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Dealing with the non-linearity of perspective shadowmap depth values

I have implemented shadow maps in GLSL by rendering the view from a light into a depth texture, and then in a second pass compare these values when rendering my geometry from camera view. In ...
Bram's user avatar
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Modern OpenGL: Object picking (C#, OpenTK)

I am trying to implement object picking in OpenGL using C# and OpenTK. I have written a class for this purpose based on two sources: OpenGL ray casting (picking): account for object's transform ...
wotnot's user avatar
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Orthographic projection matrix issue in OpenGL

I'm try to render a scene with the orthographic projection matrix without any success. this is my vertex shader: #version 330 core layout (location = 0) in vec3 position; uniform mat4 model; ...
thewoz's user avatar
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X-Y-Distance from camera to object in vertex shader

I want to show some fog / aerial view in my application. But I only want to use the x,y world distance from camera to the model to determine the appearance. I already managed to get the signed z-...
User Rebo's user avatar
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Threejs: compute projected coordinate in fragment shader

I'm struggling with handling Coord in fragment Shader. In brief, I just want to draw circle with fragment shader using (x,y,z) of world space. But because of camera position and the z of circle's ...
hwloom's user avatar
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Applying a perspective transformation matrix from GIMP into a GLSL shader

So I'm trying to add a rotation and a perspective effect to an image into the vertex shader. The rotation works just fine but I'm unable to make the perspective effect. I'm working in 2D. The ...
Winter's user avatar
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What's the fourth dimension in a GLSL gl_Position?

I'm learning OpenGL, and currently I'm writing a shader, but I'm confused as to why the gl_Position variable is a vec4 instead of a vec3, as I'd expect. I'd expect this of course because it uses 3D ...
Jacob Garby's user avatar
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OpenGL NDC and coordinates

Although I am relatively new to OpenGL, I have no trouble with matrix algebra, homogeneous coordinates, rotations and projections. I have set up my mvp matrix to get a good view of a cube and it ...
Paul's user avatar
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Is 4th row in model view projection the viewing position?

I want to light a flat surface at vertex level from the direction of the camera. I expect the lighting to not change when I rotate the view but it is brightest when I look slightly away. Is mvp[3] not ...
spinning's user avatar
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Perspective projection of GLSL textureCube on arbitrary geometry from same origin does not conserve straight lines

Problem: Certain straight lines (the blue z axis in this example) are not projected to straight lines when projecting the picture of a rotated cubecamera with the cube shader on a non-cube screen and ...
Elias Hasle's user avatar
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OpenGL: Projecting view-space co-ordinates to NDCs, results seemingly outside of [-1,1] range

I've been attempting to implement screen-space ambient occlusion as instructed by this tutorial. I've been tackling problems with my implementation as I've come across them, but this one has me ...
Richard Williams's user avatar
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OpenGL Frustum Pedagogy

i've been drawing directly into homogenous clip space (the 2x2x2 cube centered around 0,0,0) in opengl and i've realized that the perspective transformation matrix transforms all geometry from one ...
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How to recover view space position given view space depth value and ndc xy

I am writing a deferred shader, and am trying to pack my gbuffer more tightly. However, I cant seem to compute the view position given the view space depth correctly // depth -> (...
aCuria's user avatar
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raycasting: how to properly apply a projection matrix?

I am currently working on some raycasting in GLSL which works fine. Anyways I want to go from orthogonal projection to perspective projection now but I am not sure how to properly do so. Are there ...
user240137's user avatar