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aspx page inside an MVC project not reading web.config

I have added an aspx page to my MVC project inside a folder under the root, the page runs fine by itself. Now I have add to it a webform control and it is asking me to register it in the web.config ...
et3rnal's user avatar
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MVC 3 Access page with allow anonymous

i'm create a project using mvc 3 with windows authentication. my case is when in login page i'm create a link to redirect page to page "forgot password". but, the problem is. when i'm click a link to ...
achmad darmawan's user avatar
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What's the difference between "en-US" and "auto:en-US" in web.config globalization settings?

web.config allows to set "culture" and "uiCulture": <system.web> <globalization uiCulture="en-US" culture="en-US" /> Some samples I saw use just string like "en-US" which specifies a ...
sharptooth's user avatar
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MVC - Authentication Bypass using HTTP verb Tampering

I have built a web application using MVC3 and got an AppScan result from ITSec department. I have been told to implement below recommendation. Configure your application to allow only required HTTP ...
Tech Learner's user avatar
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Increase Session Time of MVC 3 application deploy on IIS 3

How to increase session time out of Deployed MVC 3 Application on IIS 3 I have tried following ways. 1. Changes on Web.config 2. Changes in IIS 6.0 => Asp =>session properties =>timeout 23:59:00 ...
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Why is my controller action filter no longer invoked once I override SSL settings with a "location" element?

I have an ASP.NET MVC3 application with an action filter attribute applied to a controller: public class MyFilterAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute { public override void OnActionExecuting( ...
sharptooth's user avatar
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The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure. Identity Server

On one computer I have 2 projects - a client application and another that holds the identity server and identity manager. When I run the client site on this computer everything works. I am able to ...
DaGap's user avatar
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How to run ASP.NET MVC project inside another ASP.NET MVC project

Let's say I have a MVC project where there is root folder MVC2 and. Now, I want another MVC project to that MVC2 folder and serve it. Below url should serve MVC2 project which is just a folder inside ...
Random Identity's user avatar
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Web.config: Rewrite Rule is not working

I have following rewrite rule in ASP.NET MVC 4 application : <rule name="Old Product Detail Page" stopProcessing="true"> <match url="pd\.asp\?productid=([0-9]+)$"/> &...
sanjeev's user avatar
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debug .NET aplication only from one IP adress

Here is my problem. I have one server on the other side of the world with IP If I put in web.config this <compilation defaultLanguage="c#" debug="true" /> everyone sees a debug, I ...
manuel 's user avatar
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MVC5 reading Config values without using System.Web

I keep reading that the new MVC avoids using System.Web by default as that used to add lots of extra stuff automatically. Does that mean that in order to read the config file now in MVC5, one should ...
SF Developer's user avatar
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Enable anonymous authentication to certain path for ASP.NET MVC windows auth enabled app

I have a web application which has Windows Authentication enabled but i want to enable anonymous access to certain paths. Is there a way i can do that from web.config? Something like this. (Adding ...
user3685509's user avatar
42 votes
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Why does .NET generate two web.config files in an MVC application?

I am new in MVC 3. What is the reason to use two web.config files? What is difference between that 2 web.config files, and what is the purpose of each and its function?
Datta's user avatar
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Access static variables between two .net websites

I had a 4.0 website in a server. I have recently created a new website that was made using razor but .net 4.0, in the same server. Both websites are configured using IIS 7.0, have a common sql ...
Neville Nazerane's user avatar
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GoDaddy Hosting injecting folder structure into URL MVC3

I am again turning to the experts on this forum for their sagely advice. I have an MVC site that seems to be operating just fine on GoDaddy hosting. It is however injecting my directory structure ...
GPGVM's user avatar
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