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Difficulty parsing XML

This c# code: HttpClient apiP21 = new(); apiP21.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("client_secret", "thesecret"); apiP21.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("grant_type", "...
Christopher's user avatar
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pyspark XPath Query Returns Lists Omitting Missing Values Instead of Including None

I have a PySpark DataFrame with a column containing XML strings, and I'm using XPath queries with absolute paths to extract data from these XML strings. However, I've noticed that the XPath queries ...
Krushna's user avatar
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Find a particular tag within XML file in Python using xml.etree.ElementTree as ET with method root.find() - does not work as doc describe

I have an XML file "bib_full-001664.xml" and want to find element: <issn pub-type="ppub">2544-1558</issn> My XML file: <OAI-PMH xmlns="http://www.openarchives....
Adam Jurkiewicz's user avatar
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XML schema includes schema without Namespace compile error in C#

I have a shared XML schema which has not namespace declared department.xsd <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <xs:schema xmlns:xs="
Helic's user avatar
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How to Crop Video in Kotlin Similar to Image Cropping Using FFmpeg? [closed]

I'm currently working on a Kotlin application where I need to crop videos in a manner similar to how images are cropped (i.e., selecting a rectangular area of the video to keep, rather than just ...
Hafsa Azram's user avatar
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How to perform XML Canonicalization in Android without

I'm working on an Android app where I need to send a signed XML request to a government agency. The requirement is to canonicalize the XML document before signing it. I cannot use the org.apache.xml....
Shukur Nuriyev's user avatar
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How to modify text alignment in Pencil Project wireframes by editing embedded XML?

I'm using Pencil Project for creating wireframes of GUIs, and I want to learn how to modify the wireframe more accurately and precisely by editing the XML embedded within the .epgz files. Here's the ...
Foad S. Farimani's user avatar
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OpenAI Vector Store not accepting my xml file

I have nowhere else to go for this answer, and I'm seeing if someone has figured this solution out. I started using ChatGPT and OpenAI recently. I am trying to upload an xml file in a vector store but ...
Mark Hill's user avatar
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Extracting data of this xml to Python dataframe

I cannot get the extraction of this xml data to dataframe to work properly. This is my xml sample. In reality I have multiple stacks of "Entity" which represent one line of data in the ...
Charlotte's user avatar
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How to add widgets (e.g. a button) to a window in a C++ application using gtkmm and builder XML file

I am working on a simple example of a GUI application written in C++ using gtkmm (version 3.24) and an external XML file. Thanks to the answer to this other question I managed to create an empty ...
Fabio's user avatar
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Bottom app bar with Floating Button and Bottom navigation in xml layout

In case i want create Bottom navigation similar this image with material 3 in xml layout i try it with this code but is not true work similar ui <androidx.coordinatorlayout.widget.CoordinatorLayout ...
Pouria Hemi's user avatar
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Getting unexpected XML response from Java ResponseBean

This is the response I'm getting: <ResponseBean> <var> <var> <name>isOp</name> <value>0</value> </var> ...
vanshika Bhatnagar's user avatar
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How to prevent ImageView from being clipped at the edges of a LinearLayout in Android?

I am trying to make a profile image to be placed on top of the border, but it keeps getting cropped out by the borders of the linear layout. Here is my code: android:id="@+id/linearLayout&...
Milki Wasihun's user avatar
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4 answers

How to parse in Postman body response from XML format

Using POST request in Postmat I received a body response as XML data like this. <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <S:Envelope xmlns:S="
Nat S's user avatar
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Java XML Signature Generation fails validation, how can I correct this?

I am working on an XML signing process in Java using the javax.xml.crypto.dsig package. My goal is to sign an XML document. While the signature is successfully generated, when I attempt to verify it, ...
Dennis Koech Kipkorir's user avatar

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