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No OPENSSL_Applink when running pyinstaller compiled binary

I'm using pyinstaller to compile my python project. I do: pyi-makespec pyinstaller main.spec I've only added a file in the data variable of the main.spec The build runs without any errors, ...
eru's user avatar
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CVAT API called from python requests give "Multipart form parse error"

I'm trying to upload .xml-annotations into cvat by using python script with requests module. My code: with open('../metadata_decompressed/1770.xml/annotations_copy.xml', 'rb') as f: #data =
Dmitry's user avatar
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Request failed: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url:

Request failed: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /devices/R0664654-1WP/messages/events/?api-version-2018-86-30 (Caused by ...
Rajesh Chaudhari's user avatar
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Connection aborted, Remote disconnected (Remote end closed connection without response) in python Session.request()

I am having a trouble with using the request() method of Session class in Python. In my backend, if I call an API with request() Method first time there is the response. But if I call this method ...
Keiru Dev's user avatar
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Where do I look to find a domain's policy on web scraping? [closed]

I often use bs4 and requests in python to gather data from a website. Where can I find the policy on data collection? (Keywords, Sections, shortcuts, etc.) I'm hesitant to post any of my code on the ...
Duby's user avatar
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How to Fetch GraphQL JSON Data from a URL in Python?

I am trying to fetch GraphQL data from the URL: https://URL I’ve tried using Python’s requests library to make a POST request, but I’m not sure how to structure the request to get the desired JSON ...
Mary's user avatar
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Why is Python httpx.get or requests.get much slower than cURL for this API?

For a home automation project I am trying to pull train delay data. An API wrapper exists, with cURL examples. These work fine, but both Python's requests.get and httpx.get are slow to pull data (up ...
0xDEADBEEF's user avatar
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Python requests.get method stuck on audio streams [duplicate]

requests.get gets stuck on streams, like, for example, Is there any way to detect this automatically and abort? ...
user27333936's user avatar
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How to download a image using requests

I have to download and image using Python requests. I logged into the website and followed each session when I clicked the image link from the network section, I got a post session with URL. ("...
Tonin thomas's user avatar
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Efficient Strategies for Scraping Multiple Pages from a Website [closed]

I am developing a web scraper to extract data (such as titles, authors, and prices) from a website that has potentially up to 2100 pages. I’m seeking advice on the most efficient strategy for handling ...
Shaimoom Shahriar's user avatar
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Got_Error_403_after_few_requests [closed]

Request failed: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Read timed out. (read timeout=10) Please help me with that issue, website block me after few request even i use proxies and ...
Abdullah Zubair's user avatar
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ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'requests' in vs code

I have installed the latest version of requests as well as of pip. I also checked the pip list and in that, I found request, requests-file and requests-toolbelt all three with the latest version, but ...
Jaskaran Singh's user avatar
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A script using the requests module produces a 428 status code

I've created a script to issue a POST HTTP request with appropriate parameters, generated upon complying with the fields shown in this image, to this website. The script is supposed to produce a 200 ...
robots.txt's user avatar
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SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED on Python requests call to local server

I am attempting to make an API call to an application on a local machine. It works perfectly when I set verify=False in my test environment, however my understanding is that this is not best practice ...
Sam Cohen-Devries's user avatar
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Is this the correct way of using sessions with multiprocessing in a process safe way in Python?

I am going to implement requests with sessions in my application, but I have read some threads concerning issues with thread and process safety, but those arent exactlty recent. My application run 800+...
Welsige's user avatar
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