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Run JMH in dry-run mode

I am working on fixing a bug in kotlinx.benchmark, which wraps JMH. Development is made much slower because the tests actually run the benchmarks, which for what I'm doing, is not important. I just ...
aSemy's user avatar
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How to write JMH benchmarks in Kotlin without using melix/jmh-gradle-plugin?

Kotlin benchmarks using plugin are written and run. As far as I understand, jmh is focused on writing benchmarks, and then building a jar application, and launching the application itself. I would ...
Stanley Wintergreen's user avatar
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Why ExecutorService is much faster than Coroutines in this example? [Solved]

Update: I made 2 silly mistakes! I submitted only 1 task in the executor service example I forgot to await for the tasks to finish. Fixing the test, lead to all 3 examples having around 190-200 ms/...
Mangat Rai Modi's user avatar
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How to use JMH in Gradle with Kotlin DSL

My question is similar to How to use JMH with gradle?, only with one caveat that I use Gradle Kotlin DSL. I also found this article
Phuc Mai's user avatar
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Kotlin measureTime differs from kotlinx-benchmark (jmh) by far

I'm testing with the following class (You can find a git repository here): @ExperimentalStdlibApi @State(Scope.Benchmark) class TestBenchmark { private fun benchmark() : List<Int> { ...
twobiers's user avatar
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Tests in Gradle sub-project cannot see Kotlin internal visibility

Kotlin internal visibility is scoped to the "module" including the helpful statement that it may be: a Gradle source set (with the exception that the test source set can access the internal ...
drekbour's user avatar
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Reliably measure JVM allocations

I have two implementations of the same algorithm. I would like to verify that non of them uses more memory than necessary, or, in other words, that they allocate exactly the same number of objects. ...
voddan's user avatar
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Kotlin's kapt plugin for gradle does not work for custom source set (JMH)

Having a Kotlin project with Gradle setup: apply plugin: 'kotlin' apply plugin: 'kotlin-kapt' dependencies { kapt 'org.openjdk.jmh:jmh-generator-annprocess:1.18' ... } Putting benchmarks ...
oae's user avatar
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