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What’s the difference between linear depth, perspective depth, and orthographic depth?

Studying the code of three.webgpu.js, I come across the terms "linear depth", "perspective depth", and "orthographic depth". I know there is a visual difference between ...
Pershing's user avatar
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Why is writing to gl_FragDepth fast when using constant values, but slow when using varying values?

I have the following situation: I want to transfer depth values from a framebuffer with 1 sample to a different framebuffer with 8 samples. I think, the only way how this can be accomplished is by ...
j00hi's user avatar
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Why does the default Metal VisionOS implementation of the Renderer use 0.0 as the default depth buffer and greater as the depthCompareFunction?

Question As the head states, it seems from what I'm reading, most places seems to be standard to use "less" as the comparator function and using 1.0 as the depth buffer. Does it make a ...
Luke Xu's user avatar
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How to store origin depth values in depth attachment?

I am trying to implement rendering points on top of geometry as in Blender. The algorithm is as follows: rendering is done through PointList without depth test. The depth test is done manually in the ...
Wusiki Jeronii's user avatar
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OpenGL: How do you use the stencil buffer to discard fragments closer than polygons drawn to stencil buffer?

In the engine I'm working with, I'm drawing some polygons to be used as a stencil for a portal of sorts, and I want to clip depth to it, in the sense that anything I draw after setting up the stencil, ...
Jordon Moss's user avatar
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WebGL screen to world coordinate

I'm creating a 3D globe with elevation: I now want to add click detection to get a 3D world xyz position from a 2D screen xy + depth (from a click). I'm using the following code (inspired from ...
Tim Autin's user avatar
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Monogame My 3D objects overlap instead of drawing based on position relative to the camera Hey, I’m having trouble with overlapping 3d objects. My 3D rendered models/objects are drawn on top of each other based on which draw method gets called ...
MaybeAFish's user avatar
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Does Vulkan require a depth buffer attachment to perform a depth bounds test?

The behavior I'm hoping to achieve here is to have my fragment shader write to gl_FragDepth and for a depth bounds test to be performed on that value before going on to a stencil test. There are a few ...
sgfw's user avatar
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Why does my OpenGL Win32 app depth is limited and how to increase it?

My OpenGL scene 3D becomes all black when it outs of the "3D viewport deepth" but i don't succeded to increase the value of the "camera depth far value" Here is my whole code if ...
vistaxp's user avatar
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DirectX 3d 11 after using the Depth Stencil view in OMSetRenderTarget nothing is rendering at alllll

I HAVE been trying this for hours now. I have no clue why the triangle is not rendering on the screen. D3D11_DEPTH_STENCIL_DESC dsDesc = {}; dsDesc.DepthEnable = true; dsDesc....
abx_pradB's user avatar
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Vulkan depth testing not working with dynamic rendering and deferred

My setup is like this: Render a small scene (ie. a single 3D model) into a framebuffer with 1 color and 1 depth attachment. Render the color buffer into a fullscreen quad Most code examples online ...
alexpanter's user avatar
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Access violation when calling ClearDepthStencilView in DX12

I'm trying to learn DirectX12 and have been following along with 3dgep's tutorial. When I attempt to clear the depth stencil view, it works fine on the first call but throws Exception thrown at ...
Isaac Dexter's user avatar
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Unity: How to Convert Standard Custom Shader to HDRP Equivalent for GPU Occlusion Culling

I am working on expanding on a GPU Based Occlusion Culling system that was first created by Przemyslaw Zaworski on One of the ...
Kason's user avatar
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Does a reversed depth buffer in OpenGL require vertex shader changes?

I've read many articles about what is and how to set a reversed depth buffer in OpenGL (just search for opengl reversed depth on Google and I've read 6 positions). None of them mentioned any vertex ...
Shout's user avatar
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webgl2 problem with rendering opaque and translucent triangles

I am working from a sample at My goal is to have a simple example that shows alpha blending with opaque and translucent triangles. I have 6 squares (2 ...
dhhepting's user avatar

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