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Rails: problem with "@hotwired/turbo-rails" and redirects

// app/javascript/application.js import "@hotwired/turbo-rails" import "controllers" import "trix" import "@rails/actiontext" import Rails from "@rails/ujs&...
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Rails: problem with handle redirect with turbo_stream in apps

In the application, when creating a feature, it was necessary to add hotwired/turbo-rails. // app/javascript/application.js import "@hotwired/turbo-rails" import "controllers" ...
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Rails Turbolinks not working when promoting to production on Heroku

I have the following setup: Rails 7 app, Turbolinks (loading/compiling via sprockets) local dev environment -> localhost staging on Heroku -> production on Heroku (1st ...
user2148956's user avatar
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Rails 7 with turbo

I have a rails 7 app and this is my package.json file: { "name": "app", "private": true, "dependencies": { "@fortawesome/fontawesome-free": ...
Dev's user avatar
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Rails app not updating page when in responsive mode

I have an app built using Ruby 3.3, Rails 7 with import map and dart-sass for my asset-pipeline, the application uses bootstrap for css and coreui\coreui-admin as FE template. Saying that my error is ...
Guilherme Caixeta's user avatar
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Turbolink is redirecting to a previously deleted item URL multiple times when trying to delete item 2nd time

I am implementing Turbolink in my shopify application. I have a list of records, when I delete records one after another then first record deleted successfully but when I want to delete another record ...
Lokesh Suman's user avatar
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Rails 7 Delete links insidea turboframe with dataturbo false are not pointing to delete action

I follow this reference Delete link sends Get request instead of Delete Rails 7 But looks like It is not working for me I have this link inside a turbo_frame <%= link_to t("delete"), ...
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Turbolink is loading before getting the session token from the Shopify App Bridge

I am implementing session token in our existing shopify app, It is a multi page application so I am using turbolink (suggested by shopify docs). See the below code that I'm using for generating ...
Lokesh Suman's user avatar
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How execute js code in rails 7 'create.turbo_stream.erb' file

here is my comment controller code def create @comment = @feed = Feed.find(params[:comment][:feed_id]) @comment.commentable = @feed @...
user24471549's user avatar
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Rails 7, How to create file download with button?

Rails 7.1.3 I want to offer a file download to the user with either a button_to or a link_to. View: <%= button_to "Download Cat Photo", controller: "my_cont", action: "...
newser's user avatar
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Ruby on Rails link_to renders multiple times

I have an index page that shows multiple shipment cards. I want to wrap each of these shipments in a link_to that will visit the show page of the shipment. For some reason, when I inspect the HTML in ...
UrGirlLumi's user avatar
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link_to render de the view of destiny before action rails

Thanks for your atenttion, when i pass the pointer over the link, this link_to render the view of destiny but not redirect to the view, only in the terminar appear the GET action, i think this was ...
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Terminating turbolinks:click event listener once a user has navigated away from a form

I have been tasked with creating an unsaved changes alert in a form partial for a Ruby on Rails app (full MVC architecture). While not new to Rails, I am new to Views, turbolinks, and jquery and have ...
ryanosull's user avatar
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Rails 7 with Turbo & jQuery not working / only working at first page load

I am using Rails 7 with the default turbo installation. I also want to use Materialize CSS and jQuery. The jQuery $(document).ready... functions work on first page load but not ever after. This is a ...
Boenne's user avatar
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Nested partials were not working in turbo stream rails 7

comments_controller.rb class CommentsController < ApplicationController before_action :fetch_post def index end def new end def create @comment =
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