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How do I make text in Button take up a bigger part of it?

I'm trying to make a custom keyboard for an android app so I'm trying to make the text on the buttons as readable as possible. I want the text to be big on the button, but setting the textSize ...
user26370805's user avatar
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How can I reduce my APK size? The lib folder is too big in it

I'm currently working on a small project utilizing GeckoView. Despite starting with an empty project and merely adding GeckoView to the dependencies (without adding any resources or images), the APK ...
Panku's user avatar
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How can I load an image to an ImageView without reducing its original size, while scaling it down to the dimensions on the ImageView?

I can load drawable into an ImageView, and save it afterwards. But the saved image is smaller in size than the original one. I suspect it is the size of the ImageView. How can I load an image into an ...
Karim Nasser's user avatar
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Change back to default font size in Android Studio

I accidentally set the font size to too large in Android Studio. I cannot use any function now including scrolling. I did not enable change font size by Ctrl+mouse wheel. How can I change back to ...
yolopoi's user avatar
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How to correctly Setup Font sizes / Width of elements depending on Pixel density on Android?

I'm currently developing a .Net Maui android application and I've hit a roadblock with FontSizes. After deploying the app and trying on many different phones I've come to realize that screens with the ...
Gustavo José's user avatar
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How to find total size and available size of an USB connected to Android device in latest android version

I'm trying to find out the capacity of USB device connected directly to Android device and also SD Card connected via card reader (not direct insertion to phone). I tried various methods to find out ...
Rishwanth L's user avatar
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How to Handle ConfigChanges in Library or Module Java Android?

I add ConfigChange in Manifest on My Aplication Package: android:configChanges="screenLayout|uiMode|orientation|screenSize" But when rotation, Width and Height Size detect just first ...
wiefunkdai's user avatar
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Android Apk Size Investigation

I build the Apk of my Android app, which is around 177 MB. I'm already using pro-groud to reduce the app size but still, it's 177 MB what are the other methods that I can use to reduce my app size? I ...
aayushi tiwari's user avatar
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How to include database without increasing app size?

I got an SQLite database of 150 Mb and they want it in the application so a first time user doesn't face downloading after installation from Google Play. Someone suggested with a MacBook this can be ...
Mehar's user avatar
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Android device Display Size setting scaling app (React Native)

I've thoroughly researched the issue of preventing Android device display size scaling in my app and attempted the solution from How-do-i-prevent-android-device-display-size-scaling-in-my-app. By ...
ahniuby's user avatar
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Is there a way that Flutter won't allow my app to install or run at different sizes?

I have coded an application that I have only optimized for the size of the phone (it is responsive on the phone). Now I want it not to be run or installed when the user runs it with the emulator on ...
FORGE096's user avatar
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Does LineDataSet state gets altered by chart.setData(lineData) in MPAndroidChart?

I have a weird behavior happening to me, where I have a unique LineDataSet instance used across 2 different charts. This LineDataSet obtains its configuration BEFORE entering ANY one chart. Both ...
Delark's user avatar
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Jetpack Compose: Setting fixed height of parent view

I'm converting code to Jetpack Compose. Dimensions of a particular container in recycler view are set by API response. ViewContainer: <FrameLayout xmlns:android="
Regress.arg's user avatar
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How to determine the accurate image dimension in px of an ImageView in a ConstraintLayout?

If I had an ImageView with fixed width and height (the width and height of the ImageView layout) it would be really easy to determine the accurate dimension of the image in px in the mdpi folfer. For ...
sacacorchos's user avatar
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Get rid of default extra padding for Texts in Jetpack Compose?

I can't find a way for such a simple change: Texts in jetpack compose have a default padding on top and bottom like this: How can I remove that? I want the border of the Text Composable to be at the ...
user19095510's user avatar

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