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How to draw/print a text with transparent backgound?

How to draw/print a text inside a fully transparent frame/rectangle/window using WxWidgets? That is the text should be 100% visible, behind it just the desktop content (other applications windows, ...
Dario101's user avatar
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Problems with transparency behind a button over a wxFrame having a panel having an image as background

I am writing an application using wxWidgets and C++, this is a test program to show the problem: #include <wx/wx.h> #include <wx/dcbuffer.h> #include <wx/graphics.h> #include <wx/...
Massimo Manca's user avatar
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wxGraphicsContext and wxDC

I have written a chart application all using wxDC and its subclasses. However, I realized wxGraphicsContext offers truly superior advantages to wxDC but has its own ecosystem and this is very much ...
macroland's user avatar
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transferring information between panels using custom events

In modern wxwidgets using c++, I am trying to transfer information between two wxPanels using a custom event - but it seems I just can't get it right. I get various compiler errors, that I don't ...
Ronen Chriki's user avatar
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How to explicitelly set the wxFrame position?

Having such a simple wxFrame: ... wxFrame* mainFrame = new wxFrame(NULL, wxID_ANY, "main frame", wxPoint(10, 20), wxSize(150, 100), wxICONIZE); mainFrame->SetBackgroundColour(wxColor(80, ...
Dario101's user avatar
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Creating a button with semi-transparent background

I'm trying to create a simple wxButton button which do have semi-transparent background. There is thy code I'm using: ... m_sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); m_pngLoader = new wxPNGHandler(); ...
Dario101's user avatar
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How to disable wxGrid cell highlighting?

As the title says - how to disable wxGrid selected (by mouse) cell highlighting like on the attached image. I've tried using the SetCellHighlightColour method but it does NOTHING! There is still this ...
Dario101's user avatar
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Unwanted border around the window

I have a very simple wxFrame with wxButton inside it: the full code of the app: #include <wx/wx.h> #include <wx/grid.h> class MyFrame; MyFrame* g_frame; class MyFrame : public wxFrame { ...
Dario101's user avatar
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UCRT vs. MSVCRT for GCC 14.x

I am using MinGW64 together with Codelite and have just downloaded the latest GNU GCC version packages 14.1 and 14.2. For 14.1 I found 2 packages (UCRT and MSVCRT), for 14.2 I got only the UCRT ...
Ultra Junkie's user avatar
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Positioning the wxFrame object

Using the very simple wxFrame example form the official wxWidgets site I'd like to set the created window position jut to the very upper left screen corner so I've added the simple frame->...
Dario101's user avatar
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How to make a window/frame/control draggable?

How can I make the wxGrid instance draggable? That is the wxGrid is embedded on the main wxFrame. By default one can move the whole app window by clicking on the title bar and just dragg. How to make ...
Dario101's user avatar
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In WXwidgets, how can I bind an event in one class to a function from a different class

Using wxwidgets in C++, I am trying to bind an event in one class to functions in different classes. Here is a minimal reproducable example: #include <wx/wx.h> #include <wx/notebook.h> #...
Ronen Chriki's user avatar
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C++ Macro to add `__PRETTY_FUNCTION__` to formatted wxLog function calls

I have an application using wxWidgets, and I'm using the built-in wxLogging to print messages with wxLogError(msg). Essentially, I want to have a macro that takes all my wxLogError calls and adds the ...
Jonathan wheadon's user avatar
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MacOS App file is damaged and can't be opened [duplicate]

I have developed a MacOS app with wxwidgets 3.2.5 and made a release .dmg file. When I open the generated file, app is working fine. But when I upload this .dmg file to my web server and download it ...
DeebashVFX's user avatar
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I cannot get drawing to work with wxWidgets

I am trying to make a Snake game. I am able to get the window opened but have had no luck in drawing the grid on to the window. // Snake.h #pragma once #include <wx/wx.h> #include <stdio.h>...
user26867085's user avatar

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