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How to time a svg transformation with javascript

In this example, the svg-plus button transforms into a close button when clicked and vice versa with svg.setAttribute("transform","rotate(45)");. Is it possible to time this ...
Simplicissimus's user avatar
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Get transform property from SVG and modify - JS

I have this html <g id="testId1"> <a id="testId2" xlink:href="###"> <circle class="visited" id="p7" cx="100....
Ivan Puente Cruz's user avatar
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How to inverse perspective Transformation on SVG

Let's say I have a div in which there are two SVG elements : svgPlan and svgIcon (which is an SVG Image element). svgPlan: svgIcon: A set of transformations (perspective, rotateX, scale, and ...
Mourad Over Flow's user avatar
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Center a scaled and 90 rotated <g> transform

How do I horisontally and vertically center a <g> transform that has both a scale + rotate (90 degree) values defined? Im my example I have a 85x85mm SVG element that im trying to center towards....
user1231561's user avatar
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svg elipses going to top left cornor when transform rotate

When I animate the lp and rotate it it goes to the top left corner end I can't figure out why it won't center. I thought transform-origin: center; would do the job but it is not working. Any help is ...
J.vee's user avatar
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Controlled Multi - Rotation of SVG text elements

I'm really having trouble to understand how <text> elements are supposed to be rotated in a controllable way in <svg>. The concrete example is here: <svg version="1.1" baseProfile="...
DevelJoe's user avatar
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How to prevent svg img from being affected by button parent transform property on any pseudo class?

In other words, preventing children from being affected by parent property so i tried to rotate these buttons on hover first then other things, but let's focus on hover for now, but the problem is ...
adamuous's user avatar
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CSS Rotated (diagonal) div, sections, navbar and footer, use svg or just transform skew, what to use?

I'm starting as a front-end web developer. Currently, I'm having trouble when trying to implement a layout for a customer website. The designer is asking for a layout like this. As you can see, the ...
Raikish's user avatar
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Rotating an embedded svg object in html/js

I'm trying to create a one-handed clock to be used as an HTML-based desktop wallpaper. I've embedded the SVG for the hand into the HTML, and am trying to get the hand to rotate with reference to the ...
graphicswithahat's user avatar
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Masked svg element not showing whole svg item

In this example I am trying to scroll a masked container item using transform: translate and animation: infinite. Problem is that only a small partition of the masked container item is scrolling. ...
Kris's user avatar
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Transforming an ellipse in svg

Im currently programming in svg for an assignment and i can't seem to get this right. So I want an ellipse so make get smaller and bigger, not in the cx or cy, but in the ry. My question is how i ...
Inci's user avatar
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How can I make continuous animation attached to an svg inside a button on hover smooth?

I am working on a codewars link (a div). I would like the svg inside the div to rotate continuously on hover. The resulting hover effect is far from smooth, the svg jumps when the mouse rolls over it. ...
Katia Punter's user avatar
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CSS transforms won't apply on page load and dynamically update on <g> inside svg

I wanted to position text in the bottom left of an SVG element, and managed to achieve that using groups and transforms, but noticed that it won't update if i resize my window vertically, and also it ...
Vlad's user avatar
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CSS rotate SVG repeated <use> element around object center

I'm trying to rotate an single object which contains SVG through CSS. I'm having trouble to get the rotation around the center of the element, though 'tranform-origin' is set. HTML: <svg xmlns="...
maus's user avatar
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Scale an SVG element using a transform origin

<html lang="en-US"> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> </head> <body> <iframe src="https://s....
basement's user avatar
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