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What’s the difference between linear depth, perspective depth, and orthographic depth?

Studying the code of three.webgpu.js, I come across the terms "linear depth", "perspective depth", and "orthographic depth". I know there is a visual difference between ...
Pershing's user avatar
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CSS parent with 3d perspective but not text child

const wrapper = document.querySelector('.conveyor'); var rows; const [rowLeft, rowTop, rowRight, rowBottom] = rows = wrapper.querySelectorAll('.row'); var config = { timing: 300, } function ...
Weilory's user avatar
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How to move elements in a perspective view with CSS?

As you can see under, I’ve built a perspective view of a 3D cube (orange) in a 3D structure with CSS. :root { --side: 40px; --rowCols: 3; --wh: 121px; --mside: -40px; --twoSides: -...
Swiftiti's user avatar
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Is there a way to change a gameobject from perspective to orthographic seamlessly in Unity?

I need help with transitioning between 2 view angles. I've searched but couldn't find a solution for this. I'm working on a board game with checkers-like pieces. I have the main camera mode set to ...
Eddie Domínguez's user avatar
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CSS perspective percentages and improper scaling

I'm trying to make a view of the inside of a room from a first person perspective using CSS and HTML. It's easy enough using the 3D transforms and the perspective attribute — the tutorials on the ...
emssej's user avatar
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Perspective correction with OpenCV - Image is cropped to reference marker

I'm trying a simple perspective correction script with Aruo markers, The script is correctly detecting the Aruco markers and fixes the perspective, But when it outputs the result, The image is cropped ...
Udara Sampath's user avatar
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PerspectiveAPI in python

Is there a way to run Googles Perspective API through Python to obatin toxicity, insult, and threat scores of an input text? I am trying to run the perspective API from the perspective v1.0.3 in ...
Sar99's user avatar
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Image transformation in OpenCV and Qt C++

I have set of images taken from right side of object like image1. I need to rotate it about vertical axis and change it tobe like image2. Is that affine transformation useful to convert image1 to ...
Mehran's user avatar
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Overflow:hidden breaks z-index and translateZ but 'visible' does not. Why?

I'm trying to make a 3D art piece that has some layers in front of the frame layer and some layers behind the frame layer. I want the frame to mask off the layers behind it, and still be able to see ...
Tom Columbus's user avatar
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Using GLSL, how to create a perspective bending like effect

I'm trying to make a perspective bending GLSL shader similar to this. Original: Perspective Bending: void mainImage( out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord ){ vec2 uv = fragCoord.xy/iResolution....
Mouaad Abdelghafour AITALI's user avatar
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Why tranlateZ() property is not working if overflow is hidden for parent

I am trying to apply translateZ after applying perspective and preserving 3-d But not applying on my container; .wrapper { height: 100vw; width: 100vh; perspective: 10px; } .container { ...
Ritik Kumar's user avatar
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Why some unicode subscripts appear as rectangles in axes labels of persp3D in R?

I'd like to plot this persp3D with a z-axis label (zlab) that includes "art" and "2" as subscript. With persp3D, "xlab, ylab, zlab titles for the axes must be character ...
denis's user avatar
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How to calculate if a point in 3D space is in field of view of a camera if vertical FOV is different from horizontal FOV? (rectangualr view)

I was trying to do a calculation to test if a point in 3D space is in the view of a camera placed on specific Vector3 coordinates with specified horizontal and vertical FOV. This is the bad example: ...
skrovno_CZ's user avatar
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How to color a cube in perspective projection and make lines around it

I made a turtle python program for projecting a cube in perspective but when want to color it there will be some issues because there is no transparency in turtle, so i need to find a way to avoid ...
Ahmed Shshtawy's user avatar
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How to control UV mapping distortion

The illustration below shows how I expect the UV mapping to be applying the texture and how it is really being applied. This was a big surprise to me, my conclusion was if I could draw faces with four ...
Severin's user avatar
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