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First click on AnimatePresence layoutId breaks animation and logic in React [closed]

When using AnimatePresence with layoutId in React, the animation behaves strangely on the first click, and other logic also breaks. On the first click, the popup appears, but the clicked element doesn'...
5km's user avatar
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Circular motion finding points on the route

I need help, have been racking my brain for two days without success I have a plane that is given several parameters: starting point (x,y), speed in a straight line (it is constant), the starting ...
kingfxp123123's user avatar
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What should I specify as the mate to do a rection force motion study on a crank on its gorund?

I have a crankshaft assembly where I am meant to create a graph of the reaction force of the crank on the ground. The motor is placed on this crank set to 1800 rpm. The crank is mated to the ground ...
Lauren's user avatar
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How can I manage the overflow/underflow of a variable containing the position of an axis?

In managing the position of an axis, the position value is contained in an 8-bit variable. It follows that the value of that variable will be 0->127..-128,-127..-1,0,1,2 for each revolution. ...
user24620163's user avatar
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Python - Kalman Filter (Unscented) not working corretly

I am trying to implement a Kalman Filter which is used to filter calculated values of Speed, Heading, Acceleration and Yaw Rate. I also use the Kalman Filter to predict future values and use those to ...
André Clérigo's user avatar
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Angular transformation matrix for 6 DoF simulation using scipy.spatial.transform.Rotation

I am writing a simulator for 6 DoF motion of a vehicle and need to transform the moments and angular velocities defined in the global coordinate system into the vehicle reference frame and back. ...
Artur's user avatar
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Motion One: endDelay property not working

I have made a looping animation using motion one. I want the animation to loop, but have a pause between the loops. As far as I understand this can be done using the endDelay property, but it seems to ...
vvvvvv's user avatar
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How to relocate an element on scroll using GSAP! No plugins

I saw this codepen where when you scroll down on a page the 3D picture moves with the page as it scrolls down. It also grows and rotates depending on which section in. I Copied the code and change it ...
Zion-Faith Akakpo's user avatar
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How can I fit my data better or shift my data? My fit is way below my data

We had to motion detect a pendulum by filming it,track the pendulum with a given software and store the t,x and y values in a txt-file. Since my hands were very shaky, the graph is very shaky (image ...
nofretete's user avatar
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Seeking Recommendations for Implementing Real-Time Indoor Navigation with User Movement Representation on 2D Map in Android App

Hello Stack Overflow community, I am currently in the planning phase of developing an indoor navigation Android app, and I'm seeking recommendations on how to implement a specific feature. The primary ...
Danoo's user avatar
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I am trying to find car motions with two cameras on Carla but the results are meaningless

I have two cameras in a fixed position on the vehicle and the features of these cameras are exactly the same. First, I record an image with these two cameras, which I call "initial". Then, ...
Tolga's user avatar
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How to square a sheet from 2 grip points

I have a new project on hand and some help will be appreciated. The idea is to square or align a plastic sheet using two clamping grippers controlled by servo motors. The sheet is being gripped from ...
AMSMARTINS's user avatar
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TextView animated with Motion Layout not appearing at Start of animation

I'm new to Android Motion Layout API. I'm trying to run animation on a TextView programmatically but for some reason the TextView isn't appearing on the screen when I run the program. It's supposed to ...
Lukas Dvorak's user avatar
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How are images and src links stored as variables to be selected in JS?

Attempting to create functionality for an image selector carousel functionality of image selector: - click an img in container below main image - clicked img displays in main image container - ...
TiredOfBeingBroke's user avatar
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Motion end Path to shape position in slide

I wanted to refer end point to shape position in slide Dim Shape As Shape Set Shape = ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes("target") Path = "M 0 0 L " & Shape.Left & &...
Ilyanta Nowa Siregar's user avatar

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