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Reverse proxy a https website with Nginx Proxy Manager

I am trying to proxy a website that is hosted in other VPS with Ngix Proxy Manager. I am using port 443, but every time I try to enter a 502 error appear. Why could this be? Tried to Request a SSL ...
Valerie Crush's user avatar
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Nginx can not use 80 and 443 ports, used by httpd [closed]

I am trying to get my nginx inside a docker container to listen ports 80 and 443 but can not start it because ports are occupied by httpd. I need this configuration to work like a reverse proxy for ...
Lestra's user avatar
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CORS Issue in Nginx with FastAPI: Works with `*` but Fails with Specific Domains

I'm facing a CORS issue while configuring my FastAPI application behind an Nginx reverse proxy. The setup works fine when I set Access-Control-Allow-Origin to *. However, when I replace * with ...
Diyar's user avatar
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Create mTLS Connection between NGINX and Tomcat

I have a Java application that requires a client certificate to authorize backend calls (note: this application is provided to us, and we cannot modify it). When executing the command: curl --cert bla....
MrFeed's user avatar
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Nginx Proxy Manager is proxying all static file requests to the frontend container [closed]

I have set up Nginx Proxy Manager on my server to proxy requests to different containers. When accessing the / location, the requests are redirected to the frontend container, and when accessing /...
mark0wka's user avatar
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Remove index.php from URL in Nginx

my URLS should be in this format: But Google tries to scan also: I tried to solve this on Nginx ...
WalterV's user avatar
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Nginx configuration for reverse proxy on multilingual WordPress (WPML) with Laravel: 502 error

I have a multilingual website built with Laravel and a multilingual WordPress blog (using WPML) in the "public" folder. I'm trying to configure Nginx as a reverse proxy to serve the blog on ...
Veronica Piccone's user avatar
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22 views io.emit (broadcase to all clients) working in local but not working in remote server

server.js require('dotenv').config({ path: '.env/.env' }); var express = require('express'), fileUpload = require('express-fileupload'); app = express(), appPort = ...
Edcel Cabrera Vista's user avatar
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Avoid url normalization in a nginx reverse proxy

I am in K8S and I have configured a nginx in reverse proxy so that calls to /api/img are redirected to my service. Example /api/img/123%2F456/123.png -> http://service/123%2F456/123.png The ...
Olivier's user avatar
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docker container is running in os not accessible in browser

my simple docker container is running(i have run docker run -d -p 8080:80 -d nginx:stable-alpine3.20-perl) root@manual:~# docker ps -a CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND ...
Satya Asrith's user avatar
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How to refresh frontend cache automatically for a React webapp built with Vite

I hope this thread finds a kind soul that could help me lol I have a React webapp that I build with Vite : tsc && vite build Each time I do an update on that frontend, I increase the minor ...
ylaimeche's user avatar
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NGINX reverse proxy returns HTTP 400 with a invalid header line for my flutter app.Works fine in Postman

I've setup Nginx with reverse proxy to my django backend api. The requests from Postman work perfectly fine but on Flutter I get a HTTP 400 157 from the nginx server while performing a GET request. ...
Earthling's user avatar
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How do I fix my ASP.NET/Nginx backend to not require the UserAgent header?

I have a project with a C# client and a C# (ASP.NET Web API) backend. Earlier this year the client was able to talk to the backend without specifying a User-Agent HTTP header, but at some point this ...
Tim Cooper's user avatar
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Issue with NGINX and Nuxt in Docker: _nuxt Files Not Found (404)

I am working on a project that uses Symfony (backend) and Nuxt (frontend) running inside Docker containers. While the Symfony APIs work perfectly, I am encountering an issue where NGINX is not serving ...
Joachim Cupani's user avatar
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How can I Host Api Platform backend in subfolder on Plesk?

I'm working on a project with a VueJS frontend and a Api Platform backend. I'm trying to publish it through a Plesk Installation but I can't manage to make it work. I have set up my VueJS without any ...
Sparky's user avatar
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