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How to determine how many character will fit in a label?

I found this: Is it possible to calculate how many characters will fit in a fixed width label if font is provided in C#? It didn't work, I have a label and I want to determine how many characters will ...
SPlatten's user avatar
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Fetch Document Size in DocuSign using C#

I have been able to fetch envelope documents in DocuSign account using C#. EnvelopeDocumentsResult docs = envelopesApi.ListDocuments(accountId, envelope.EnvelopeId); if (docs != null && docs....
Gags's user avatar
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How to correctly Setup Font sizes / Width of elements depending on Pixel density on Android?

I'm currently developing a .Net Maui android application and I've hit a roadblock with FontSizes. After deploying the app and trying on many different phones I've come to realize that screens with the ...
Gustavo José's user avatar
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Inconsitent behavior of `Marshal.SizeOf<T>()` and `Marshal.SizeOf<T>(T structure)`

I see inconsistent behavior of the Marshal.SizeOf<> method overloads. For brevity, I will consider here only the generic overloads. This was tried with the .NET 8 runtime. ISSUE 1: Marshal....
Jeppe Stig Nielsen's user avatar
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How to set properties in a xaml to a maximum value?

I'm working on a UserControl, which has some labels, checkboxes, .... In order to configure that usercontrol, some styles are used, as you can see here: <UserControl.Resources> <Style ...
Dominique's user avatar
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Boolean Array size restriction in C# [duplicate]

I'm trying to use a boolean array with 10000 elements & my program is erroring out as the number of elements coming into my file load are more than 10000. Is there a max limit restriction on ...
TomFL's user avatar
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How to display images larger than 256x256 in ListView?

ListView is connected to ImageList in order to display images. The maximum size of image in ImageList is 256x256. I tried to add larger image in ImageList, but an exception occurs. On the following ...
Constantine's user avatar
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How can i reduce the PDF File Size while Uploading time in C#

Can any one please help me for How to reduce the PDF File Size while Uploading time in C# image compression done my side but iam unable to compress the pdf file I tried to uploading pdf file but i ...
Durgarao's user avatar
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Setting a Paper Size into C# print

I have a project which requires me to print big data on paper , width f the paper in 3.3inch but the height can be as small aS 0.8 inch up to 100 inches base on the data(label printer) I have been ...
S2G's user avatar
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How to find out the size of an object recursively in c#?

I have a complex object with properties that range from int, double, string, List of objects, Dictionary<sting, dynamic> ,etc. How can I calculate the size of this object (without using GC) ? I'...
Curry's user avatar
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C# WPF DataGrid uniform columns size reduction

It is necessary to evenly reduce the size of the columns by dragging the right edge as it is implemented in the Visual Studio. How to uniformly resize a table by dragging the right border? Below is an ...
BouRHooD's user avatar
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c# wpf how i set top element to fill and bottom fixed Height?

ok, is pathetic but i am at this more than 4 hour and cant figure out with this don't work, i tried stackpanel, grid, dockpanel, and everything comes to the same result what i need is simple, the ...
Marcos's user avatar
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Is there any good way to get a smaller C#-XmlSerialized file?

I use C# xmlSerializer to serialize/deserialize a big object contains many members. And the saved file is very large, like 8~10M. Is there any good way to get a small file? like 500k? my code like ...
sherry's user avatar
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WPF Window Displays Smaller Than Requested

I'm trying to display a borderless window that fills the full screen across all monitors. I have the follow basic application: using System; using System.Windows; namespace BlackScreen { public ...
Harry Muscle's user avatar
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Find out width and height of an Image in C# [duplicate]

I am currently trying to get the Size and reshape my rectangle to the actual size of the image (width and height). However when i use Image.Height or Image.Width its always 0. The picture that is ...
fblechinger's user avatar

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