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How to do grid independence/ mesh convergence test on WaterLily package in Julia languaga?

We are exploring WaterLily for fluid simulations but we are unable to figure out how to change the grid number and grid uniformity in WaterLily. Since we can't figure out the grid settings, we are not ...
Aninda Kumar Chowdhury's user avatar
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Dimensions of a meshed object at discrete points along the object's skeleton

I have a tapering serpentine channel (the object) as a surface mesh (STL file). I want to... Get the channel's dimensions (e.g., width and height) at a number of discrete points along its length (...
François's user avatar
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Custom Shader with URP

I am using a custom shader for a mesh, which is basically a "sight-blocker" to other meshes. You cannot see the mesh itself and every other mesh behind it is occluded by it. Now I upgraded ...
FlyingPolska's user avatar
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Accessing a service inside a mesh from another application outside the mesh but still within the same cluster

I have two applications: Application A is outside the service mesh. Under namespace ns-outside-mesh. Its pod does not have any sidecar. Application B is inside the service mesh. Under namespace ns-...
Iwan Satria's user avatar
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Colouring a surface using Mesh3d in python plotly

I would aim to colour a surface in a 3D plot, created using plotly.graph_objects. I worked on an approach incorporating Mesh3d, the code runs, but the wanted surface is still not coloured. What is the ...
Márton Horváth's user avatar
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Open3d window close immediately when run (Windows) [closed]

Why is it that if I run a simple code that shows a simple bunny or any 3d model the window popup but close right away. I'm using windows 10 btw with vscode IDE
Mike Andre Puspus's user avatar
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How does one make meshes to match on two surfaces (2D) in GMSH?

Typically I am trying to merge two different solids (3D). And so I prefer the same mesh at the interface (2D) for my contact analysis. I took some information from this existing question link. I tried ...
Mr Thomas Anderson's user avatar
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Memory overhead when running Pygalmesh on a point cloud

I'm using the Pygalmesh library. I'm working with this library on a point cloud, which can vary in the number of vertices, with some having 2000 or more vertices. However, I'm having a problem when ...
edd1's user avatar
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No fluent terrain collision OpenGL

I am making a OpenGL videogame in C++. I have the mesh of the irregular terrain and I have the player who walks around the world adjusting to the heightmap. The problem is that the movement is very ...
caquis caquis's user avatar
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Quad structured mesh with Gmsh using transfinite option starting from an stl file

I'm using GMSH through Python API to create a structured quadrangular mesh to perform FEM analysis of an ascending aorta for my master thesis. I have definied, on the surface of my geometry, ...
Sofia Di Filippo's user avatar
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Issue with physic bodies interactions and mesh position

I am encountering an issue in mesh position in respect to the physic body position. The 3dmodel i am using has its pivot point on its feet and possibly for this reason is rotating around the physic ...
leonardo sandri's user avatar
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How can I upload UGC shoes to Roblox without breaking other wearables when moving the Cage.Origin to 0, 0, 0?

I've got a few pairs of shoes I want to upload to the Roblox marketplace. I've created a test pair but this is an issue I'm having across several pairs of shoes. For reference the origin of both cages ...
Alexander's user avatar
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Problem calling cgns library in fortran subroutines

I'm trying to extract x,y,z coordinates from a cgns 2-D mesh file. I am using a Fortran 90 code and I use the cg_coord_read_f. I have to call this function many times. So, I want to run the process ...
hyunbin-kang's user avatar
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CGAL 3D mesh clean subdomain boundaries

I am using mesh_3D_gray_vtk_image.cpp to generate a 3D mesh from a segmented image with several subdomains. The code works without any compilation issues however, the generated meshes seem to have ...
Juan's user avatar
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Marching square algorithm and concave lines

I'm making an algorithm that makes an ocean mesh by looking at what points in the grid are under or at the ocean level and creating the contour based on the marching squares algorithm. The problem is ...
Stefan Carpeliuc's user avatar

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