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How can I marshal a struct into JSON where one string field is streamed from an io.Reader containing raw text?

I have a structure like: { Foo int `json:"foo"` BigString io.Reader `json:"bigString"` // I want this to be encoded as a JSON string } And I would like to Marshal this into ...
pamphlet's user avatar
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ASP.NET Core 6 : HttpContext.Request.Body stream cant go higher than 4096

I'm writing an ASP.NET Core 6 program which receives many files and writes them to a SQLite database. I'm using the following code on the client to send the file: var request = new HttpRequestMessage()...
user27382618's user avatar
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Stream data from Postgres to http request using Django StreamingHttpResponse

I would like to allow my users to download data from a Postgres DB, no matter the size of the requested data. For that reason, I would like to stream the data from the DB to the user. I have seen that ...
Istopopoki's user avatar
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Send istream over HTTP using WinInet

I have an istream which length is not known that I want to send to an HTTP server. I have to use the windows API in wininet.h. I already a code that works but it requires the total size of the istream....
Captain'Flam's user avatar
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Golang TCP socket chunk limited to 4096 bytes [closed]

I’m trying to write a simple TCP server in Go. I’m using netcat (from a Linux machine) to open a connection and send 5000 bytes of data. Unfortunately, on the server side, I can only see 4096 bytes ...
GinGin0000's user avatar
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Golang calculate hash from io.Reader and append to the end - Multireader

I've got a reader in representing some file data which I want to process, but also calculate hash which would then be appended at the end of it. The challenge is that data hash can only be calculated ...
Tom Raganowicz's user avatar
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How to implement live streaming in a Telegram bot?

I am trying to implement a live streaming feature in my Telegram bot but am not sure where to start. Specifically, I want to stream a live video/audio feed to the users who interact with my bot. I ...
Miloud Mokkedem's user avatar
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Quart @stream_with_context decorator not persisting g global object

I presume that the quart @stream_with_context decorator would allow the g object to be make availble to the async generator. However it does not seem to be working. Here is the simple quart app that I ...
Yash Khandelwal's user avatar
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Looking for something to make a transparent, borderless, click through window that I can position and resize [closed]

Is there a program that I can use to make a window like I described in the title? The goal is to use the window for discord screen share. I have an ultrawide monitor and I would like to share my ...
Tech Smith's user avatar
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Flutter/Dart: How to stop reloading the Stream on keyboard action ListView.builder

I am building a chat app that stores conversation between users on Firestore. The app is working as expected in regards to send and receiving messages, but I am struggling with the stream being ...
Rafael Ireno's user avatar
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Why are chunks sent from Node.js using Sever-Sent Events / Chunked Transfer Encoding different in size when sent and received?

I am streaming some data using Node.js / Express.js Server-Sent Events: app.get('/', async (req, res) => { // Implementaiton detail doesn't matter, writing some pieces over some period of time ...
goose_lake's user avatar
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The argument 'stdio' is invalid. Received CustomWritableStream

In NodeJS, I want to be able to capture the output of a spawned process in memory (without a file being written, and without using the inherited sysout). The documentation says I can use a Stream... ...
Nick Grealy's user avatar
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How to have an asyncio StreamReader and StreamWriter that work on a buffer?

For writing unit tests for IO code in the past I've used BytesIO instead of a real file/socket/etc. so I can test my functions on hand crafted data. As far as I can tell Python provides no async ...
Joseph Garvin's user avatar
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How to add new events to gRPC server-side streaming from an external source?

Question: I'm working with gRPC in Dart, specifically implementing server-side streaming. My goal is to modify the stream by adding events from another file using a reference to the StreamController. ...
Ankit Maniya's user avatar
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Multipeer Connectivity: stream callback function of StreamDelegate only called twice

I am trying to send a series of numbers using a stream through Multipeer Connectivity. But the callback function of StreamDelegate is only called twice. func startAngleDataStream(){ print(&...
TheJavaNoob's user avatar

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