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Why is Query Optimizer Underestimating and Causing Data Spill to tempdb?

I have a very simple query that I am testing by running ad-hoc. The execution plan indicates that data is spilling into tempdb because of poor estimates. I have been unable to resolve any of the three ...
James's user avatar
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How can I optimise this SQL GROUP BY to remove duplicates, summing on numeric fields?

I am running the following query: /*Put the grouped data into a temp table */ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS _TEMP_FORECAST_PARTITION_DATA SELECT SCENARIO, PERIOD, DEPARTMENT, ACCOUNT, CATEGORY, CURRENCY,...
Matt Benaron's user avatar
-3 votes
2 answers

When i call this function for 700k record it is very slow

When I call this function for 700k rows it is very slow. This function calculates the number of holidays between two dates. ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[HolyCount] ( @StartTime datetime, @...
Adel's user avatar
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SQL query performance: condition within JOIN ON vs WHERE clause [duplicate]

We have millions of rows in a table. We don't have direct SQL Server access, so I'm unable to see the execution plan. Which query is more optimized in SQL Server? Condition within JOIN ON clause: ...
Nitin Chavan's user avatar
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Why are columns not in my SELECT coming in the output when looking at the execution plan?

I am running the below query and the below index is present to satisfy the query. SELECT top 100 RCLNT, RBUKRS, RYEAR, RACCT, DRCRK, SUM(ISNULL([000],0.00)) AS CSLVT,SUM(ISNULL([001],0.00)) AS CSL01,...
LeKalan's user avatar
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SQL Server not using filtered index for a query

I created this index: CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IDX_Speedup_04] ON [Sessions] ([ServerName] ASC, [SessionId] ASC, [CreatedTime] ASC) WHERE ([UniqueSessionId] IS NULL) But the query: UPDATE [...
Payal Bansal's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Performance issues with recursive SQL Server stored procedure for hierarchical data

I have a stored procedure GetCombinedRequestInfosByEmail that retrieves hierarchical data for employees. The procedure performs well for lower-level employees but takes around 55 seconds to execute ...
Kavinila's user avatar
-1 votes
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How can I optimize SQL code when needing to repeatedly call a scalar function for a substantial number of rows?

Here is a table called 'Operations' with a bunch of dates, and I need to find the time differences between six specific dates. But when I try to do this, it takes forever because the table has a lot ...
Monika Eliashvili's user avatar
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SQL timeout from a simple, one table, query

My query is dead simple but sometimes it gets a timeout exception. SELECT TOP 100 * FROM [cmn].[ProductChange] WHERE shop_id = @shopId ORDER BY changed_at DESC This is the execution plan: If I ...
Menelaos Vergis's user avatar
1 vote
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Slow query performance due to partitions

In SQL Server, query B performs hundreds of times faster than query A. There are only 12 partitions in total. How to make query B as simple as query A but keep the performance? Relevant SQL statements:...
Someone's user avatar
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Query Optimization and Removal of Sub Queries

I am having performance related issues regarding this query used for a report. The report is going after a view 'dbo.v_auto_no_home' This view has a join on landing_CIM_NIN_DOB. The ...
JDBA's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

SQL Query taking too much time in entity framework using ToList() [closed]

I'm utilizing Entity Framework Core. Using this code, fetching 2000 records takes over 1 minute. Please assist me in finding the data within seconds. var incomingEmails = acompDbContext.IncomingEmails....
Shashank Singh's user avatar
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How to speed up the performance of multiple update queries in SQL Server

Are there specific strategies or best practices that can be applied to expedite update operations in SQL Server, particularly when dealing with large datasets or complex update conditions? I have ...
IT Researcher143's user avatar
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Optimizing Query Performance for Large Tables in SQL Server Using Dapper ORM

Introduction: In our application, we're utilizing the Dapper ORM to interact with a SQL Server database. One of our critical tables, OperationSteps, has grown significantly over time, leading to ...
user24275375's user avatar
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Order by extreme performance impact

I have a complex query in SQL Server which take 70 seconds to complete with 3,000,000 records. When I remove the two ORDER BY clauses, it just takes 0.5 seconds to complete. SELECT TOP 100 ...
Shayan Firoozi's user avatar

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