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How to debug Ruby on Rails in Heroku Staging with VSCode

We've set up a Heroku Ruby on Rails API app and used the Pipeline feature to create a Production and Staging copy of the app. We develop on a Linux VM with VSCode Remote from Windows PCs and push ...
Bill Wagoner's user avatar
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Postgres out-of-memory errors on Heroku stack

We're running a Rails application on Heroku, with Postgres 15.7 (on the plan Heroku Postgres standard-2) Before upgrading to Postgres 15.7, we were on 12.x with Heroku Postgres standard-0. We have ...
Jeroen's user avatar
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React Component in Rails App Appears on Localhost but not Heroku Production

I have a Rails 7 app (esbuild, NO webpacker) with multiple React components, most of which work perfectly on localhost and in my Heroku production environment. Weirdly enough, this one component is ...
Liz's user avatar
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Rails 7 action cable deploy in Heroku doesn't work

I need to update the show page with the new items created, so I'm using web socket which works perfectly in local server but in production is not executing the reload page in the stimulus controller. ...
Luciano Petillo's user avatar
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Heroku : ruby app, issue when i tried to push it

i create an app on ruby on rails with heroku this app already exist online now I try to push a new version of this one on heroku, but i have an issue. i already update my ruby and rails version (...
Fabien Goussen's user avatar
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Rails Heroku deployment fails: Could not find gems, Failed to install gems via Bundler

So I have a Rails application that I am trying to push to Heroku. When I run git push heroku master, I get: $ git push heroku master Enumerating objects: 1369, done. Counting objects: 100% (1369/1369),...
Slaknation's user avatar
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Rails 6 Heroku asset compilation

We're running a Rails 6.1 app on Heroku using Sprockets. For the longest time we've had config.assets.compile = true on our staging and production environments, but Heroku complains and suggests that ...
Tony Beninate's user avatar
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Image upload on cloudinary impossible from tmp/uploads

I have an Ingredient controller which allows you to massively associate photos with a series of ingredients. In a local development environment, everything works well. I use a tmp/uploads folder to ...
Quentin's user avatar
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A message "The change you wanted was rejected" was generated during the registration process - Ruby on Rails, Heroku, Cloudflare

The message "The change you wanted was rejected" was generated while a user was trying to register for a dance event via website The app is developed in Ruby on Rails, ...
wired for freedom's user avatar
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Rails Turbolinks not working when promoting to production on Heroku

I have the following setup: Rails 7 app, Turbolinks (loading/compiling via sprockets) local dev environment -> localhost staging on Heroku -> production on Heroku (1st ...
user2148956's user avatar
1 vote
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How to update RAILS_MASTER_KEY in Heroku for production.yml.enc?

I deployed an initial version of a Ruby on Rails app to Heroku. That version used credentials.yml.enc and master.key and only contained development secrets. Then I created production.yml.enc and ...
João Souza's user avatar
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The error "Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - config/puma.rb" occurs when I try to deploy rails docker container to Heroku

I try to deploy a rails docker container to Heroku, but the error Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - config/puma.rb**" occurs after I execute "heroku open -a [My app ...
Takeru Kamiwatari's user avatar
-5 votes
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Application error with error code H10 of a ruby on rails app deployed on Heroku [closed]

I encountered an application error after having deployed my Ruby on Rails app to Heroku. The app is developed on Cloud9 from AWS and is called "wcslux_app". The app is equivalent to the ...
wired for freedom's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

error: could not execute query: ERROR: schema "_heroku" does not exist

I use Heroku to deploy my app and changed my plan from Basic to Essential 1 on the Postgresql add-on this morning. Since then, I cannot manage to download my database in a local environment. Here is ...
Julien's user avatar
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Heroku router error ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches [GET] "/assets/modules/seat_builder.js")

The error that I am getting, in the Heroku server logs is this: ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches [GET] "/assets/modules/seat_builder.js") This error is popping up for every ...
TheCodeSommelier's user avatar

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