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C# WPF Slider AutoToolTipPlacement styling

Right now I am stuck on how to style a tooltip which is in AutoToolTipPlacement of a Slider. Is there any method to do it? I need to be able to change the structure and the text of the tooltip. During ...
Michael's user avatar
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How to make a Slider Control and progress Bar for Music Player WPF

How can i make the slider which can control from which duration the song should be playing and move according the duration of the Song i have this xaml code for slider and progress bar: &...
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Slider Control Update Label Based on Value Error on Slider_ValueChanged

Trying to do something super simple and I am not getting it. New to this programming stuff a bit. I have a slider control. I have two labels. One I have bound to the value of the slider to show ...
ExpertOnNothing's user avatar
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Binding a Slider Command in WPF, MVVM

I have a slider in XAML, and I would like to bind the "Thumb.DragCompleted" event handler to a command that I have defined in the ViewModel. My code is as follows: <Slider ...
DrunkOldHobo's user avatar
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How to WPF Slider and Textbox two way binding?

i want slider value to binding on textbox and textbox to slider value(user interaction). im now just textbox binded of slider value. How can i get it? <TextBox Width="70" Height=&...
ygkang's user avatar
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How to WPF slider value make sure the numbers be shown to the thousandths?

I have TextBox of binded Slider value and I want make sure the numbers be shown to the thousandths. How do I get it? <Slider x:Name="AOch1" Maximum="20" ...
ygkang's user avatar
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Cannot bind slider value in DataGridTemplateColumn

I am trying to create a DataGrid with two text columns and a template column as follows: <UserControl ... Name="TcpNtcpSliders" ...> <DataGrid Name="MinTcpDataGrid&...
Anno's user avatar
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Draggable rectangle thumb on a WPF slider - Custom Control

We have got a requirement where we have to use a WPF slider control. Attached a screenshot of requirement for better understanding. And we want the thumb style to display like a rectangle to show the ...
Techsavy's user avatar
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How to properly make a controltemplate for a slider in WPF?

So I've been trying to override the default style for a slider, but I feel like the way I've been doing it is not correct. For one, I'd like to be able to highlight the track behind the thumb. How do ...
user18683670's user avatar
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How can I stop my slider from snapping back with isMoveToPointEnabled = true. (WPF C#)

I am doing a small project for fun where I'm making a local music application (kinda like Spotify), and I would like for the slider I use for the music track (MusicSlider) to snap to where I click my ...
Nisse123's user avatar
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How to update Slider value automatically C#/WPF?

I have made an app to controll the volume of my pc it is setting the slider's value to the volume of the pc when i am starting the app but i want it to update it's value if i change the volume using ...
Daniel Man's user avatar
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Selecting a start value for a Slider without triggering ValueChanged Event

I want to set the slider Value to 10 and then make it possible to move it down or up again, but when I set a Value for the slider, I get an Error which says System.NullReferenceException this is the ...
David's user avatar
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Trying to increase the value of maximum of WPF slider once the slider reaches the maximum

I am creating a video editing application with WPF. I have a slider with a Maximum value of 1000. I have an image and its image source is bound to a file path in a list of ImageFrameModels where the ...
Jacob's user avatar
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Textblock over the elipse slider thumb - avoid resize of grid behind elipse when text is changing C# WPF

I would like to implement textblock with actual value of slider on the top of elipse slider thumb. When textblock have the same widht as elipse everything is working properly but I need to increase ...
qblacksheep's user avatar
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Slider Thumb with TextBlock in WPF

I am new to WPF and just learning it. I am trying to make a custom Slider in WPF. I want to get a result like this: . But I get this: . My style for the slider looks like this: <Style x:Key="...
Joel's user avatar
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