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How to measure latency between midi instrument and web midi api?

When using the web midi api for receiving midi messages from a midi instrument (via usb), how can we measure the latency time, that is: the time it took from playing a note with the instrument to ...
vuelicious's user avatar
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Is it possible to get less camera latency using OpenCV?

I'm learning python and i'm working with OpenCV. My goal is : When I execute my python script : it starts recording a 10 seconds sequence with my USB webcam which is a Logitech C920 and the video is ...
leuji241's user avatar
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Why does using [FromBody] cause significant latency increase?

I am developing an API web server using C# Minimal APIs and encountered a performance issue related to API latency. In my specific case, I have a server hosted in Europe, while the client is located ...
Jacopo's user avatar
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Decreasing Latency of Pyglet Applications

I have built a pyglet immersive learning environment using pyglet and mediapipe. I would like to decrease the end-to-end latency of the application. What are common pitfalls, expensive function calls ...
pyBro's user avatar
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Redis Latency Issues: High Response Time for Repeated Requests on WSL with phpredis

I am experiencing unexpected latency issues with Redis in my Laravel application. Here are the details: Setup: Redis Client: I am using the phpredis extension. Environment: Redis is running on Windows ...
جهاد الادهمي's user avatar
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Configure latency parameters for CPU cache hit/miss latency in Gem5

I'm configuring the hit latency for a CPU model in Gem5. While I notice there are many latency parameters(eg. tag_latency, data_latency, frontend_latency, forward_latency, response_latency) which are ...
Bowen Tian's user avatar
2 votes
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Latency issue - How to perfectly sync audio beeps (using Web Audio API) and visualization (using canvas + requestAnimationFrame)?

I use an audioContext = new AudioContext() of the Web Audio API for scheduling beep sounds for every beat (relative to a user-defined bpm and time signature) - let's call this stack of beeps "...
vuelicious's user avatar
3 votes
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Can't Increase Throughput for Standalone Instance

I have been working with Milvus v2.2.9 in standalone mode using Docker Compose, running without any CPU limits. My current setup involves creating an index with 1 million embeddings using the IVF_SQ8 ...
Rashad Tockey's user avatar
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How to make Gstreamer RTSP -> UDP -> RTSP low latency pipeline?

I need to forward an rtsp stream from an axis camera through an udp port. I have this pipeline on the send side: gst-launch-1.0 rtspsrc location='rtsp://XXXX:[email protected]/axis-media/media.amp' ...
Marco Carandente's user avatar
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How to get info about Bluetooth output device latency in Python

I've been making a Python media player, but the audio and video de-synced when using a Bluetooth speaker, and I've been wondering how to get the Bluetooth latency using Python. I am using a MacOS ...
Super Gladiator's user avatar
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How to calculate ping between server and client?

I have a socket server in nodejs, a unity client and I try calculate the latency between them like below Server: socket.on("readable", () => { let data: Buffer =; if(...
TIng's user avatar
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How many streams will be used by a single Bi-directional streaming gRPC call?

We are noticing performance issues when trying to use the bi-directional stream API call to stream data at 2000-4000 updates/second. We enabled debug logging and see that streamId is same for all the ...
Ramachandran Rajagopalan's user avatar
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Spanner JDBC Driver option to avoid latency

We are using the google spanner jdbc driver(google-cloud-spanner-jdbc) to enable connectivity from our application to cloud spanner. This was used instead of the google client libraries to reuse the ...
Raj Kumar's user avatar
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Questions about ParallelGC and Full GC behavior in long-running systems

I have a few concerns about ParallelGC and its behavior in long-running systems: It seems that only Full GC can reclaim the old generation, implying that the old generation can only grow until a Full ...
WtMonster's user avatar
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Azure Service Bus: Time Spent in Queue is Large

We have a .NET process where the process is subscribing to the Topic. One of the common observations is that the Time Spent in Queue is large. Azure Service Bus is running with 2 Messaging Units. The ...
GeekzSG's user avatar
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