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ASP.NET REST API is working locally but giving error when uploaded to a web server

I have an old rest API which is working fine in Visual Studio 2019 with SQL Server. But the same API, when uploaded to a web server, is not working. I get the following error. The resource cannot be ...
Hasan Zubairi's user avatar
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Redirect chain problem in web.config, Windows Server 2020 IIS

Lets say I have as my website. What is the best practice now to fill up the web.config file? My SEO analyzer complaining about redirect chain problem, that https is redirected ...
Ayac's user avatar
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Default page set in web.config is not captured by IIS website

I am trying to take an existing copy of a IIS website folder, put in a new folder and run a new site from IIS. But the default page set in web.config file is not picked up by IIS... When I type the ...
sm101's user avatar
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Insert an element in web.config based on key value in appsettings

We have a requirement to apply a transform based upon an app setting value in web.config for our ASP.NET MVC project. <!--web.config--> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"...
NewbieHere's user avatar
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How to Correctly Format URL Redirects to Exclude Extra Slash in Web.config?

I'm working with URL rewriting in a Web.config file and I'm facing an issue with an extra slash appearing in my redirected URLs. Here’s the rule I've got so far: <rule name="Redirect Users to ...
Lew's user avatar
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How to use different connection strings and code depending on development or production branch in .NET framework?

The projects in question are built with .NET framework and use TFVC for version control. I have two branches for each project, production and development. Every time something like an entity model or ...
GrassConcreteFloor1788's user avatar
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Web.config transform on custom section with attributes

I would like to transform a part of my 'web.config' file using a transformation file, but the value I am trying to change is within sections with attributes and the transformation does not occur if I ...
Nicolas BASLEY's user avatar
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How to config NGINX to handle url latest/meta-data

I am using ZAP (automative scan tool) to scan my web security and I have an alert like this: Cloud Metadata Potentially Exposed The Cloud Metadata Attack attempts to abuse a misconfigured NGINX ...
Tran Van Hieu's user avatar
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maxQueryString restriction .net core deployed to Azure windows app service

I ran into an issue with signalR's js client in which when using the token factory, the token is sent in the query string. When our .net 8 application was deployed to azure, if the token exceeded ~...
pbordeaux's user avatar
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web.config setting for specific method

I'd like to change the maxAllowedContentLength for a specific method of a controller. I've been able to set it at the controller level, but can't figure out the syntax for the method. I'm not sure ...
Eric's user avatar
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"How to Transition ASP.NET Application from Full Trust to High Trust in a Shared Hosting Environment?"

I am deploying an ASP.NET application that currently runs in a full trust environment. The hosting provider supports high trust, but not full trust. I need to adjust my application to comply with high ...
Mohamed Essam's user avatar
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Adding a custom header to web.config file in pubxml

I am trying to add a customer header to web.config file in staging.pubxml, in VS 2022. I get "The element 'configuration' beneath element 'Project' is unrecognized". What is the problem here ...
tkalay's user avatar
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Insecure Deployment: Path Normalization Conflict - Fortify

The Fortify Webinspect scan reported the following issue for our web application which deployed on the IIS server. I am not sure how to handle this on the IIS server's web.config, the below picture ...
Gopi's user avatar
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What's the breakdown of the following regex? [duplicate]

^((?!ca-ct.mydomain)(?!ca.mydomain)(?!cats.mydomain).)*$ I got the above expression from a web.config file, it's supposed to filter out anything that contains ca-ct.mydomain or ca....
Carlos H's user avatar
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Wordpress web.config rewrite to support webp files on IIS

I run my Wordpress site on IIS. I have files test.jpg and test.webp in the root of my website. I can access both when I request these files directly. See it live here. I want to make sure that ...
Adam's user avatar
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