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Autobot Orbital Command Hub

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Planet Butterscotch Swirl, maybe?

The Autobot Orbital Command Hub is the central base of Autobot operations in their galactic war against the Decepticons. A massive space station, it orbits the planet Opulus.[1]

It is on the Hub that Autobots unassigned to warfront planets are stationed, waiting on-hand in the event that they'll be needed. From these Autobots a crew can be assembled quickly to man one of the Arks.

Due to the pan-galactic nature of the war, the Autobots also use regional command hubs. Spotlight: Cyclonus


2005 IDW continuity

A priority pulsewave from Earth reached Optimus Prime on the Hub Stormbringer issue 1 just moments before a message buoy was received from the Calabi-Yau. He gathered Autobots from the Hub to crew the Ark-27 and left for Cybertron. Stormbringer #2

With Prime on Earth, Silverbolt became Operational Commander. A salvaged Blaster, having been presumed dead, arrived at the Hub and carried out a galaxy-wide broadcast to Autobot forces in order to draw out his attempted assassin. Spotlight: Blaster

When the Decepticons initated a major offensive, the Command Hub was cut off from communicating with other Autobots, and may have come under attack. Lost & Found


  1. According to Simon Furman's blog.
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