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Pipfile.lock error when installing packages with pipenv

I am trying to create a virtual environment with Python 3.11.4, with the following packages: numpy 1.25.2, pandas 2.0.3, requests 2.31.0 and jupyterlab 4.0.5, where I can run jupyterlab and use ...
february4's user avatar
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Why does pipenv lock fail if a package is in "dev-packages", and succeed if it is "packages"?

I have a Pipfile structured as follows: [[source]] ... my source 1 ... [[source]] ... my source 2... [packages] package_1 = { version = "~=1.6", index = my_source } [dev-packages] ...
FabioCalcinelli's user avatar
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Pipenv packages install using requirements.txt

I'm working on a large Python framework built from about fifty packages; these packages and all their dependencies (400 more packages!) are referenced in several requirements.txt files for all ...
tflorac's user avatar
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How to package the pyspark application using the pipenv?

I have developed a pyspark application using many packages like Pandas, NumPy, mongo, etc. I am required to package the application and deploy it to the EMR cluster. I have referred to Spark ...
Shiva Garg's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to install langchain-openai that is compatible with existing openai installation?

I am migrating to langchain version 0.2 in my project, which now requires installing LLM models separately. I attempted to install langchain-openai using: pipenv install langchain-openai However, ...
Muhammad Mubashirullah Durrani's user avatar
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How to to pin versions in Pipfile automatically

I want to stop pipenv to update all packages on every pipenv install somepackage I'm aware of manually pinning versions in Pipfile, but how to do it automatically? I read about lock and freeze, yet ...
jjk's user avatar
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pyside6-deploy keeps rewriting python_path in pysidedeploy.spec

The documentation of pyside6-deploy suggests, that you shall use a virtual environment. So I got started with pipenv install pyside6 Inside that environment, pyside6-deploy runs without errors. Just ...
mayk's user avatar
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2 votes
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Reusing pip cache. Pipenv install results in constantly growing cache

I need to upload pipenv cache to S3 bucket after installing the dependencies as part of the CI run. I set PIPENV_CACHE_DIR env var to a path where to store cache and run installation command as ...
Valeriya Ermilova's user avatar
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Issue Running Unittests on GitHub Actions - ImportError

I’m encountering an issue running unit tests for my Django project on GitHub Actions. The tests run fine on my local machine using Docker containers, but I’m facing errors when running tests on GitHub ...
CRswr's user avatar
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1 answer

Issue installing google-cloud-logging with pipenv

The command pipenv install google-cloud-logging fails. I got the following errors: Locking Failed! c:\users\duytr\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pipenv\ DeprecationWarning: pkg_resources ...
auco's user avatar
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Docker script installing python 3.9 started failing recently

We have a solution deployed on AWS where an EC2 instance uses docker files to build images for different components. One of those components has a docker script we haven't changed in over a year that, ...
David McClure's user avatar
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How to import a private repo into a project using pipenv

I have a common utils repo with a I am trying to install this in a new repo using pipenv and am struggling to get it running. I don't often play with so am definitely doing ...
WhatAmIDoing's user avatar
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2 answers

Is it possible to create multiple pipenvs on a computer for multiple projects?

I'm learning about virtual environments in Python 3.9.2 and I learned that we can use pipenv rather than pip and venv to create virtual environments for our project. However, after some trial with ...
jacob malu's user avatar
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3 answers

How to run pipenv install?

I am trying to run pipenv install in cmd. But i keep getting the error Warning: Python 3.9 was not found on your system... Neither 'pyenv' nor 'asdf' could be found to install Python. You can ...
Lily White's user avatar
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pipenv install --ignore-pipfile makes no sense

pipenv install = pipenv lock + pipenv sync. So If the Pipfile.lock is re-locked, and install from Pipfile.lock, then what is the difference between pipenv install and pipenv install --ignore-pipfile? ...
ricolxwz's user avatar

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