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How to perform Drizzle Migrations in SQLite using Docker on production database on a VPS using Next.js?

I want to perform a Drizzle Migration on Production on a VPS. I can't run 2 commands pnpm db:migrate:prod & pnpm start in a Dockerfile. Dockerfile # Where & how do I run `db:migrate:prod`? ...
deadcoder0904's user avatar
-1 votes
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host.docker.internal in production environment

I am trying to set up opentelemetry for my core java based application. I am using docker to launch containers for grafana,tempo,loki and prometheus services. I want to export the metrics to ...
abhinand07's user avatar
2 votes
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Failed build Next.js 13 in Docker container because of relying to another container

So I composed 2 containers consist of Next.js and Nestjs app in Docker. Here is my docker-compose.yml: version: '3.8' services: api: container_name: api build: context: ./api ...
gidgud's user avatar
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docker-compose secrets MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD_FILE work correctly but DB_PASSWORD result empty string

MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD_FILE work correctly but DB_PASSWORD result empty string In my project. I use react as frontend, golang with fiber framework as backend and mysql as database. It work fine when I ...
Dewvie's user avatar
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docker using wrong angular environment file

I want to be able to toggle between Urls so that when I run my angular app locally for development I use the url of my localhost, and when I run it the way I would for production in a docker container ...
EnderBromson's user avatar
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NextJS won't render images in production

I have a nextjs app that is using images from the public folder and outside sources. It works in development and not in production. It even works locally using the same production environment with ...
kakakakakakakk's user avatar
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Building a Production-grade Data Science environment at home - Questions around orchestration

I hope you can help me here. I am working on creating a small environment at home for Data Science. I am having trouble understanding how to create the orchestration layer properly (I am also not ...
JusefPol's user avatar
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Buildx includes headers on Docker image

I couldn't see a duplicate discussion topic on this so I wanted to start it. Buildx plugin for Docker (which is built on stable Moby Buildkit tool) allows us to build for e.g. arm32/64 Docker images ...
davegurney's user avatar
5 votes
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How to have and read an environment file after an angular application has been built

I'm building an angular application. This angular application will be delivered to multiple clients with different needs and infrastructure. It will need several values (for example backend server, ...
J4N's user avatar
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Rails with NGINX Reverse proxy not working

I'm trying to run on production a Rails 6 application with Nginx (1.21) as a reverse proxy (both running on a dedicated Docker container). I have already done it for other 2 applications and as far as ...
Sig's user avatar
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Multiline env var in docker parsed differently in production

I have a docker-compose.yml file similar to this: some_python_service: ... CREDENTIALS: ${credentials:?err} ... And a .env file located in the same dir as the docker-compose.yml: credentials='{ ...
Yuv_c's user avatar
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Node.js: How to read variables from the system?

I'm completely newbie with Docker and to make a deploy in production I need to read the "environment" variables instead of a file or instead of the package.json script line from the ...
José Carlos's user avatar
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Can't run script inside postgres container

Assume we need to run second postgres instance in our production environment. First of them (postgres-one) already running and has few databases & data in them. Now I want to update my docker-...
Chad's user avatar
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How to set memory limit for Java 11 inside Docker?

What is the process to set memory limit for Java 11 inside Docker? Which JDK to use for production environment? Thanks
Naou's user avatar
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How to use environment variables in docker-compose in production?

How exactly do we specify the environment variable for docker-compose in the production environment? For example, below is a snippet of how I have specified my env variables in my current docker-...
Ishaan Ohri's user avatar

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