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How to blocking suspicious requests to server - ubuntu nginx [closed]

I have a strange issue where whenever I send out a mailchimp mail campaign. My website then recieves lots of suspicious requests trying to access files. This only appears to be happening when I send a ...
lky's user avatar
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502 Bad Gateway when going on /phpmyadmin

I've configured my server with nginx, php 8.3, mysql, phpmyadmin And when I go to I get this error : 502 Bad Gateway nginx/1.24.0 (Ubuntu) Iv'e tried a lot of topic ...
maxyme jarrier's user avatar
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imagick extension not working in Ubuntu php8.2-fpm, nginx server

I have installed imagemagick extension in my VPS server. It's fully working with the php cli. Running php -i it shows that the extension is successfully enabled, however, in the php82-fpm the ...
Rejown Ahmed's user avatar
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"Call to undefined function curl_init()" with php8.2-fpm, nginx, ubuntu

I have an error with curl extension in php, I tried some tutorials from Stackoverflow and others, but I didn't find a solution My error displayed: Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined ...
Hugo Levet's user avatar
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how to resolve php-fpm 502 bad gateway error

I am new to Docker and created an image using images nginx:alpine and php:fpm-alpine (follwed this article). I went through different answers here but could not understand. I didnt find /etc/php5/fpm/...
Vishy's user avatar
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3 answers

Laravel [NGINX] 404 NOT FOUND on sub-directory or images even though they exist

NOTE: This project works well on my localhost. I installed this Laravel project on my server with Nginx as the webserver. It installed fine since I followed the instructions but when I upload an image ...
I.Am.That.JUDE's user avatar
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Nginx cuts off part of the response from php-fpm

Ubuntu 16.04. Installed Yandex Odyssey 1.0rc1. I launched it and when I immediately received a response from php, nginx began to cut off the response from php. We checked on the php side, php has no ...
1 vote
1 answer

Configure multiple php sites under single server without domain using NGINX

I have a VPS but I'm working without a domain yet, the server is currently using NGINX which I'm really new to. I'm developing 2 different sites, they will be hosted on that same VPS but they must be ...
Fahed's user avatar
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Start and stop PHP-FPM for specific users in a pool

I've set up a lemp stack, and intended to have each system user have their own isolated php-fpm instance to run their individual virtual hosts. I setup php-fpm pools for 2 test virtual hosts, and php ...
MediaGiantDesign's user avatar
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PHP overload when there are a lot of request

I have a website that receives a lot of traffic load, and when php is not able to handle all requests the web starts to slow down, even at certain times causes an error 502 nginx, I have this setting ...
CCG's user avatar
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NGINX config for laravel API backend

I deployed my angular front end and my laravel backend to an ubuntu VM onto an nginx web server. Now the front end works fine and is accessible through my URL, however the backend API does not work - ...
Frevelman's user avatar
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How to switch from php v8.0 to v8.1

I am using an ubuntu digitalocean droplet as a web application server. I have 2 active applications that require php8.0 and above but I want to deploy a third application that requires php8.1. I have ...
Mena's user avatar
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Is there a way to add an existing wordpress installation to nginx?

I initialized an Ubuntu server with Wordpress on Vult. I had to uninstall Nginx and remove Certbot due to some issues I encountered. I used $ sudo apt purge nginx $ sudo apt purge certbot After ...
David's user avatar
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Ldap for PHP is not working in ubuntu server

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function ldap_connect() in /home/runcloud/webapps/ldap/api.php:13 Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in /home/runcloud/webapps/ldap/api.php on line 13 I have ...
Anuj Tiwary's user avatar
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Change umask for www-data(nginx)

I have a website built with nginx. I can't change the umask for the www-data user. I wanted files that were created as www-data user to have rw-rw-r permissions. I saw a similar problem and a solution ...
Alexander_milk_pineapple's user avatar

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