase and Firebase Crashlytics into my .NET MAUI project using Visual Studio on macOS. It worked fine before I updated the NuGet packages. Now, the app fails on iOS (...
Rufat Asadzade's user avatar
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MAUI .Net8 iOS DidReceiveRemoteNotification never invoked

I'm writing a .Net8 MAUI App targeting iOS. The application should be able to received remote APNS notifications. This works fine while the application is in foreground. The method ...
Mike's user avatar
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When iOS 17 sends UDP, System Net Sockets SocketException (65): Norout to host

I am using Maui and NET 8 in Visual Studio 2022, And implement UDP and TCP messages sent on iOS 17. There is an issue with UDP not being able to send messages and displaying error messages: System NET ...
Xiaoxin's user avatar
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Index was out of range when navigating between pages back and forth

I have a project written in C# MAUI 8. Application is created using Shell. The problem occurs when app is deployed to iPhone or to simulator (VS2022 paired with Mac with XCode). I have never a chance ...
Pro100vnik's user avatar
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.Net MAUI iOS Swipe back navigation not working with regular page navigation flow

I'm currently using standard navigation methods instead of Shell Navigation in my application. I intended to incorporate iOS swipe back navigation, expecting it to function by default. However, it's ...
Himanshu Dwivedi's user avatar
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How do I build my .NET 8 MAUI iOS app using Xcode 15 in Azure DevOps?

When building my .NET 8 iOS MAUI app in an Azure DevOps build pipeline, it complains that I'm not using the latest Xcode. ILLink : iOS error IL7000: An error occured while executing the ...
C. Tewalt's user avatar
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FluentMigrator issue with net8 AOT on MAUI for iOS

We've been using FluentMigrator with Xamarin but now with net8-ios and with the new AOT compiler, seems like inclusion of all the runners in FluentRunner.Runner nuget package is causing AOT step to ...
Bakhshi's user avatar
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NET8 MAUI app on iOS or macCatalyst: Unable to create package spec for project

I'm creating an app with MAUI and NET8. From my Windows laptop, I can't run the application via a iOS Simulator because it can't find a compatible device. Plus, I get this error A bundle identifier ...
Enrico's user avatar
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Maui Custom component crashes only in iOS Release

Currently I have upgraded a Xamarin app to a MAUI .net8 app and it seems to work properly enough in Debug on both iOS and android. Android release works as well but when I try to run iOS in release ...
Jonas Van mullem's user avatar