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Problems with Java Vector API to sum a list of doubles

I implemented three naive sum methods (in scala) which act on an Array[Double] (or double[]) inline def sum2 = var sum: Double = 0.0 var i: Int = 0 inline val species = ...
Simon's user avatar
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Jmh Netbeans Ant Modular Project setup

Following is my environment. netbeans 22, jdk 22.0.2, jmh 1.37. I have added jmh to the netbeans libraries and have added it to my modular ant project. Everything is workig fine, the project compiles ...
John Smith's user avatar
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Run JMH in dry-run mode

I am working on fixing a bug in kotlinx.benchmark, which wraps JMH. Development is made much slower because the tests actually run the benchmarks, which for what I'm doing, is not important. I just ...
aSemy's user avatar
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Is there an equivalent to @BeforeAll in JMH(Java Microbenchmark Harness), Level.Trial is not working

Hello and good morning from Germany! Since my English isn’t very good, I can only offer you a ChatGPT translation of my question. Here���s the issue: I’m using the JMH Tool to benchmark a SpringBoot ...
Hag2bard's user avatar
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Java: (Micro) benchmark library imports using JMH?

I have the following code that I am benchmarking using JMH package org.example; import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Benchmark; import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.BenchmarkMode; import org.openjdk.jmh....
Ymi's user avatar
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Excluding setup methods from profiler to measure memory more accurately

I'm currently trying to measure memory consumption in JMH using a custom profiler (the same problem arrise when using the gc profiler) like this: class ViatraMemoryProfiler extends InternalProfiler{ ...
Pizza Train's user avatar
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How to output JMH benchmark result into a local json file?

I am using JMH for benchmark tests. I want to output test result into json file and visualize the result use JMH Visualizer. However I wasn't able to find the output file "V3Benchmark.json" ...
Cindy's user avatar
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Why acquiring a locked lock is slower when using JDK21 compared to JDK11

While optimizing some locking stuff, I used a JMH benchmark to see how much does locking a locked ReentrantLock costs compared to just locking it once. I was surprised when I saw that jdk11 performed ...
alexid's user avatar
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What it the equivalent to @BeforeClass / @BeforeAll in JMH?

before I start, I wanted to apologize for my bad English. This is my class: package de.shd.kps.backend.customer.benchmark; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; ...
Hag2bard's user avatar
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How to benchmark assert statements?

The next version of my Design by Contract API uses the following syntax: assert requireThat(name, value).size().isGreaterThan(3).elseThrowAssert(); The idea being that the validation only runs if ...
Gili's user avatar
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JMH microbenchmarking on java api which uses parallel execution via Completable Future

I need to measure performance of my build method using JMH tool. The build method basically creates multiple threads internally by Completable Future in order to achieve parallel execution for loading ...
Ravi Kapoor's user avatar
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How to go about implementing adaptive warmups in JMH (in Scala)

I'm currently getting started in integrating JMH into a Scala Project and would like to implement a way to do adaptive warmups. What do I mean by apative warmups? Instead of defining a fixed number of ...
Pizza Train's user avatar
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jmh benchmark methods not run while setup method is

I am trying to run jmh benchmark in a grade project. ./gradlew :sub-project:jmh I can see the setup method got executed twice from stdout. but the two @Benchmark methods don't seem to be executed. the ...
Steven Wu's user avatar
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NoClassDefFound error when using java.sql classes in JMH test in sbt

If I create a minimal sbt project with a build.sbt that looks like scalaVersion := "3.3.1" enablePlugins(JmhPlugin) with addSbtPlugin("pl.project14.scala" % "sbt-jmh" % ...
Thayne's user avatar
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How to measure Big O time complexity for deletion method of a Treeset?

I want to use JMH to prove the time complexity of adding to/ deleting from a Treeset in a Java orderbook, it should be O(log n) for insertion and deletion. For insertion it is independent, as N grows ...
CollinsPED's user avatar

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