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Location tracking stops when app goes to background. Any solution?

Our flutter app is job portal app where user confirms odd jobs and agencies posts jobs in it. Now we want to add real-time location feature which will tracks the user live location 1 hour before the ...
Muhammad Asfar Ali's user avatar
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GA4 passing `value` parameter for an event

I'm building few tracking events which touch payment conversions, let's say this event name is event_123 in the Event Parameters I pass value (default Google parameter recognized with checkmark) and ...
Boleslaw's user avatar
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subtitle does not appear on an html video page

i wrote this html page and i put this video from my computer and i also included English subtitles but when i choose either of the two subtitles it does not appear on the screen. [![ <!DOCTYPE ...
Wisam's user avatar
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My background services is not working correctly for realme and vivo phone

My background location services is not working correctly for realme and vivo phone.. I am using foregroundservices which is working correclty for motorolla and samsung etc..I am not getting location ...
Cpn app's user avatar
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Why does my PayPal sandbox app permissions authorization fails?

I'm getting error [2024-07-31 10:49:37] INFO: Response from tracking information request: Array ( [errors] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [...
dodo's user avatar
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Tracking booking event using GA4 analytics without GTM

I am trying to create an event on GA4 Analytics account that detects whenever someone clicks the Confirm Booking button and books an appointment, but I am not sure that set the correct matching ...
ShadowKnight's user avatar
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MlFlow - How to get user_id or user_name while logging actions performed on front-end

In order to comply with some requiremnt, imposed by internal software policies, I need to log user_name or user_id of actions performed on the frontend (UI), for instance @catch_mlflow_exception @...
fabio.geraci's user avatar
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Change and adjust car GPS device settings through WEB APP

I have a Teltonika FMB641 device and I want to communicate with it without using SMS and only through WEB Application. There was nothing written about this on the device site. And what I took from the ...
Houman Farokhi's user avatar
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TypeError: object of type 'numpy.float32' has no len(). (Tracking people)

import cv2 import numpy as np from ultralytics import YOLO from deep_sort_realtime.deepsort_tracker import DeepSort def count_unique_people(video_path): model = YOLO('') cap = cv2....
san4s's user avatar
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Send response to GPS tracking device for Login message

I am working on a project where the task is to receive location data from a GPS tracking device; Also to respond back to a few of them including Login. I went through a similar question but do not ...
Sachin's user avatar
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How to know if React Native app is manually opened by the user?

The problem statement is - I want to track exclusively that the app is either opened manually by the user, or by a push notification or a deeplink click. The Push notif and deeplink opens can be ...
Saumya Ranjan Nayak's user avatar
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Google map is shaking while marker is moving on the surface of the map (Flutter + Firebase realtime database)

I'm using google_maps_flutter, flutter_polyline_points and firebase_database packages in my Flutter project. I have another app which is for driver and it's live location is shared with firebase ...
Zia's user avatar
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Can I use DaSiamRPN tracker on Windows/ with Python 3.11

I am trying to integrate the DaSiamRPN Tracker into my code, but I wanted to see if this is possible first with my particular set up - I'm using python 3.11 on a windows computer (with a NVIDIA GPU). ...
Amy Hassett's user avatar
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Email tracking - opena and clicks are being triggered without the user

I have an email client that lets you send emails and champains. I want added the ability to track open rate with a pixel and clicks with a redirect method. The problem is that the email is being ...
Ram Perel's user avatar
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ERROR: Could not build wheels for passpredict, which is required to install pyproject.toml-based projects

I have a problem with installing a library. that I will use to track satellites in an educational mini project. I will use SGP4 propagation from pip install passpredict which has Requirements as ...
nubie's user avatar
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