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Opencv Optical flow tracking: stop condition

I'm currently trying to implement a face tracking by using optical flow with opencv. To achieve this, I detect faces with the openCV face detector, I determine features to track on the detected areas ...
Simon Ninon's user avatar
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Mapping frames based on motion

I need to create 3 intermediate frames between two frames (prevImg, nextImg), I have found out the motion of each pixel using calcOpticalFlowFarneback() function in opencv calcOpticalFlowFarneback(...
Deepak's user avatar
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Formula for speed estimation using optical flow

In an university project, we are currently working on an iOS-App, that has to compute the velocity of an vehicle using the information provided by the camera of an iOS-device. The front camera of it ...
Taurus's user avatar
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Calculating camera motion out of corresponding 3d point sets

I am having a little problem. I wrote a program that extracts a set of three-dimensional points in each frame using a camera and depth information. The points are in the camera coordinate system, ...
Valentino Cazalet's user avatar