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OpenCV GStreamer VideoWriter write hangs in a Python multiprocessing Process

I'm working on real-time image processing using a Raspberry Pi camera. To optimize processing times, I'm trying to separate some image transformations and video encoding in a separate Process: import ...
Aurelien Montmejat's user avatar
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I am not able to display and save a video from my Flir hadron camera using Gstreamer command in python3 Opencv

I'm trying to display and save my Flir Hadron camera videos using gstreamer pipelines in Python 3 OpenCV. I have a perfectly working Gstreamer pipelines that are able to display and save videos with ...
Ihssane Oubari's user avatar
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Grey Video frames when using OpenCV Videocapture with GStreamer C++

Hey, I am new to Gstreamer and want to send a video that is captured from a camera and manipulated with OpenCV over a network to the receiving part. The receiving part then read it and displays it. ...
ernsten's user avatar
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Gstreamer + OpenCV h264 Encoding&Decoding İmage Deformation Problem

Hardware: Apalis IMX8 CPU(SOM) and Sensoray model-1012 video frame grabber I am trying to save analog video with h264 coding and play it. The code has 3 parts. Reading camera, saving video with coding ...
uğur özdemir's user avatar
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How to forward rtsp video source to receiver over TCP or UDP with GStreamer CLI?

this is my first question here (as I remember) so if I'm doing something wring with the process please let me know. Here is the situation: I have a computer with access to an IP Camera streaming ...
Luis Paulín's user avatar
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Segmentation Fault when trying to initialize cv2.VideoWriter with gstreamer arguments in OpenCV-Python

I am attempting to use gstreamer in order to convert my OpenCV frames into a rtp stream, but I have trouble even opening up the webcam and other files. I was having trouble with getting my script to ...
user3377126's user avatar
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Errors and warnings with GStreamer are they undermining my output?

I am using a Python3 script to split video clips (.mp4) into frames (.png images). To do so I use opencv (cv2) methods. import cv2 import os dataset_folder = 'Video-dataset/' save_path = 'Video-...
YellowishLight's user avatar
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What is the best way to process video and transmitt on imx6 board?

Recently, I'm trying to use a board with imx6 processor and a MIPI-CSI camera to transmit video. Our goal is to transmit the video (1920x1080@30fps) through the RTP protocol and we did it using ...
E. Vera's user avatar
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GStreamer: cannot put pipeline to play

this is a command what I run in the terminal,rosrun ros_exploration ros_explorationafter that, I got an unexpected error as should be mentioning that the note,GStreamer: cannot put pipeline ...
TENG FEI HAN's user avatar
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Opencv 3.1 compiled with FFMPEG, but won't open https urls

I work on a 16.04 system, and have successfully installed opencv 3.1 with FFMPEG flags enabled. I double checked this was actually the case by cv2.getBuildInformation() and I got FFMPEG = YES. I am ...
stalagmite7's user avatar
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GStreamer in OpenCV does not send video data over UDP

I'm trying to use GStreamer on Mac (10.12.6) to stream a video encoded from OpenCV frames via UDP. For some reason this does not work and I'm not getting any error output from GStreamer or OpenCV. ...
RoboCreator1978's user avatar
13 votes
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How to open a GStreamer pipeline from OpenCV with VideoWriter

I am capturing video frames with OpenCV VideoCapture. The capturing works fine as I am able to use the frames like this: cv::VideoCapture cap("v4l2src device=/dev/video1 ! videoscale ! videorate ! ...
Pavel's user avatar
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Access Camera using OpenCV (Via GStreamer)

I'm trying to develop an application which should analyse a video stream from a MIPI camera(5MP). So I'm using gstreamer to get the video feed access it using OpenCV. I tried the following pipeline ...
KTB's user avatar
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Opening a GStreamer pipeline from OpenCV with VideoWriter

I am capturing and processing video frames with OpenCV, and I would like to write them as a h265 video file. I am struggling to get a proper Gstreamer pipeline to work from OpenCV. Gstreamer works ...
Eric Leibenguth's user avatar
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Gstreamer Appsink not getting Data from the Pipeline

I am designing a pipeline to Encode a video frame from a opencv application (got from a web cam) to video/x-h264 format, send it via network and decode it on another device of different type (probably ...
Varun Vijaykumar's user avatar

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