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MAUI .NET 8 on iOS -System.ArgumentException: NaN is not a valid value for width

I have created a new MAUI .NET 8 project and migrated the Xamarin forms project code. When tried to run the project with the iOS simulator with Jetbrains Rider, which threw the exception below, System....
Anitha v's user avatar
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Is it possible to detect ethernet adapter cable when connected to iPhone using Xamarin?

I am trying programatically to detect ethernet adapter cable when connected to iPhone in Xamarin Forms but till now whatever I tried is not working on iOS device. Communication is happening between ...
Anujai's user avatar
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MAUI IOS Background fetch Task Not Trigger

public class AppDelegate : MauiUIApplicationDelegate { protected override MauiApp CreateMauiApp() => MauiProgram.CreateMauiApp(); public override bool FinishedLaunching(UIApplication application, ...
Srinivas Ch's user avatar
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Action Invoke not working in MAUI, not null in Xamarin

I am trying to use this StackOverflow solution in my MAUI code but the action never gets invoked in the view model. I have this declaration just as before public Action<bool> OnLoginFailed { get;...
Saamer's user avatar
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IOS Release version showing error "PlatformNotSupported" because of PCLCrypto.SymmetricKeyAlgorithmProvider.GetAlgorithm()

In MAUI project targeting iOS release with MtouchLink = SdkOnly we are seeing the error "PlatformNotSupported" for the execution of PCLCrypto.SymmetricKeyAlgorithmProvider.GetAlgorithm() at ...
saif's user avatar
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.net Maui custom MapHandler

I want to make custom renderes, or handlers as it is in Maui, and it works for Android, but I cannot make it work on iOS. I make a very basic custom map class with a method to tilt the view of the map....
JoeTaicoon's user avatar
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In Visual Studio for MAC the xaml and xaml.cs files get separated rather than xaml.cs should be inside xaml file

I am experiencing this happening randomly. Sometimes xaml files are appearing as they should for eg: and sometimes they appear seperately for eg : due to this in xaml.cs file I am not able to call ...
Dhawal's user avatar
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.Net MAUI iOS Swipe back navigation not working with regular page navigation flow

I'm currently using standard navigation methods instead of Shell Navigation in my application. I intended to incorporate iOS swipe back navigation, expecting it to function by default. However, it's ...
Himanshu Dwivedi's user avatar
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How to Set AM/PM in English language in xamarin Forms Timepicker on iOS devices

I'm unable to sent English language for AM and PM by using TimePicker in Xamarin forms. I have tested with custom render but no luck. Issue happening in only iOS devices not in simulator. [![<?xml ...
Yalamandarao's user avatar
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Using Braintree with .NET MAUI

I'm attempting to use Braintree inside an .NET MAUI app. In Xamarin, I previously used the NAXAM Braintree libraries, but they appear to be deprecated and not updated to .NET 7. My solution was to use ...
Andrew's user avatar
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GoogleAppMeasurement 8.9.1 - No Matching Framework

I've been experimenting with .NET MAUI to get a feel for it and see how it compares to Xamarin.Forms. When trying to build and deploy the ios app, I am constantly receiving this error: Xamarin.Shared....
BruceTheBrick's user avatar
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SecureStorage.GetAsync in MAUI app returns null when trying to get the kev/value that was Set in Xamarin Forms app

We have just migrated our Xamarin Forms app to MAUI and we are going through some testing to make sure the upgrade process will be hassle free for our users once we release the new MAUI build in ...
dmc's user avatar
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How to Open Maui mac application from web browser?

<key>CFBundleURLTypes</key> <array> <dict> <key>CFBundleURLName</key> <string></string> <key>CFBundleURLSchemes</key> <array&...
Azharq92 syed's user avatar
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How to create a full screen splash screen on iOS and Android using MAUI

I'm new in MAUI , I want to display my app splash screen with image and texts and have a full screen image for the same. I replaced the default splash screen with this image, but in android the image ...
Swathy's user avatar
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How does one allow for expandable rows in .NET MAUI Listview in iOS?

I have been using HasUnevenRows property of ListView quite successfully in Android while running my .NET MAUI app. Nevertheless, this property, whether set "True" or "False", does ...
Shaurya Shikhar's user avatar

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