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.Net Maui Blazor Hybrid: Error when build to IOS target, appsettings.json would result in a file outside of the app bundle and cannot be used

I got the issue appsettings.json : error : The path '../../../../../../../../../Users/xxxxx/Projects/SalesMauiSource/SalesMauiApp/appsettings.json' would result in a file outside of the app bundle and ...
Vinh Ngo's user avatar
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Deploy iOS MAUI App to Mac? (Not MacCatalyst)

I'm not sure if this is can even be done, but is it possible to deploy the iOS version of a MAUI app to the local Mac I'm developing on? I'm not referring to MacCatalyst, I want to run the iOS version ...
MT.'s user avatar
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maui IOS build failed with "You may also need to include 'iossimulator-x64' in your project's RuntimeIdentifiers"

Description i am unable to run my project on simulator getting following error /usr/local/share/dotnet/sdk/8.0.302/Sdks/Microsoft.NET.Sdk/targets/Microsoft.PackageDependencyResolution.targets(5,5): ...
RaGib Noor's user avatar
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What .NET 7 version can I use with Xcode 14.2?

I'm trying to build a .NET/C# app on MacOS. My dev tools are: MacOS 12.7.2 Xcode 14.2 Visual Studio for Mac 17.6.7 The following NET 7 SDKs: 7.0.100, 7.0.311 I've also added the following global....
TheUnexpected's user avatar
3 votes
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How to share code between iOS and Mac on .NET MAUI? (no conditional compilation and no code repeat)

Let's say I defined a partial class on each platform, which defines an "initialize" method, and I call that method from my shared context. I defined that partial class on Android and Windows ...
just_a_developer's user avatar
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"Codesign" exited with code 1 error while debugging in ios device in .NET MAUI 7

There is "Codesign" exited with code 1 issue when try to build iOS app using visual studio 2022 for mac. I have been trying to debug the .net maui app using physical iPhone(iPhone 7 plus) ...
SAN SHEVA's user avatar
-1 votes
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While launching MAUI App, it is crashing on iPhone (device and Emulator)

I have been getting error while launching the MAUI application on iPhone (Emulator and device) using visual studio 2022, however, it is working fine on Android and even in Mac Catalyst. App ...
okd's user avatar
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How to Open Maui mac application from web browser?

<key>CFBundleURLTypes</key> <array> <dict> <key>CFBundleURLName</key> <string></string> <key>CFBundleURLSchemes</key> <array&...
Azharq92 syed's user avatar
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Visual Stuio 2022 17.5.4.Maui and no MAC connection

someon else questioned MAUI and connecting to a Mac. I did add my experiences of similar thing I have successfully connected to a MAC. Ive recently done a complete reinstall of VS to latest version ...
john murray's user avatar
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DVTDeveloperModeHelper not found why trying to deploy to a physical iOS device from Rider

I am developing a mobile app, targeting iOS and Android, I started developing it over in Visual Studio 2022 on Windows but have moved over to MacOS, due to having issues with the iOS simulator not ...
JamesStuddart's user avatar
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VS MAC: Workload installation failed: One or more errors occured. (The given key 'Microsoft.iOS.Sdk' was not present in the dictionary.)

I am trying to build a MAUI app on Mac OS using Visual Studio and I got an error that says to run dotnet workload install wasm-tools so I try running it in the Mac terminal in the app project folder ...
Dan's user avatar
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In Visual Studio for MacOS, how do I get the iOS simulators to show in dropdown list?

I'm running Xcode 14.0 and Visual Studio for Mac, 17.3.5. The simulators don't show up in the dropdown menu where you can select the device you're using to run the app. I've verified that the ...
johnrubythecat's user avatar
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Accessing Xamarin macOS methods in MAUI

I'm building a desktop-only MAUI application where I need to open the Explorer (or Finder on MacOS) on a particular folder at the end of a Task. On Windows I can just use the Windows.System.Launcher....
riciloma's user avatar
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