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Swiper slider with slidesPerView="auto" skips my last items

I wanted to make a slider using Swiper, that shows 3 cards and align to my container. On the initial state the first chard schuld align on the left of my container and have one "empty" card ...
Chrissi's user avatar
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How to change body background dynamically based on the active slide in Elementor loop carousel?

Body: I'm using Elementor and have a loop carousel element with multiple slides. I want to dynamically change the body background image to match the image of the central slide (the one currently in ...
quri_design's user avatar
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Styling Avalonia Slider Conntrol

I would like to style the sizes and colors of Avalonia Slider Control. Visually it seems to work but it stops the sliding functionailty, I tried to look at the Slider source code to find out how to do ...
tridy's user avatar
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Slider stops working if I import `pandas`

I am using a matplotlib.widgets Slider that becomes unresponsive/won't move if I import pandas in my code e.g. import pandas as pd . Code won't complain about module and simply commenting it out ...
Giorgos Mamakoukas's user avatar
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GUI python program with adjustable number of widgets [closed]

I want to make a Python GUI program in which the number of widgets can vary based on user needs. Is it possible to dynamically add or remove widgets like RadioButtons and Sliders while the program is ...
Morteza Hajimahmoodzadeh's user avatar
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React Swipe Slider: Centering Larger Item with Consistent Gaps and Fixing Jumpy Transitions

I’m using on a React Swipe Slider and facing issues with centering a larger item while maintaining consistent gaps between slides. Additionally, facing two main issues related to centering a larger ...
Rashmik V's user avatar
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Swiper Slider does not provide an export named 'Navigation'

I am working on a project with Quasar Framework. I wanted to integrate swiper slider. I have installed it with the npm command and I can see it's installed version as [email protected]. However, when I ...
Tolgahan Dayanikli's user avatar
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constraint vertical slider on top anchor of another object

In my swift code there are 2 sliders 1 is on the bottom and 1 is constraint and rotate vertically. What I want to do is constraint the right slider to the top anchor of the bottom slider. You can see ...
Sam Burns's user avatar
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Video autoplay on next slide

So i have a small slider build with UIkit. If the second slide is a video, it would be important to only start the video when clicking on the next slide. That way, the video is at the beginning when a ...
maidan's user avatar
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change the size of selected uiview

In my swift code a button adds a uiview to the view controller and when the slider is moved it adjusts the size. The problem is it can only affect the size of the most recently added uiview. I want ...
Sam Burns's user avatar
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Accurately positioning labels under steps in an HTML range slider

I'm working to create this: It has to support labels along a slider that are non-linear e.g. 400K, 500K, 750K, 1M but be visually evenly spaced apart. I got close with this but I can't get the labels ...
Darren Nix's user avatar
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Slider not running to the end; only runs first two slides

I'm trying to implement a slider on my landing page. I followed this tutorial on Youtube but only the first two slides work. i slightly modified and only kept three slides. Can anybody give a second ...
Le Baron De Kin's user avatar
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Styling input["range"] in Bootstrap 5 and Angular

I am trying to re-color the thumb slider for a Bootstrap 5 range control, but I can't seem to find the magic combination. Here is a stackblitz:
ed4becky's user avatar
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How could I increase minimal range in mat-slider element of Angular framework

I'm using Angular v16. I'm creating a range slider using mat-slider element. By default, the logic is that maximal value cannot be lower than minimal value, but they can be equal, so minimal range ...
lia-ail's user avatar
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constraint rotated vertical uislider

This is how I would like my ui slider constrained. However the slider is not vertical. To make it vertical I have to use sliderX.transform = CGAffineTransform(rotationAngle: CGFloat(-Double.pi / ...
Sam Burns's user avatar

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