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Accurately positioning labels under steps in an HTML range slider

I'm working to create this: It has to support labels along a slider that are non-linear e.g. 400K, 500K, 750K, 1M but be visually evenly spaced apart. I got close with this but I can't get the labels ...
Darren Nix's user avatar
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Input range - position each step

I have horizontal points with months. Above points, I would like to create a shape (ship) that you can drag to the next steps. A few points are grouped to display the same slide. The gap between ...
Matteor's user avatar
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Javascript slider add counter slide number

I have a slider built in Javascript, CSS, and HTML with no dependencies. The slider works fine. How could I display the counter slide number in Javascript inside the div element .gallery-counter? For ...
Mathieu Préaud's user avatar
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when i use direction vertical in swiper slider swiper-slider get infinite height

When I use direction vertical in Swiper.js slider swiper-slider get infinite height. function imgWithTextSlider() { var swiper = new Swiper(".imgWithTextSlider", { ...
Rinkesh's user avatar
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Second slide range not printing

I have two slider bars that should output a number each. My first is outputting a number in ` however I cant get the second slider bar number to out put. Can someone see why ?` function ...
Beep's user avatar
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How to : button/link that display specific slide in slider [Vanilla Javascript]

for a portfolio website purpose, I've created a (very simple) carousel. Thing is : I want my slider/carousel to be usable with a menu (in addition to Next and Prev buttons). To be more precise, each ...
notadev's user avatar
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SwiperJs: I'm displaying groups of 2 slides, they should be centered but I can't even achieve it restraining the slides width

I am working with SwiperJS to create a slider that displays two slides per group, centered within the slider's container. My current implementation results in the slides expanding to fill the entire ...
Tomas Gil Amoedo's user avatar
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Responsive slider

.item-slider.object-fit { height: 220px; } @media screen and (min-width: 768px) { .item-slider.object-fit { height: 250px; } } @media screen and (min-width: 992px) { .item-slider.object-...
Katarina Radicevic's user avatar
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How to Integrate a Slider Inside an Invisible Container Toggled by a Button?

As someone relatively new to HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, I'm currently working on a learning project where I'm trying to include a slider component within a container that remains invisible by default ...
Mycroft_47's user avatar
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"slideToLoop" to last slide in Swiper behaves wrongly, I want it to take me to end of the slide, but it takes me to the start

UPD: I've used rewind instead of loop, and it's seem to be alright. I understand what that might be the problem with loop, but I need some solution When I click "play video" it takes me to ...
BredBul's user avatar
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Swiper JS - Problem with centeredSlides: true, slidesPerView: "auto", loop: true

I'm having a problem with my slider, is not completely centered, one of the slides is on the other side and the slider does not look centered, this is my code example. I appreciated your help :). [...
Daniel Martinez Bandera's user avatar
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Swiperjs breakpoints doesn't apply when reach the breakpoints

I'm using swiperjs and I want to make the swiper responsive by using breakpoints property. However, the default value of slidesPerView the isn't applied when the screen reaches a smaller value than ...
Gia Khánh's user avatar
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CSS image slider carousel with cross fade - how to get timing right?

I am trying to create an image carousel using CSS where each image appears for four seconds, then cross fades to the next image. I want to include three images that loop. I found code on another post ...
jayomayo's user avatar
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Why does my console.log output the incorrect HTML slider value in JavaScript?

I am creating a web form and I am using HTML sliders as one of my input methods. I am using to output the current value of the slider on the page as the value of the slider changes. This currently ...
Milosharkey's user avatar
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Wordpress navbar and slider

I have this website here built in wordpress: Cerabora. In mobile view, if you try to slide from the left side of the home page first slider it will not work, but it works when try it from the opposite ...
Ayoub's user avatar
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