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Unable to load image in raylib

I am building a frogger game in c++ using raylib 5.0 and visual studio 2022, I am trying to load an image, but when I run the program, I get a black screen with no image. below is my code: Source.cpp: ...
user22428402's user avatar
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VS 2022 pair to mac "Could not install ios workload"

I am trying to pair to mac using windows VS 2022, and am receiving the following error: Could not install workload 'ios'. Details: Unhandled exception: Microsoft.NET.Sdk.WorkloadManifestReader....
LotanV's user avatar
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How to display only project headers with VS2022 IntelliSense when using the #include directive

I installed Visual Studio 2022 anew and for some reason, when I type #include ", IntelliSense shows all available header files: I don't remember doing anything special to display only the ...
machine_1's user avatar
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How to reduce the margin between two buttons in below WPF code

I tried all the way to reduce space between two buttons named Analyze and ShowMap.But i am getting as below attached image.Code is as below <Grid> <Grid.ColumnDefinitions> &...
peter's user avatar
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Can't create a Report Server Project in VS 2022

This is likely something that has an obvious solution, but I cannot find it for the life of me. I cannot create a Report Server Project in Visual Studio 2022. VS2022 was just updated to v17.11.4. I ...
Ajsechrist's user avatar
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SetupFixture methods are not executing in expected order

Description: The [SetupFixture] class methods [OneTimeSetup] and [OneTimeTearDown] are not executing as expected. Instead of running once before and after all tests in the namespace, they appear to be ...
kunal kaklij's user avatar
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Can't connect Visual Studio 2022 to MacOS Sequoia due to Mono Installation fail

After upgrading my Mac to Sequoia today when I attempted to connect through Visual Studio 2022 on my windows PC the process errors out at 'Checking Mono Installation' with the error 'Object reference ...
Reid's user avatar
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Cannot connect to Mac from Visual Studio 2022 after 17.11.4 update

After the latest visual studio update the connection to Mac doesnt seem to work. I have deleted the MonoTouch folder, removed & re added the Mac, restarted both windows & the Mac to no avail. ...
tribal's user avatar
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No simulators (Xcode mismatch) .Net MAUI iOS(Xcode 16.0)

I don't have any simulator running, it gives me an error of incompatibility between the mac and visual studio version ... "No simulators (Xcode mismatch)" So I'm not able to see the iOS ...
Giorgio's user avatar
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Error when creating a project using Word VSTO Template

[![enter image description here][1]][1]I receive the following exception when creating a project using the Word VSTO Template in Visual Studio 2022. Microsoft Visual Studio Exception from HRESULT: ...
Raj 's user avatar
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How do I override built-in NodeJS version (Visual Studio 2022 + ESLint 9.10)

I am working on a project in Visual Studio 2022 (17.6.3 but now upgrading to 17.10.6) in which I am writing modules in TS/TSX and installed ESLint 9.10 to help identify issues, but it's now seeming ...
Kris Oye's user avatar
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Prevent VS2022 from removing empty lines in CSS

Every time I edit a .css file and paste a text from the clipboard, VS 2022 removes all empty lines in the block that is being edited. I can just disable the whole formatting via unchecking “Format on ...
Shtole's user avatar
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Pair to Mac in Visual Studio 2022 Error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

I have the latest version of visual studio 2022 (17.11.3 and before I had an older version 17.9.6, but it didn't work either) and today I have updated the XCode to the latest (16.0) version for iOS ...
Giorgio's user avatar
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Namespace not recognised / found in Maui project [closed]

Using Visual Studio 2022 to create a .NET MAUI Application. For some strange reason Visual Studio is not recognizing the namespace VideoDemos.Platforms.Windows. When I hover my mouse over Platforms, ...
MikeH's user avatar
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Visual Studio's Go To Definition is pulling up metadata ONLY after update

Ever since I updated up to 17.11.3 in Visual Studio 2022, when ever I CTRL+CLICK (or right click and click Go To Definition) on some classes, some methods, some functions that belong to a VB.Net ...
Hunter Shenep's user avatar

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