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208 votes
7 answers

config.assets.compile=true in Rails production, why not?

The default Rails app installed by rails new has config.assets.compile = false in production. And the ordinary way to do things is to run rake assets:precompile before deploying your app, to make ...
jrochkind's user avatar
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275 votes
12 answers

Separate dev and prod Firebase environment

I am considering using Firebase as MBaaS, however I couldn't find any reliable solution to the following problem: I would like to set up two separate Firebase environments, one for development and one ...
racs's user avatar
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192 votes
10 answers

How do I prevent node.js from crashing? try-catch doesn't work

From my experience, a php server would throw an exception to the log or to the server end, but node.js just simply crashes. Surrounding my code with a try-catch doesn't work either since everything is ...
TiansHUo's user avatar
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187 votes
6 answers

Ruby on Rails production log rotation

What is the best way to enable log rotation on a Ruby on Rails production app? Is it by using logrotate on the hosting server or is there a set of options to use when initializing logger from the app?
cnikolaou's user avatar
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196 votes
15 answers

Change a Rails application to production

How can I change my Rails application to run in production mode? Is there a config file, environment.rb for example, to do that?
Adler Medrado 和尊's user avatar
98 votes
2 answers

What is the difference between production and development mode in Angular2?

For some reason, I have to run my app in production mode. What is the difference between those modes?
Rhushikesh's user avatar
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37 votes
12 answers

Will enabling XDebug on a production server make PHP slower?

The title pretty much says it it a bad idea ? I'd like to have the enhanced debug messages that XDebug provides on the server. [edit] Just to make things clear. I'm aware there are security ...
Andrei's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

Access environment variables in production build Angular 4

I want to deploy a production build of angular app with a configurable API URL for the user to test it out. I use the environment.ts but after the production build, I do not know how to configure the ...
OreoFanatics's user avatar
69 votes
5 answers

How to run production site after build vue cli

I'm using VueCLI 2 and build as production. THe build.js is built and compiled into 200KB. When I re-run the server as development, it loaded 3MB. I'm sure the build.js inside dist folder is 200KB. I ...
Abel's user avatar
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83 votes
2 answers

Performance impact of using css / javascript source-maps in production?

Should source-maps be used in production environment? Do they provide any benefits other than debugging? Do they impact app load time due to the additional server round-trips? Are browsers smart ...
Ray Shan's user avatar
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29 votes
6 answers

PushSharp APNS production: The credentials supplied to the package were not recognized (development works fine though)

My app just got ready for sale on App Store, but none of my production devices (devices that have installed the app from App Store) are getting push notifications. When I try to send a push ...
Can Poyrazoğlu's user avatar
28 votes
2 answers

Setup sunspot solr with rails in production environment

I have tried various links but I can't seem to find a good resource on creating a running solr instance that works with rails in production. I understand that you have to setup the solr server for ...
Lester Celestial's user avatar
103 votes
1 answer

How to configure MongoDB Java driver MongoOptions for production use?

I've been searching the web looking for best practices for configuring MongoOptions for the MongoDB Java driver and I haven't come up with much other than the API. This search started after I ran into ...
Dan Polites's user avatar
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123 votes
5 answers

Webrick as production server vs. Thin or Unicorn?

It seems like it's taken for granted that you must not use Webrick as production server, but I can't really find anywhere mentioning why. The consensus seems to be: "Webrick is ok for development, but ...
Vlad's user avatar
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40 votes
3 answers

Rails Internationalization (I18n) in model validations: Possible or not?

I have the following validation in a model: validates_inclusion_of :whatever, :in => [true, false], :message => I18n.t('please_select_whatever') It seems that the translation does not work in ...
TomDogg's user avatar
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