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re upload same texture into the object make the object texture different and low quality

i tried to update the texture on my glb file with some texture images and same texture image, but it was always like has some striped on my texture after update map texture here is my current texture ...
notnuyy's user avatar
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How to extrude a certain triangle in a mesh in three.js

Description: My three.js scene is based upon a selection tool in which if we click and drag over the mesh it colors the triangles of the mesh red, I want to create a function that when runs checks the ...
AshhadDevLab's user avatar
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Unable to rotate model group across actual center

I am a bit new to the 3d world. I am trying to create snapchat like filter which will cover your face with models. Everything was working fine until i got the new set of models which are each a head(...
noob7's user avatar
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Mesh Noise in Three.js Compared to Blender

I have a mesh that's a photogrammetry scan, so it's a bit dirty. I've set it up in Blender and Three.js the same way, flatShading, no lights, just pure diffuse/texture shading. In Blender, it ...
Karric's user avatar
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Converting 2D Image into 3D Using three.js and Other Tools [closed]

I have an image of a data visualization that I want to make into 3D. I was wondering how I would be able to convert this image into 3D using three.js and other possible tools. I have no idea what to ...
javacash's user avatar
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Can I make a cylinder emit light in three.js to make it look like a tube light?

I'm new to Blender and three.js and would like to know if there are any resources where I can learn how to effectively build a scene in Blender and then export it to three.js. In Blender you can make ...
Fidel's user avatar
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THREE.JS : How do I dynamically change a specific face for a JSON loaded model?

I have a JSON loaded mirror that I would like to hook up to a webcam. The mirror's reflection will be updated with video coming from a canvas. I was able to follow this source
Christopher Plantijn's user avatar
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Difference between offline rendering and real time rendering

I have a model that I am trying to use in a web game using three.js. When I render an image of the scene in blender, the quality of the image is very good. Specifically, the quality of the textures ...
captain_farrel's user avatar
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Exporting a simple model with texture from Blender to three.js

Note: I want to avoid modifying the model in the javascript code and do all the model design inside Blender. Note #2: While this question is long, it is actually a basic problem (title says it all). ...
Isaac's user avatar
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My model exported from blender to three.js won't render correctly

I'm trying to make a simple gear animation for my website using three.js. I created a gear mesh in Blender and a nice, shiny bronze material, and exported it to three.js json format with the blender ...
cheshircat's user avatar
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Angles of skeletal(bone) animation in three.js is slightly incorrect

I'm trying skeletal animation in three.js, using a model which was exported from Blender as a JSON file. I have tried following solution: Then, loading ...
yomotsu's user avatar
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Morph Targets Three.js

I'm trying to get started with morph targets and three.js. However, there doesn't seem to be much documentation on this subject. As I'm looking at the source code, morphTargetInfluences[] seems to be ...
user2517605's user avatar
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Three.js - Flickering Texture

I am trying to load a JSON file that I exported from blender. There are two meshes and two materials in the file. This is the code that I use to load the JSON. var self = this; var mushroomLoader = ...
user1409748's user avatar
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Is it possible to import/process advanced light attributes (IES) in WebGL?

IES (Illuminating Engineering Society) is a file format (.ies) that enhances lights in animation tools. It adds accurate falloff, dispersion, color temperature, spatial emission, brightness and stuff ...
Bearcat44's user avatar
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Three.js: Load JSON file to be viewed in

i have a question regarding putting a 3dModel from Blender to a Three.js page. I have created a 3D Human model in blender. I can export it using the 2.66 three.js-export plugin for blender. When I ...
Spixel89's user avatar

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