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Input file specified two times

I am using shell in Jupyter with Python programming Language. When I use to prepare a dataset, I fail to complete it on sorting by column and case sensitive. The line is like this: !head -n 5 $...
md Almus Fuad's user avatar
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pass variable number of arguments to python from shell script

I have a very simple shell script which accepts 2 arguments after some processing pass these 2 arguments to python code. like below arg1=$1 arg2=$2 #some processing... python3.6 $arg1 $arg2 ...
Aniket's user avatar
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busybox_glob to run linux command xargs

I am trying to run xargs command in windows via 'busybox_glob.exe' find . -name test.c | c:/sw/test/build/busybox_globe.exe xargs c:/src/sw/test/clang-format.exe -i -style=file:C/src/sw/.clang-format ...
kathy's user avatar
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Filter CSV rows where specific fields are null or non-null

I'm trying to filter lines in a CSV file based on two specific conditions, using awk: Field 2 should be null (empty) and Field 4 should be non-null (not empty). Field 2 should be non-null (not empty) ...
Sandeep's user avatar
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Can you help me with my Powershell script , Clickcount is not working correctly [duplicate]

I set the conditions under which the clickcount value changes, but when the button is pressed, the new value is not pulled into the formula. I set the conditions under which the clickcount value ...
артем казаков's user avatar
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How can I sed two curly braces on two lines and add a coma between them on a Mac?

I'm trying to parse some JSON and am running into an issue with parsing. My objects are: { "foo" : "bar" } { "spam" : "ham" } I want to change this in a ...
gran_profaci's user avatar
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How to get the current Wi-Fi SSID in Swift on macOS?

I’m trying to write a basic Swift script to get the name of the Wi-Fi network I’m connected to on macOS. However, even when connected to Wi-Fi, it prints: Not connected to any Wi-Fi network. import ...
Piero's user avatar
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jenkins Credentials Binding Plugin not showing username

I m using jenkins Credentials binding plugin with usernamePassword but apparently after recent update the username is not interpreted correctly. withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: ...
Yassine Mrabet's user avatar
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Ping in Bash Parallel [closed]

I am trying to ping a range of IP addresses using Bash and generate a CSV file with the results. My current code is as follows: CSV_FILE="ping_results.csv" echo "IP Address,Status" ...
georg's user avatar
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ZSH/Bash export variable from command substitution with spaces [duplicate]

I'm trying to set variables from the output of a command but bash and zsh are not respecting the quotes. $ export $(echo 'foo=one bar="two -x"') bash: export: `-x"': not a valid ...
Clint's user avatar
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Sourcing ~/.bashrc doesn't source included script [duplicate]

I've a Docker image that installs rvm. In the Dockerfile, I append the following lines to the ~/.bashrc of the user. export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.rvm/bin" source "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm&...
Abhijit Sarkar's user avatar
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How to include the month(date) in the echo statement in unix

I intend to print out boy+month+i...The issue seems to be with the date month variable. I tried with running and the month date seems to be neglected.I know the month date can be fixed manually, but I ...
user234568's user avatar
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Editor Commands Hang When Running AWS Login Script in Zsh

I'm working on a script that updates an existing secret in AWS Secrets Manager. The script is written in zsh and involves several operations, including an aws_login function that handles AWS ...
pdna's user avatar
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shell globbing i.e. 'ls' multiple named folders [closed]

Let's say we have a folder with following subfolders. abc def ghi xyz Now I want to ls (globbing) content in def and ghi. Imaginative pseudo cmd (not working): ls [def|ghi]/src/*/main.c Expected ...
Gert Gottschalk's user avatar
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Need to grep two different output but filenames are same [closed]

Shell script 1 Test1=command 2>output.txt Shell script 2 Test1=command 2>output.txt Shell script 3 and so on All the shell script will run parallel but how do i differentiate the output.txt file ...
Kingsters's user avatar

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