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Json serialize and deserialize protobuf generated types

I have some objects that are generated from protobuf and at some point these types need to be serialized and deserialized into JSON. The issue I have is we have a map field in the protobuf which is ...
Birdalicious's user avatar
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Serialize Java Map<String, Object> to create dynamic GraphQL payload string

I am building a REST application in Java that needs to dynamically build GraphQL payloads to send to a GraphQL API. We will receive a String entityType = "MyEntity" and a Map<String, ...
ThomasJazz's user avatar
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Different name of serializer data django

I want to serializer a list of dicts that contain a whitespace. Obviously I can't write cat name = serializer.Charfield(...) in Python (see the space between the and cat). So, I tried source=, but I ...
PythonForEver's user avatar
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Why ProtoInclude necessary for Parent class

I'm new to the this, we have many classes and it is inherited with parent classes, some times it is multi-level inherited. we can't add [ProtoInclude()] everywhere. I don't know we really ...
Pradeep's user avatar
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Trying to skip one level when generating Json from wrapper class that contains two classes

So I have this domain class in a spring boot app for a REST API, that contains two subdomain objects: public class Maximize { private Profit profit; private Stats stats; ... The ...
Raquel  Garrido's user avatar
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Serialization and Deserilization C# Expressions with Remote.Linq

Can anyone help me and share an example of how I can serialize and deserialize C# Expressions with Remote.Linq and System.Text.Json? I did not find any working examples. Expression<Func<int, ...
HamedFathi's user avatar
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How to Access MIPI camera on RPi4 using Serializer MAX96717F and Deserializer MAX96714F

I want to access the camera on RP4 while using the Serializer MAX96717F AAK and deserializer MAX96714F BAK. After making the connection and configuring the serializer for Tunnel mode (also tried with ...
Farhan Khan's user avatar
-2 votes
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Python standalone copy of class object

I want to save a standalone deep copy of class object (not its instances I mean the class itself) to a file. But when I save class object with pickle, dill, cloudpickle they save class object in a way ...
Farhang Amaji's user avatar
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C++ accessing global variables in a lua_State

I am currently building a program that lets me implement Lua scripts. I want to get into serialization of those scripts, by accessing only the global variable of a lua_State by name and by value. My ...
BigAgg's user avatar
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Java serialization of classes with dependency injection with no framework

I am using dependency injection the following way, because it is not possible to use a framework yet: class Dependency { public void do() {} } class Dependant { private final Dependency ...
Gabriel Carrera's user avatar
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Should I do Java record class implement Serialization?

I did DTO object cache. Error occurred code. public record EventListCopyResponse( Long eventCode, String title, String content, String image, String thumbnail, ...
ghosttrio's user avatar
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How do I customize the serialization and deserialization of structured data using serde_json? [duplicate]

I want to customize the JSON representation of my struct. For example, given a Color struct... pub struct Color { pub r: u8, pub g: u8, pub b: u8, pub a: u8, } ...with methods to ...
Leonardo Raele's user avatar
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Xunit Serialize/Deserialize Custom Type

I'm trying to serialize / deserialize a unique type as part of an xunit c# test. The type is List<GraphicTestCase<TPage>> _testCases = new(); GraphicTestCase looks like the following: ...
damiensprinkle's user avatar
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How to convert a Unity GameObject to a file and convert it back including the components and their values?

I'm trying to make a save and load system for my unity game that loops through all GameObjects, but for some reason I can't figure out how to convert the GameObject to a file. I know how to save the ...
Name Hidden's user avatar
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Deseralizing JSON Issue... My code or My File?

I have a JSON I'm trying to deseralize in C#. I have set up several classes to model the data format of the JSON contents. I have built some data classes for other JSON's. This one is giving me issues....
Aaron's user avatar
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