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PHP code issue causing grid container and bootstrap 5 cards (grid-items) not to render on web-page loading?

I am trying to create a grid container that will dynamically display bootstrap cards of treeseed items that I added to MySQL database.The items should be displayed on the shop portion of a webpage I ...
Crosser's user avatar
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Case statment in where clause

I have multiple join tables that I need to filter out with account id and service id my filters are account_id IN **(1,2,3,4,5)** and service_id **A1,A2,B1,B2** my requirement for the where clause is ...
Dan's user avatar
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SQL Challenge: Find correct rows that correspond to a year after the last reinstatement event

I have a database filled with customer login data for a website. An example of the pertinent data can be viewed below. INPUT Unique ID Login_Date 1 '2019-02-01' 1 '2019-12-15' 1 '2020-03-12' 1 '...
Icarus's user avatar
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Separating one mysql row into n different ones

My company's client has a table to store inventory data, this inventory separates products using a column called product_code, and it has another column called Qtd that stores how many of the same ...
Pedro Henrique Trentin's user avatar
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Count by occurrences

I have a query similar to: select * from combined where valid_rating is null order by FIND_IN_SET(provider, (select provider from combined where valid_rating is null group by ...
David542's user avatar
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SQL query use rules for two tables and return results then third table

I'm trying to use rules from 2 tables in sql to add data from a third one, so far I haven't gotten the expected result, it's causing a conflict. Below is an example of the 3 tables and the expected ...
Roberto Truzzi's user avatar
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how mysql process select with many value in IN clause

For sql like select * from table where fieldA in (...), if there are lots of values in parentheses(like 1000 values), and there is a B-tree index on fieldA. How mysql execute this sql. Does it work ...
haoyu wang's user avatar
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working of mysql window function on top of group by

Consider the table below: ordersdetails(order_id,product_id,quantity) ([INPUT TABLE] The Query that works: select order_id,max(quantity) as max_qty, max(avg(quantity)...
Suhail's user avatar
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Why do multiple records Create a new table? [closed]

I have a script that displays database info. I have the info being retrieved correctly. My problem is in displaying said info. I have the below code to populate a table with the info. The info isn't ...
Christopher Blauvelt's user avatar
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Why is my SQL query so slow when using JOIN on large tables?

I'm working on a SQL query that joins two large tables, but it’s taking much longer to execute than expected. Here’s an example of my query: SELECT,, b.order_date FROM customers a JOIN ...
John David's user avatar
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Request become very long when using "GROUP BY"

I try to optimize my website and found some SQL queries which are long (3-4 seconds), when I created the site years ago, databases was empty so I thought SQL request was good, but now I have 100,000 ...
Thomas Rbt's user avatar
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in MySQL generated columns referring to current_timestamp fail

Given this table structure: CREATE TABLE t3 ( `id` bigint NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `abc` bigint NOT NULL, `ts` TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, `createdday` int GENERATED ALWAYS ...
sillydong's user avatar
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MySql in Kuberentes cluster wont allow connections even from inside the container

Kubernetes beginner here. I've stumbled upon a weird problem. I just started using kubernetes and have succesfully created a cluster with a master and worker node. (i have already gotten a nginx ...
Thomas van Vliet's user avatar
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Subquery in From Doctrine 2

I have been trying really hard to figure this out by myself but i can't seem to find any solution. So here we go! I have two entities with income and cost and they are attached to a third entity ...
Dennis Fransén's user avatar
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Database design for e-commerce site with 2 product categories [closed]

I've a requirement to design a database for an e-commerce app that has 2 type of categories: e-books and workout_plans and these 2 categories have different kind of features. Im a bit confused on the ...
Giacomo Figus's user avatar

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