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Brawn (G1)

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The name or term "Brawn" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Brawn (disambiguation).
Brawn is an Autobot from the Generation 1 continuity family.
Optimus said "One shall stand, one shall fall". I do both.

Brawn, the Autobots' demolitions expert, is amazingly strong for his size. Due to his small stature, he often attempts to overcompensate by playing up his macho personality. He loves a challenge, be it rugged off-roading or charging headlong at foes several times his size. He has a lot of chutzpah, and a somewhat sarcastic sense of humor ever at the ready. Due to his machisimo, he sometimes looks down on noncombatant Autobots.

In addition to his great strength, Brawn is also so tough as to be almost indestructible. Almost.

Sometimes he is an ancient Titan Master, and sometimes he is partnered with the Nebulon Muscles as a Headmaster.

Hey, come back! You didn't finish your nickel-plated knuckle sandwich!

—Brawn, Attack of the Autobots



Marvel Comics continuity

Marvel The Transformers comics

Events from the UK-only comic stories are in italics.

Five million years ago, after Optimus Prime had been made military commander by the Council of Autobot Elders, Brawn joined him in the defence of an expressway leading into Iacon. Prime himself held up Megatron's forces while Brawn and the others retreated, allowing Autobot saboteurs to demolish the expressway and defeat Megatron. And There Shall Come...a Leader!

Gee, ya think? You think that maybe I should use these clamps, that I use every day, at every opportunity? You're a freakin' genius, ya idiot!

After the Autobots re-awoke on modern-day Earth, Brawn was one of five Autobots sent out to reconnoiter their new world. When their patrol came under attack from a squadron of Decepticons, Brawn advised the others to stay behind him, as he could absorb the incoming jets' firepower. With one swing of his powerful fist, he clocked Laserbeak. However, the Autobots were forced to withdraw, though Brawn wondered where Bumblebee had disappeared. The Transformers Bumblebee, damaged, had snuck off to S. Witwicky Auto Repairs, and after he disclosed his location, the Autobots traveled to meet him there. But the Decepticons had their eye on Sparkplug Witwicky, the human owner of the repair shop, and the Autobots met them there in battle. Brawn knocked Ravage aside after he had overwhelmed Mirage, but ultimately the Decepticons were successful, and returned to their headquarters with Sparkplug. Power Play! Brawn and the Autobots returned to the Ark with Sparkplug's son, Buster Witwicky.

When the Autobots staged a diversionary attack on the Decepticons' headquarters, Brawn's strength enabled him to storm through Rumble's localized earthquake, and punch out the little punk. Unfortunately, the little punk had a brother. Frenzy's high-frequency sonic attack knocked Brawn out. When Brawn recovered, the body of Gears lay crumpled at his feet, having helped to rescue Sparkplug, but at great risk to his own life. Sparkplug returned to the Ark with the Autobots, Prisoner of War! and Brawn shared their shock and disgust when Sparkplug admitted he had helped the Decepticons learn to convert Earth fuel for their evil purposes! The Last Stand

I am your new leader!

While aiding his fellow Autobots in repairing some of the Ark's machinery, Brawn was subjected to a strong electrical feedback. The malfunction caused Brawn to go mad, rampaging in a small town because he thought the cars were being enslaved by humans (and then "killed" the cars when they showed no gratitude). After a destructive chase, the Autobots finally managed to recapture and repair him. To regain his honour, he agreed to be Starscream's opponent in a Trial by Combat; Optimus Prime had Mirage fake Brawn's death to end the battle. The Enemy Within! Soon afterwards, the Decepticons launched a full-scale assault on the Ark. The scuffle was interrupted by the activation of Aunty, left deranged due to a malfunction of her own. The crazed computer was defeated thanks to the combined efforts of Ravage and Windcharger, but after the Decepticons' retreat, Brawn was left in a badly damaged state, necessitating major reconstruction of his frame. Raiders of the Last Ark

Having regained their full strength with Sparkplug Witwicky's assistance, the Decepticons staged a final attack on the Autobots. The Autobots, meanwhile, were still very weak, so Brawn was among the Autobots who donated fuel to re-energize five chosen Autobot warriors, in preparation for their last stand against the Decepticons. That gambit failed when Shockwave was unearthed and deactivated the Autobots with a single shot. The Last Stand Subsequently, Brawn's offline body was dragged by Skywarp and Frenzy to be used for spare parts for a new Decepticon army. The New Order Eventually, the Ark was retaken, and Brawn was reactivated by Ratchet along with the others. To make sure all of the Autobots were back in fighting shape, Ratchet had Brawn and the others go on a diagnostics run through the open plains. DIS-Integrated Circuits!

In the rush that followed to catch up with the Decepticons' gains, Brawn and Bluestreak were charged with the repair of the Ark's ionic-fusion drive. The Next Best Thing to Being There! When the Autobots overheard Shockwave's plans to dispose of the captured head of their leader, Optimus Prime, Brawn was among the Autobots who headed out to rescue him. Brainstorm! En route, they learned that the head was to be dumped into a nearby swamp, and the Autobots arrived on location moments later to reunite it with its body. However, the head was actually a decoy, which, when attached to the body, caused it to go on a murderous rampage. Brawn was one of those wounded before Prime's proper head was returned. Prime Time!

Scourge, being from the future, knows Brawn's secret weakpoint.

After Prime was restored as commander of the Autobots, he wore a red suit while Brawn and Huffer decorated a tree to help Buster celebrate Christmas 1985. Christmas Breaker! Later, Swoop's mind was hijacked by Professor Morris and Brawn was one of the Autobots who tried to hold the rampaging Dinobot down. The Icarus Theory After Swoop was subdued, Prime turned his attentions towards the other missing Dinobots and Brawn was part of a team sent to bring in a demented Snarl. He, Mirage, and Trailbreaker found him in Nevada's Black Rock Desert, terrorizing the American military. Snarl proved too much for them until he was stopped by a prototype military weapon. Dinobot Hunt!

Brawn, Ironhide, Tracks, and Smokescreen were called to guard Buster Witwicky from the Decepticons when Shockwave swore revenge for a previous humilation at the human's hands. While they were at a demolition derby, Soundwave and the Constructicons struck. After the Constructicons combined to form Devastator, Buster was lost in the crowd, much to Brawn's dismay. Buster's life was spared when Soundwave detected crucial information within Buster's mind, and the shot Soundwave intended for the human was fired at Brawn instead. Devastation Derby! When Tracks went missing in Greater Portland, Brawn and Optimus Prime discussed his situation at the Ark before Prime sent Jazz out to retrieve him. Missing in Action

The Achilles shoulder, sure, but don't tell us Brawn has a glass jaw too.

When strange Decepticons traveled back in time from the future, Brawn was of an attack squad who struck first against these new adversaries. The future-Decepticons wielded unimaginable power however, and Brawn defeated by Scourge with a single shot. The Autobots were not left without hope however, as this coincided with the arrival of Ultra Magnus from Cybertron.

After allying themselves with Megatron, who also stood at odds against Galvatron, Brawn and his teammates successfully captured Scourge by following the Decepticon's tactics. With their captive shackled, the Autobots organized to exchange him in return for Jazz, who had been taken prisoner in the interim. Unfortunately, Galvatron had lobotomized Jazz into a savage zombie, and upon rejoining the Autobots, Jazz lashed out against his allies. Brawn walked away from the encounter with a shattered jaw. Later still, Brawn was part of a group that interrupted a fight between Magnus and Galvatron in order to save the former's life. Galvatron was thankfully driven back to his own time by a trio of similarly displaced Autobots, and Brawn welcomed Optimus back upon his re-materialization. Target: 2006

Brawn of the Dead

The Autobots several failures during the Galvatron incident convinced Optimus Prime to fake his own death in order to teach the Autobots how to survive without him. Brawn was among the Autobots who heard him announce that he planned to ride out on a solo mission against the Decepticon base. Prey! Thinking that their leader was dead, Brawn and the other Autobots organised his "funeral", but halfway through the ceremony Optimus Prime returned to them and Brawn and the others were stunned, but welcomed him back. Resurrection!

Brawn was witness to a battle between Grimlock and Blaster for Autobot leadership on Earth's moon. After the scene was attacked by Ratbat's Decepticons, Brawn soon lost a fight with Swindle, who dismissed the Autobot as having a "bright future as spare parts!" Totaled!

When an Underbase-powered Starscream announced that he would "destroy the cities of New York, Tokyo, and Buenos Aires," Brawn was among the allied Autobot/Decepticon teams sent ahead to New York City. As Starscream approached, Goldbug led a team of Autobots which included Brawn, and the entire team was destroyed with a "single wave of Starscream's hand"! Oops. Dark Star

Marvel UK future timelines
The movie adaptation, originally published by Marvel US, is in italics

In an alternate future 2005, Brawn was stationed on Moonbase One. He was assigned to go on a supply run to Autobot City on Earth with Ironhide, Prowl and Ratchet to collect the energon cubes necessary to power the Autobots' impending strike against Decepticon-controlled Cybertron. However, part-way into their journey, just after their shuttle had passed through an asteroid field, the Decepticons attacked and boarded the vessel, killing everyone on board. The Planet-Eater!

In the year 2008 of another alternate timeline, Brawn was one of the Autobots taken down and strung up by the Quintessons when they invaded Autobot City. Space Pirates!

These stories do not fit into the normal Marvel continuity. See Earthforce for details.
Brawn perchance to dream.jpg

Galvatron briefly considered reviving Brawn as one of his new minions, but the Autobot was not psychologically suitable. ...Perchance to Dream

Marvel Generation 2 comic

Here's hoping he can't implode neutrons!

Brawn was part of a team led by Hot Spot, and including Skydive, Steeljaw, Override, and Chase, sent to answer the distress call sent out by their human allies G.I. Joe. They arrived in Milleville, just in time to save Scarlett from a recently revived and Cobra-upgraded Megatron.

Brawn and the other Autobots quickly learned that Megatron's strength and weaponry had been vastly improved. First Steeljaw fell, then Chase. Finally, it fell to Brawn to keep Megatron from reaching the Autobots' ship. Though Brawn fought Megatron bravely, he was vaporized when Megatron revealed that he could implode neutrons. The resulting explosion was seen from across town. Final Transformations

Universe comic
That's right. Brawn lives.

In the future, Unicron was left in such a state of disrepair that he barely functioned. With the last vestiges of his power, he summoned Transformers from all across the tapestry of the multiverse to battle within him, so that he could harvest the energy of the losers' sparks. To this end, Brawn was abducted by Unicron just before he was atomized by the Cobra-tanked Megatron, and sent to the Cauldron with countless other abductees. Alpha Trion witnessed this event as he and Primus coordinated counter-measures to the Chaos-Bringer's plot. Abduction

Trailbreaker and Silverbolt soon engineered a mass escape, during which Brawn, Wheelie, and Tap-Out subdued the rage-afflicted Sunstreaker and Sideswipe to keep them from killing each other.

Brawn then escaped Unicron thanks to a portal created by Optimus Primal and Snarl. He arrived with many of the others on Primal's technorganic Cybertron. Having cheated death, he fistbumped with Trailbreaker. Escape Homecoming

Regeneration One

Regeneration One continues from the Marvel US series, and does not include the UK stories or any subsequently published stories.

In 2012 Brawn was one of a group of Autobot warriors that accompanied Optimus Prime to confront Megatron on a devastated Earth. While Prime grappled with the insane tyrant, the others battled his undead army of "Ex-Bots" and Brawn was injured badly enough during the fight for First Aid to put him on the critical list afterwards. Natural Selection, Part One

Transformers '84

When Optimus Prime was late for the launch of the Ark, Brawn reassured a worried Bumblebee that their leader would be there in time. '84 #0

Generation 1 cartoon continuity

The Transformers cartoon

Voice actor: Corey Burton (English), Yutaka Shimaka (Japanese), Toshiro Ishii (Japanese, "Fire on the Mountain"), Yūichi Nagashima (Japanese, "Day of the Machines", "Attack of the Autobots"), Minoru Inaba (Japanese, The Movie), Liu Qin (Chinese), Henry Djanik (European French), Albert Augier (European French, "The Master Builders"), Georges Atlas (European French, "Microbots"), Ulises Cuadra (Latin-American Spanish), Guillermo Romano, (Latin-American Spanish, "Microbots"), Ulf Jürgen Söhmisch (German, "Roll for It"), Imo Heite (German, "The Autobot Run"), Thomas Albus (German, "The Movie" TV dub), Gerd Wiedenhofen (German, Generation 2, "More than Meets the Eye, Part 2"), Willy Schäfer (German, Generation 2, "The Master Builders" and "Atlantis, Arise!"), Júlio Chaves (Portuguese, "Transport to Oblivion" to "S.O.S. Dinobots"), Luiz Feier Motta (Portuguese, "Fire on the Mountain" onwards), Carlos Seidl (Portuguese, "The Master Builders"), Ivo Roberto (Portuguese, DVD dub), Gyula Szersén (Hungarian, "The Movie" 1st dub)
"Scream if I set you alight."

Brawn was one of the Autobots on board the crashed Autobot ship who awoke in 1984, reformatted by Teletraan I to have an Earth-based vehicle mode as a Jeep-like vehicle. He was frequently involved in combat engagements against the Decepticons in the early years of the Earth-based war, including the battle that saw the Decepticons destroy an offshore oil rig. More than Meets the Eye, Part 1 In the flaming chaos that followed, Brawn helped save his fellow Autobot Huffer who was trapped in the wreckage by cutting him loose with a blowtorch contained in his right arm. When Soundwave and Ravage were discovered at Autobot Headquarters, he and Bumblebee tried tackling Ravage, only for the Decepticon to slip through their fingers. Brawn took part in the ill-fated Sherman Dam mission, More than Meets the Eye, Part 2 and dressed in a lab coat for the similarly disastrous missile base deception. He and the other Autobots attempted to assault the Decepticon space cruiser to prevent its launch, but it was only through the actions of Mirage that the ship crashed. More than Meets the Eye, Part 3 Brawn was one of a number of Autobots who a memory-altered Bumblebee lured to a cave to be attacked by the Decepticons. Transport to Oblivion

Crowning moment of awesome.

Brawn, Optimus Prime, Prowl, Bluestreak, and Cliffjumper arrived at the power generator where Starscream, Thundercracker and Soundwave were attacking. Hotheaded Cliffjumper charged at Thundercracker, only to be smashed backwards by a steel pillar. Cliffjumper crashed directly into Brawn's stomach, but Brawn was completely unharmed thanks to his thick hide. Starscream wanted to smash them in, but Optimus criticized this decision, telling him to "pick on somebody his own size". Later, he came with the Autobots to Dr. Alcazar's lab, but he didn't do much of anything. Brawn retreated to home base with the other Autobots, and the Decepticons attacked the next morning. Starscream held gun mode Megatron in his hand, hoping to kill Optimus Prime with it. Brawn hid in a tear in the ground directly in front of Starscream and gave Optimus the boost to knock Megatron out of Starscream's hands. Roll for It

Crowning moment of duuurrrrrr.

After Optimus was injured in a Decepticon attack, Brawn, Gears, and Windcharger walked into Headquarters to see how repairs were going. Brawn somehow completely missed the fact that Laserbeak had hitched a ride on his shoulder, allowing the Decepticon to infiltrate the base and inflict even more damage on Prime. He later helped defend Headquarters against a Decepticon attack, while a team retrieved a replacement Cosmitron for Prime. Divide and Conquer Brawn was among the Autobots who discovered a cave full of dinosaur fossils in the volcano in which Headquarters was embedded, and subsequently took part in the building of robotic versions of the dinosaurs. At the grand unveiling, the Dinobots ran wild, and Brawn and Bluestreak were bashed aside by Grimlock's tail. Despite this, the Dinobots later proved successful in fighting the Decepticons when Brawn and many of the other Autobots were captured at the Great Falls. S.O.S. Dinobots

Don't get too cocky. This thing kills you later.

Another important mission for Brawn involved a super-weapon being built in Peru, where it was he (and his ally Trailbreaker) who first discovered the Decepticons' plot and informed the other Autobots. He and Windcharger utilized Skyfire's transport capabilities and found that the Decepticons were, indeed, in Peru. After flying Soundwave into the side of a cliff, Brawn survived a direct hit from Megatron's fusion cannon and played dodge the Decepticon until Skyfire picked him and Windcharger up again. Having picked up the rest of the Autobots, they returned to the mining town near the ancient pyramid that the Decepticons were using as a firing platform. During the ensuing battle, Brawn got his hands on Megatron's fusion cannon, returning the earlier favor by blasting Megatron in the chest with it. After defending the town against a rock slide, the Autobots attacked the pyramid itself. During the battle, Brawn raced to the top and tackled Starscream and Megatron on his own, distracting them and ultimately resulting in the destruction of the Decepticon cannon. Fire on the Mountain

Crowning violation of the laws of physics.

When two more Dinobots were to be constructed, Brawn again took part. War of the Dinobots After Sparkplug was kidnapped by the Decepticons, Brawn led a small team, using his drill to burrow under the Decepticon base so they could successfully rescue Spike's father. Unfortunately Sparkplug was under the influence of Doctor Arkeville's hypno-chip and sabotaged the Autobot defences, allowing the Decepticons to attack. Brawn was stuck with the cleanup in the aftermath. The Ultimate Doom, Part 1 Later, the Decepticons succeeded in using a massive space bridge to bring Cybertron into Earth's orbit. Unsuccessful at foiling their plan, Brawn and the Autobots returned to base. News that Sparkplug had been taken to Cybertron led to Brawn volunteering for the mission to his home world in Skyfire. Spike and Bumblebee accidentally triggered a trapdoor, and Brawn gamely jumped in after them. The trio stumbled on the secret plans to the hypno-chips. The Ultimate Doom, Part 2 Following an altercation with some Decepticons, during which Brawn got the better of Soundwave yet again, the Autobots escaped to Wheeljack's workshop. There Wheeljack whipped up a counter device for the hypno-chips, and the team returned to Earth in time to join the last desperate battle. After Megatron's ship was destroyed and Cybertron flung out of orbit, Brawn commiserated with Bumblebee after the latter expressed disappointment at not being able to try out his boogie board. The Ultimate Doom, Part 3


During the post-Cybertron clean up, Brawn and Gears were repairing a building together when Huffer started yelling at them. After the Decepticons were detected en route somewhere, Brawn and the other Autobots began tailing them. Brawn was forced to dig Bumblebee out when Megatron blasted some rocks down on them. After a brief stop in some quicksand, the Autobots caught up with their quarry at Arkeville's secret laboratory. Countdown to Extinction Brawn, Windcharger, Bumblebee, Spike and Skyfire went to Bali to investigate reports of giant robot insects, only to encounter the Insecticons. Brawn was unimpressed with this new foe, and when they created an army of clones, theorized that the army was just a holographic illusion. He recanted his theory moments later after being blasted on his tailpipe. Luckily the rest of the Autobots arrived before the situation could get too out of control. During the pursuit of the Decepticons, Brawn asked Optimus to toss him into the air, so he could administer a good old-fashioned beating to Shrapnel. His ride on the Insecticon lasted a few moments, as he was kicked off by Kickback, and only saved from smashing into the ground by Skyfire. He and Ironhide later had Optimus ride on their backs so he would be insulated against the Insecticons' lightning. A Plague of Insecticons

Off-hours, Brawn's favorite pastime is Cossack dancing.

Brawn and all the other Autobots turned out to watch the Optimus/Megatron bout to decide which faction could stay on Earth. Megatron, unfortunately, won, but the Autobots soon discovered that he had cheated, and sent the Constructicons to disable Teletraan I to hide it, nullifying the outcome. Heavy Metal War During a battle at a rocket base, Brawn kicked Soundwave in the backside so hard that the Decepticon flew into the side of a rocket, causing a chain reaction that devastated the base. Great going! During the same battle, Spike was injured, and the Autobots downloaded his mind into Autobot X while his body was operated on. He became unstable and fled the base, leading Brawn and the other Autobots to follow him so they could stop him falling under Megatron's influence. Autobot Spike

Brawn took part in a mission to come to the aid of some gold miners, but it was an ambush — Megatron energised some boulders, disposing of the Autobots long enough to kidnap Gears. Changing Gears Brawn defended Headquarters against yet another Decepticon attack, only for Soundwave to retreat before Brawn could present him with a "nickel knuckle sandwich". The attack had been a diversion while Megatron sabotaged the Autobot recharging chambers, and Brawn and the other Autobots were rendered evil by the planted personality destabilizer device. Brawn went to the nearest air force base and began merrily destroying jets, until Hound restored his goodness with an attitude exchanger. Attack of the Autobots

Lou Scheimer, Executive Producer.

Brawn came to see the proper testing of Wheeljack's latest invention. When it stopped the water in a river from flowing, Brawn claimed that the now-solid water wouldn't be immune to his hydraulic knuckles. He took it back soon after. Later, when the Decepticons took the Immobilizer and began using it to stop Autobots in their tracks, Brawn helped tunnel underground for Carly so she could get to the Immobilizer and reroute it. The Immobilizer While most of the Autobots participated in a charity event, Brawn stayed at Headquarters with Huffer, which he probably regretted. When Bumblebee reported that the Autobots had been zapped with the Transfixatron and captured by the Decepticons, Huffer's complaining resulted in Brawn physically picking up his companion and telling him to shut up. Ratchet and Wheeljack were able to rig up a cure, and the four Autobots, plus Spike and Chip Chase, rescued the rest of the team. The Autobot Run

AtlantisArise Brawn ropes Thundercracker.jpg

He, along with Bumblebee, Hound and Wheeljack, volunteered to check out an energy flare in the Atlantic. Upon discovering the underwater city of Sub-Atlantica, the squad was ambushed by the Decepticons' new ally Nergill. They were overwhelmed by Decepticon forces and had to escape, with Wheeljack being captured by their enemies. Optimus Prime took the Autobots, Brawn included, to Washington D.C., where the Decepticons were headed. Brawn held Thundercracker in place with his lasso, allowing Optimus to fire at him. However, Nergill arrived and turned the tables by using a disruptor to hold Brawn and the other Autobots in place. Bumblebee and Spike rescued Wheeljack, who called the Dinobots for reinforcements. Grimlock snapped Nergill's disruptor in half, freeing Brawn and the others. Following that, Brawn came with his comrades to sink Nergill's city once again, shooting a few blasts at the city while hiding behind some rubble. When Sub-Atlantica began sinking, Optimus Prime ordered his team to evacuate. Atlantis, Arise! Brawn assisted in defending a primitive Earth robot at Dr. Fujiyama's request. Decepticons soon burst in, with Soundwave destroying the platform Brawn was standing on. Mirage came and covered Brawn's back. The fall had such a toll on Brawn, he couldn't transform. Though he said he could walk home, Mirage and Ratchet insisted that he go back to Autobot base to be repaired. Enter the Nightbird Brawn was present when Optimus returned to base, confronting the clone Optimus that had already led the Autobots there. A Prime Problem

Brawn gives Omega Supreme a colonoscopy.

Brawn was present at Headquarters when the Dinobots went on another of those rampages. He jumped out of the way as Red Alert and Inferno sped past to deal with a fire. Dinobot Island, Part 1 After Grapple and Hoist fell in with the wrong crowd so they could build their Solar Power Tower, Brawn and the rest of the Autobots went to investigate and ended up facing Devastator. The day won, the Autobots searched through the rubble of the tower. Brawn unearthed Grapple's scale model of the tower, and then Grapple and Hoist themselves, welded into a sheet of metal. The Master Builders

When a Decepticon starship was uncovered in an archaeological dig (and Megatron subsequently retrieved the awesome power of the Heart of Cybertron), Brawn was angered that fellow Autobot Perceptor did not participate in battles, not understanding that Perceptor's scientific and technical skills necessitated his exclusion from combat missions. To the irritation of Bumblebee and Optimus Prime, Brawn decided it was his job to bully the Autobot scientist, insinuating that Perceptor was a coward not prepared to do his duty alongside the other Autobots.

The next day, Brawn found Brawn/Perceptor slash on

As Megatron prepared to attack the Autobot base, Perceptor came up with a plan. He, Brawn and Bumblebee were shrunk to microscopic size and infiltrated Megatron's body. Though Brawn was keen to do as much damage as possible while they were in there, he discovered that Perceptor's more intellectual approach was much more effective in getting their mission completed. Perceptor's bravery in disconnecting the Heart while under fire caused Brawn to change his earlier tune. Once they escaped Megatron, Brawn threw the Heart of Cybertron into the sky, where Perceptor blasted it. The ordeal over, Brawn declared Perceptor a hero, though it is uncertain whether he was big enough to apologize to Perceptor for his earlier boorish behavior. Microbots

Brawn took part in the Autobot Day parade, during which footage was screened incriminating the Autobots in energy theft. When the human authorities turned up to arrest them all, Brawn complied with Optimus's wishes to comply peacefully, however after a brief trial, the Autobots found themselves being expelled from Earth. Brawn ended up being stuck sitting next to Huffer and Gears, which probably didn't make him any happier. Megatron's Master Plan, Part 1 The spacecraft they were on was locked on course for the Sun, forcing them to use Cosmos and one of Trailbreaker's force fields to escape it. They returned to Earth, where they lost no time in overthrowing the oppressive regime the Decepticons had set up. Megatron's Master Plan, Part 2 Like the other Autobots, Brawn was crippled by Cybertonium depletion until Spike, Carly and the Dinobots obtained more of the substance. Desertion of the Dinobots, Part 2

'Tis only a flesh wound!

When the Decepticons discovered a lake of electrum, Brawn was among the second wave of Autobots to go up against them unsuccessfully. The Golden Lagoon During another battle in a baseball stadium, Brawn picked up Soundwave and hurled him bodily at Starscream. A short time later, the space bridge in the middle of the pitch sent a number of the Autobots and Decepticons present to a random destination, but luckily Brawn wasn't one of them. Child's Play He was later at Headquarters when Optimus sent Powerglide out to look for Starscream. Starscream's Brigade

By 2005, the Decepticons had retaken Cybertron, while the Autobots set up secret bases on the planet's moons. Brawn was stationed on Moonbase One, and volunteered to be part of a shuttle mission to Autobot City on Earth to fetch more energon. En route to Earth, the shuttle was attacked by the Decepticons, with Megatron leading the charge by tearing into the shuttle. Despite the shock of the imminent attack, the unarmed Brawn was the first to act, running towards the boarders in a vein attempt to protect his crewmates. Wielding Megatron's gun mode, Starscream shot Brawn in the chest, killing him. The Transformers: The Movie

Brawn's involvement in these events, or events mostly similar, were also chronicled in the comic Transformers: The Animated Movie.

Japanese cartoon continuity

e-HOBBY comics

During another Decepticon attack on Autobot headquarters, Brawn was busy defending the base from the encroaching Decepticons. Beating one to a pulp, he asked for a situation update from Wheeljack who unfortunately had to inform him that Megatron had just been upgraded into an invincible Transmetal! Destron Leader Megatron Black Ver.

Story of Binaltech

Granted a vision of the future by the time-tossed Decepticon Ravage, Wheeljack saw Brawn's looming death in the year 2005, and resolved to save his life. Project Bodyshop

15 Go! Go!

Teletraan 15 thought of Brawn as an example of someone who used to think negatively of Perceptor's preference for scientific research over combat. Perceptor Volume

Legends comic
LegendsManga Vol40 Gong.jpg

Somehow having come back to life by 2021, Brawn was among the Autobots under Fortress's command who battled Scorponok's forces near a black hole, where he was seen throwing around Flywheels. The explosion of the black hole caused the combatants' bodies to shrink into nothingness, and they were forced to convert their heads into small Headmaster forms and travel to the Legends World in search of new bodies. Targetmaster Chapter Prologue Brawn joined up with the Astrotrain Transport Company for a free body, only to be enslaved by Astrotrain until he and the other Headmasters were able to escape. Bonus Edition Vol. 40 Following this, he worked as a construction worker until he was approached by Flywheels, who promised him and Grimlock new bodies if they got jobs at his new workplace, the Hive shopping center. When it turned out the Hive's true identity was the evil Scorponok, however, the two Autobots decided that bodies weren't worth it and turned on Flywheels. Brawn then borrowed a Synapse drone from Brainstorm and helped defeat Scorponok by sending him back to his own dimension. LGEX Headmaster Set Chapter

Brawn was buried under rubble when Trypticon wrecked Akihabara. Bonus Edition Vol. 43 While his pay wasn't good enough to afford a transtector body, Brawn bought himself a smaller mech suit-type body after falling for Scylla, who had told him she liked larger men. He fell ill on the day of their date, however, and asked his freeloading roommate Repugnus to take the suit and go in his place. Unfortunately, Scylla stumbled upon the truth and soon came to Brawn's house to punish him for his deception. Bonus Edition Vol. 48 When Broadside's transtector was stolen, Brawn and Repugnus offered him their mech suits to use in taking it back. Bonus Edition Vol. 53

Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers comic

Brawn was amongst the Autobots defending Autobot headquarters in Arizona from a massive Decepticon onslaught. As the battle raged on, Brawn watched in slack-jawed horror as Sideswipe got bombed in midair by a passing Blitzwing. The Autobots eventually won, however. Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers #2

Wings Universe

Wings Universe is based on the Generation 1 cartoon, but deviates from it in cosmetic ways and continuity points.
BattleLines2 Brawn knuckle dusters.jpg

Brawn was part of Optimus Prime's new military, created by the Autobot High Council. Battle Lines, Part 1 He and the rest of the team were preparing to go find Megatron when they realized that Side Burn was missing, and all looked at Prowl, who as Brawn pointed out, was Side Burn's friend. Battle Lines, Part 2 A week later, he was part of the Autobot forces at Iacon's city walls as the Decepticons broke through with Devastator. Battle Lines, Part 5


The Brawn of "OG001 Spacetime" was caught up in the tussle between the Optimus Prime and Megatron of Cloud World when they came to his spacetime. TFC-A01

Ask Vector Prime

In a Primax reality which was tuned with a Gargent reality on the eve of events of cosmic significance, Brawn and several compatriots were killed by Cy-Kill and his Renegades while piloting a Command Center to Earth. Echoes and Fragments

Find Your Fate Junior

The following summarizes one or more multipath adventures. Details vary depending on the paths taken in-story. See the book's page for information on alternate paths.



While discussing how nice the recent lull in Decepticon activity was, Brawn took the time to work out with the aid of special circuitry-building equipment.

In one possible sequence of events, Beachcomber, Windcharger and Powerglide uncovered a Decepticon ploy to destroy Center City. When splitting up the Autobot forces to combat the Decepticons on two fronts, one at their headquarters and the other at Center City, Optimus assigned Brawn to the lead team.

If Optimus decided to send the lead team to attack the Decepticons' headquarters, the team managed to infiltrate the fortress by using Beachcomber's knowledge of the secret doors’ location, and Brawn's strength to keep the doors opened. The Autobots then stormed the fortress, and Brawn participated in the main battle against the Decepticons. The Autobots were ultimately victorious that day.

In a completely different possible series of events, Beachcomber returned early from his day off to inform the Autobots that Jessie had been taken captive by the Decepticons. This development infuriated Brawn more than anyone else. Optimus brought Brawn along for the rescue mission. Shortly before arriving at their destination, the Autobots had to choose their next course of action; they could either storm the Decepticon fortress by force, or try to sneak in through a secret passage Buster had previously discovered.

If they decided to storm the fortress, Beachcomber would become nervous, and urge his fellow Autobots to find a more peaceful way to resolve the situation. This moment of hesitation ultimately cost the Autobots the battle, and the Decepticons triumphed that day.

If they decided a stealthier approach, the Autobots quietly entered the Decepticon base, and set out to shoot down any Decepticons they encountered, save Megatron, whom they planned to capture. After encountering some resistance from their foes, the Autobots came upon branch in the passageway, and had to choose to go left or right.

If they took the right passageway, the group soon happened upon Jessie, whom they freed. Telling them she knew the location of the Decepticons’ lab, Jessie then led the group into a Decepticon trap; she had been brainwashed. The Autobots were captured and Megatron's plan to destroy Center City came to fruition.

If they took the left passageway, the group happened upon Megatron's lab. Brawn quickly shot down the three Decepticons within. Megatron was then taken captive. After deactivating both the Destruction beam and the Decepticons themselves, the Autobots celebrated their victory by guzzling a few quarts of fine-grade oil. Earthquake

Decepticon Poison


Brawn was amongst the Autobots getting topped up with their latest batch of fuel when Red Alert burst into Autobot headquarters, warning everyone about Ramjet being spotted nearby. The Autobots’ latest batch of fuel had been poisoned by the fleeing Decepticon, leaving Brawn unable to transform.

In one possible sequence of events that ensued, Perceptor gave out the right amount of an antidote the Autobot scientist had created, allowing Brawn to resume his robot form and take arms against an incoming squadron of Decepticons. The antidote having given Brawn and the rest of the cured Autobots a case of battle fever, the bunch were eager to take on the Decepticons head on in combat. The more level-head Prowl suggested instead a more conniving approach, where the Autobots would ambush their assailants.

If Optimus allowed Brawn and the rest of the refuelled Autobots to venture headlong into battle, the group fond themselves fighting against Megatron himself, accompanied by a squad of Decepticon jets. Brawn tossed a boulder at Ramjet, sending the Decepticon spinning downwards. Then Megatron opened fire, knocking the Autobots into disarray, prompting Optimus to lead a second wave into battle. The second wave soon ran out of fuel, prompting the Autobots to call a retreat. Thankfully, the Decepticons were damaged enough through the course of the battle, causing them to retreat as well.

If Optimus instead followed Prowl's plan, he instructed Brawn and the others to transform into vehicle mode and play dead. The Decepticons, believing the Autobots to be already dead, disarmed themselves in order to carry out the Autobots’ "carcasses." Now with the element of surprise against unarmed opponent, the Autobots Transformed and were able to easily defeat the evil robots.

In another possible turn of events, Perceptor gave out too much of his antidote to each Autobot. Though Brawn initially cheered, finding himself able to transform once more, he soon found himself literally falling to pieces. The Autobots finding themselves completely outmatched against an all-out Decepticon attack were made short work of by the Decepticons.

In yet another possible scenario, the Autobots used the tainted fuel to create a toxic cloud that successfully fended off the Decepticons attack. This plan gave Perceptor the time he needed to cure Brawn nd the others with his antidote. Their ranks fully replenished and the Decepticons turning tail meant the Autobots had earned themselves another victory.

In completely different possible sequence of events, Optimus successfully retrieved the antidote to the poison from the Decepticons’ poison lab, and with Ratchet's help, brought Brawn and the rest of the poisoned Autobots back from the precipice of death. Now cured, the Autobots discussed their next course of action; they had to prevent the Decepticons from poisoning the nearby water reservoir.

If Optimus led his troops back to the Decepticons’ poison lab, Brawn was amongst the Autobot convoy that drove into action.

Once at the Decepticon lab, the Autobots devised a couple of possible plans to take out the Decepticons. If the Autobots decided to launch a full-frontal assault, as suggested by Ironhide, Brawn was one of the Autobots Optimus called forth to gun down the laboratory. The laboratory then caved in on itself, signalling an Autobot victory.

Alternatively, if Optimus decided to send his troops to the water reservoir instead of the Decepticons’ lab, Brawn was amongst the group of Autobots that found the reservoir swarmed by Decepticons upon their arrival. Decepticon Poison

Autobot Alert!

Brawn was present at the Autobot city of Metroplex when an Autobot Alert sounded.

He and the other Autobots learned of two Decepticon plots simultaneously occurring. One of which was the theft of a coded message meant for Ultra Magnus's eyes only. If Ultra Magnus decided to prioritize theft of the coded message, Brawn was part of the captive audience that listened to Kup divulge information about an ancient Autobot formula. Brawn took off towards the Autobots’ desert research centre along with a number of other Autobots. Once there, they learned from Springer that the Cybertite sphere containing the formula was discovered by humans during the 16th century. If the Decepticons had decoded Springer's message, they would be searching off the coast of California, where the ship containing the sphere had sunk. If they hadn't decoded the message, the Decepticons would still be digging in the nearby crater.

If Ultra Magnus decided to assume that the Decepticons had already decrypted the message, he ordered his forces to split up to more efficiently address the situation. Brawn was part of the main group of Autobot forces led by Ultra Magnus towards the California coast. Arriving at the scene, Ultra Magnus's troops were informed by Powerglide (who had flown ahead of the land-bound group) that he had discovered the location of the sunken ship containing the cybertite sphere. Simultaneously, Blurr caught up with the group to inform them that the Decepticons were quickly approaching. The Autobots then needed to decide whether they would raise the ship themselves, or try and ambush the Decepticons after they had done so.

If Ultra Magnus decided to have his Autobots hide while the Decepticons raised the ship, Brawn found himself in a cave with Ironhide and Grapple. The three Autobots spied Devastator retrieving the sunken ship from the water, and decided that the three of them would snatch the sphere away from the Decepticons.

If Brawn and his team executed their plan before any other Autobots, they had Grapple reel the ship away from the Decepticons with his crane hook, while Ironhide and Brawn attempted to defend their position. The Decepticons destroyed both the ship and the cybertite sphere contained within, and then began pummelling the Autobots with their superior firepower. Trapped in their caves, the Autobots were left at the Decepticons’ mercy. Autobot Alert!

Deadly Paradise

Sideswipe was convicted of destroying the Nova Suspension Bridge and deactivated, despite his pleas of innoncence, in order to ease the strain on human/Autobot relations. Prowl became suspicious of the Decepticons being somehow involved, and discovered evidence that lead to the remote Carob Island. Brawn accompanied Prowl, Windcharger, Hound, Bumblebee and Ratchet and headed to said island. Upon landfall, Prowl discovered a cave from where suspicious sounds were coming from. Leaving Bumblebee and Hound behind to guard the entrance, Prowl, Windcharger, Brawn and Ratchet went inside. The Autobots exploring the cave came upon several Decepticon gophers and drilling machines gathering a rare ore for their evil masters. Working together, Brawn and the others made short work of the Decepticon machines. When they exited the cave, however, they discovered that Bumblebee and Hound were missing. They were instead greeted by Madame Cee and her army of pig-robots. Madame Cee insisted that their friends were fine and brought the Autobots to her home, where she insisted they rest and enjoy themselves. Prowl eventually discovered that Madame Cee was working for the Decepticons, and reactivated the captive Bumblebee and Hound. The Autobots learned that the Decepticons were forcing Cee to help build Autobot duplicates. After learning of the location of Megatron's temporary base on the island, Brawn and the rest of the group entered it, finding themselves wandering in a vast, underground labyrinth. They finally came upon an open area, only to be captured in force cages by the Decepticons. Prowl managed to free the rest of the group, and Brawn helped Ratchet defeat Skywarp while the others dealt with Starscream and Megatron. Through a stroke of luck, the Autobots managed to escape Megatron's megamaze when they discovered that Ratchet's lubricant container had been leaking all day, thus leaving them a trail that led out of the facility. The Autobots returned to their headquarters where they were able to clear Sideswipes name, and presumably reactivated him. Deadly Paradise

Sticker Adventures books

After the Decepticons had not attacked them for an extended period of time, Brawn began growing paranoid. His paranoia was confirmed when it was discovered that the Decepticons had stolen the Autobots’ entire supply of fuel during this quiet time. Brawn and the other Autobots nonetheless attempted to fend off the Decepticons when they attacked once more. Thankfully, Optimus returned just in time with a new shipment of fuel.Re-energized, the Autobots forced the Decepticons to flee once again. Revenge of the Decepticons

Marvel Storybooks continuity

Brawn was one of the thirty-five Autobots active on Earth. He took part both in an invasion of the Decepticon base, and the subsequent battle against The Devastator. When the Autobots emerged victorious from the conflict, Brawn drove away from the battleground with the rest of his comrades. Battle for Earth

Brawn was present when Blaster conveyed a message from Megatron to Autobot headquarters, informing them that not only had they captured Sunstreaker with the mighty gestalt Devastator, but that a rescue party of Autobots that had attempted to rescue the prisoner was now also being held hostage. Brawn and the other Autobots were frightened by this developement. Thankfully, Optimus returned morale to the Autobot ranks by devising of a clever plan to trick the Decepticons. The Autobots' Secret Weapon

Marvel coloring books

Is it wrong to think he looks cool like this?

When the Decepticons were raiding sunken treasure, the Autobots mounted an attack on them. Sparkplug and Spike Witwicky were safe inside Brawn, as the Seekers' rockets bounced right off him. Search for Treasure Under the Sea Brawn was among the Autobots standing around when Sparkplug and Buster were kidnapped by Decepticons. The Deadly Fuel Shortage He was part of the team that attacked the Decepticon stronghold to destroy the molecular transfer device. Summertime Coloring Book

Brawn watched Optimus Prime fake a radio message to lure the Decepticons into a trap, then followed him into battle (and somehow changed body designs between pages!) A Message From Outer Space Brawn helped haul supplies when the Autobots moved their base-camp to avoid a Decepticon attack. Bumblebee's Dangerous Mission

I want to tell you about the Transformers!

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The Big Book of Coloring Fun

Brawn was in a convoy of Autobots under Ultra Magnus's leadership who rolled out to fight Galvatron at Oil Valley. Battle at Oil Valley He also took part in a battle over energon cubes at Mount St. Hilary which ended when Starscream scarfed all the energon. The Lost Treasure of Cybertron

Big Looker storybooks

BattleForCybertron Brawn.jpg

The Autobots, including Brawn, came to Earth on a mission to save Cybertron and ended up fighting the Decepticons there as well. Battle for Cybertron

The Battle for Planet Earth

Voice actor: Peter Marinker (English)

When Cosmos reported that Starscream had requested an audience with Optimus Prime, Brawn wondered if he'd made a mistake. After they tricked Starscream into sending the other Decepticons on a wild goose chase, Brawn and the other Autobots destroyed the Decepticon base. Espionage!!!!!

Dreamwave Generation One continuity

Events from The Transformers Trilogy novels are in italics.
Brawn, you're the worst slave ever.

Brawn helped loading for the planetary evacuation shortly after Optronix rose to become Optimus Prime. The War Within #2 More than a million years later, during the Age of Internment, Brawn was in Internment Camp Pi, in the remains of Praxus, among the Autobots being forced to drill to Cybertron's core by Megatron and the Decepticons. When Cliffjumper fell in the prisoner line, Octane and Barrage took it as an excuse to beat on the helpless Autobot. Brawn snapped into action, fighting back against the Decepticon oppressors, until the clone forces of Megatron's Aerospace Extermination Squadron shot him down with little effort. The Age of Wrath Pt.2

The Age of Wrath ceased publication before the story could conclude. The following would have taken place in unpublished issues.

Optimus returned to Cybertron, and the Autobots were freed from slavery. The Age of Wrath Pt.6

After crashing on Earth with the Ark, Brawn and the Autobots remained inactive until reviving in 1984. The Autobots allied with humankind and were eventually able to defeat the Decepticons at the turn of the century. Following the Ark II tragedy, Brawn became one of the many Transformers recovered and reprogrammed by Lazarus. He was later rescued by Optimus Prime and rebuilt by Jazz's unit. He was part of a small task force, led by Jazz, assigned to stop the spread of Megatron's deadly metal virus in the Canadian Northwest Territories. Prime Directive #5

When the President of the United States wanted to eliminate the Transformers in a desert ambush, the Autobots were forced to join forces with the Decepticons against the U.S. military. Brawn was one of the Autobots chosen for the mission by Optimus Prime. During the fight, the Americans unleashed weaponized nanite chips known as deconstructionites, designed to drain away processing power from Cybertronian computer systems. Brawn was one of the first to fall to the attack, and had to be ferried to safety inside Prime's trailer. Fusion

Some time later, Brawn was one of the Autobots who accompanied Optimus Prime to Alaska to investigate a mysterious summons from a crashed Autobot ship. They were ambushed by Decepticons, only for the battle to be interrupted by the arrival of Shockwave, leading a united Cybertronian army. Declaring all Earthbound Transformers war criminals, Shockwave executed the downed ship's passenger, Scourge, and sicced his troops after the Autobots, forcing them to retreat. New World Order Brawn would later remain behind on Earth under Jazz's command when Ultra Magnus, a soldier under Shockwave's regime, reiterated demands that the Autobots return to Cybertron as war criminals. Brothers' Burden Jazz, Brawn, and Windcharger then returned to the Alaskan battlefield, but were unable to find Scourge's remains. Baffled, the trio decided to return to base, and let the brainier 'bots in their unit figure out their next move. Cold War

Excuse me while I put on my face.

After the end of Shockwave's despotic rule over Cybertron, the Autobots on Cybertron made contact with Brawn's crew for an update and promised to send supplies. Generation 1 #0 However, Starscream and several other Decepticons returned to Earth first. Though the Autobots were able to stave off their initial attack, capturing several Decepticons in the process, Starscream unleashed his trump card in his secondary attack: Bruticus. The Autobots were nearly all beaten into stasis lock in their battle against the combiner, with only Ratchet and Brawn escaping its rampage. But complicating things further, the Ark's security systems had been put on high alert by Bruticus's attack, meaning it viewed all incoming units, Autobots or Decepticons, as intruders. Already heavily damaged, Brawn and Ratchet were forced to risk dashing through the Ark's defenses to regain access to their base. They managed the run, though barely, as Brawn was caught in the sights of one of the last auto-guns. He had to be doused in coolant to mask his heat signature, and avoid being blown to scrap. The two Autobots managed to make contact with the Orion, an Autobot ship helmed by Bumblebee, before being forced to self-destruct the Ark in an effort to stop Bruticus. This only served to slow down the Decepticon titan, leaving Brawn and Ratchet once more at Starscream's mercy. Night of the Combaticons Then, Sunstorm arrived on-scene, redirecting the Decepticons' attention to himself. While the new arrival busied himself trouncing Starscream's soldiers, the Orion also came on-scene, and joined the brawl. Though the Orion was downed, most of the Decepticons were left offline, and Sunstorm left in pursuit of Starscream. With Jazz still missing, Brawn became a subordinate to the much-less-impressive Bumblebee. The chance to pound the ever-loving scrap out of Bruticus's ruined form probably made up for this, though Bumblebee and Ratchet insisted Brawn stop after they became annoyed over the racket he was making. The Autobots next set about repairing their ship, accomplishing this task in a few hours. But as they readied to take some well-deserved recovery time, Starscream returned, now accompanied by Jetfire. Black Sunshine

SkyfireIssue BrawnBumperDebate.jpg

The Autobots were forced into an alliance with the Decepticon in order to deal with Sunstorm's greater threat. Despite their dire situation, Brawn wasn't one to let his complaints go unheard, and frequently vocalized his distaste towards Starscream. He wasn't any happier about the part of their alliance where they agreed to release their Decepticon prisoners either. Or working alongside "that over-stuffed know-it-all Jetfire." Or that they were under the command of Bumblebee for the endeavor. Brawn wasn't happy about a lot of things. Nonetheless, he and the other Mini Vehicles flew into combat alongside Bumblebee when Sunstorm returned, providing Bumblebee the cover he needed to attach an energy-siphon that Ratchet had built onto the super-clone. Skyfire They returned from the assault to the Orion only to discover that they had been (wait for it...) betrayed by Starscream; the Decepticon had dectivated the Orion's crew with his null-ray, and then fled the scene. The Omega Effect

Brawn later brought Jazz and his missing unit to the future site of Autobot City. The Route of All Evil

G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers

GIJoevsTF4 Gears Brawn FlightPods.jpg

Alongside several other Transformers, the dormant Brawn was found aboard the crashed Ark by the human terrorist organization Cobra. The humans reprogrammed their findings for their own needs, rebuilding Brawn and Gears into Cobra Flight Pods in the process. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers #4 Two Flight Pods were later seen during the Cobra attack on the SPS Research Facility, but they didn't transform, so it's unclear whether or not they were Brawn and Gears. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers #3 The reprogramming was eventually undone by Wheeljack, and Brawn and Gears quickly located their former captor, Cobra Commander. Destroying the human's escape route, Brawn made it clear that he was not interested in negotiating and that he'd rather have laid to rot aboard the Ark forever than be used as Cobra's servant. Unfortunately, Storm Shadow came to Cobra Commander's rescue with a S.N.A.K.E. mech and knocked the Autobots out before they could capture him. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers #4 Brawn was later shocked when he heard that the United States military were nuking Cobra Island. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers #5

The Beast Within

Brawn participated in a savage battle against the Decepticons, though he did not fare too well, receiving the brunt of a powerful explosion early in the brawl. The Beast Within

2005 IDW continuity

First appearance: Megatron Origin #2
Brawn Megatron Origin 3.jpg

Brawn's involvement with the Security Services became known to the (soon-to-be) Decepticons when Bumper was captured and his memories pilfered by Soundwave. Megatron Origin #2 Brawn was present at the funeral for Bumper and Fastback, along with Sentinel Prime and the rest of Kaon Security Services. Megatron Origin #3

Early in the war, Brawn was hanging out at Maccadam's New Oil House when Optimus Prime broadcast a rallying call for additional support against the Decepticons. Broadcast After joining Prime's Autobot army, he helped defend the planet against a rampaging Trypticon as part of Ironhide's heavy weapons unit. The Illusion of Control Unfortunately their best efforts failed to harm the giant beast, who returned fire and destroyed the fusion-borers they were manning. Annihilation

As the war raged on, Brawn helped med-evac Tracks and Jazz after they were injured battling the Predacons. Spotlight: Jazz Sometime later, he was seen chatting with his comrades Cosmos and First Aid during a victory celebration. The Iron Age

In modern times, Brawn eventually traveled to Earth after the galaxy-wide assault broke the Autobot war machine. Brawn sent Bumblebee out on patrol in the ruins of New York. Ride-Along Years later, after Optimus Prime's resignation from command, Hot Rod decided to leave Earth and take anyone who'd come with him. Brawn attempted to stop him, but backed off when Bumblebee told him to just let Hot Rod go. New Arrivals, Old Encounters

Angry little bot.

Later on, he was deputized by Ultra Magnus after the duly appointed enforcer of the Tyrest Accord discovered Hot Rod working with a group of Decepticons to escape Earth. They attempted to stop Hot Rod, only to be confronted by Swindle and his newly minted combiner, Menasor. Enemies of the System

When Bumblebee and Optimus Prime drafted a strike force to go after the Combaticons in North Korea, Brawn was less thrilled at being left behind. He kept griping to Silverstreak and Red Alert until they finally told him to suck it up and be quiet. Hawk Among the Sparrows After the secret mission to North Korea became not-so-secret, the Autobots were forced to defend their presence in America to the general public. Brawn and Silverstreak accompanied Bumblebee as he exited the Skywatch base and gave an impassioned speech about the values of freedom and uniting their two peoples, a speech easily worth of Abraham Lincoln.

Well, we all know what happened to Lincoln. (What? Too soon?) All My Sins Remembered

Brawn was incensed after the assassination attempt on Bumblebee, even more so once they uncovered the shooter's exact replica of Megatron's old alternate mode. Brawn bellowed boisterously at the Skywatch staff to do something—save Bumblebee, destroy "Megatron", interrogate the human—until Ultra Magnus finally gave the tiny 'bot an ultimatum: shut up and be productive, or you're going in the brig. The Demolished Man Following a Decepticon attack on the Skywatch base, Brawn was sent by Ultra Magnus on a solo mission to contact the Decepticon deserter and occasional Autobot ally Thundercracker. Altered Carbon

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Upon arriving at Thundercracker's hideout, Brawn found him heavily injured at the feet of Starscream. Believing Starscream to be responsible for shooting down the plane carrying Optimus Prime and his strike force back from Korea, he flew into a rage and began beating the Decepticon senseless. He only calmed down once Starscream started to plead for his life and revealed that the culprit was not him, but the real Megatron. Woken Furies Brawn was then faced with a dilemma: while he had a chance to take Starscream into custody, Thundercracker needed urgent repairs or he'd probably die. Though reluctant, he ended up letting Starscream go and carried Thundercracker back with him. Burning Chrome

Brawn was present a few weeks later when Hot Rod (now "Rodimus") returned from space with news that Cybertron had been restored to a habitable state only to be occupied by Galvatron. Within a day, the Autobots blasted off into space to liberate their home. Orphans of the Helix Like several others, Brawn was surprised to see Megatron (not a replica this time) in Autobot captivity, and lined up for a chance to get a closer look at their longtime enemy. Chaos Theory #1 Once the Autobots arrived on Cybertron, he did battle with Galvatron's Sweep army. Numbers

"Hey, y'know who else likes killin' Cons? MY MOM!!! WHOO! WHOOOOOOO!!!"

After the Chaos War ended, Brawn joined Rodimus and the crew of the Lost Light in their search for the Knights of Cybertron. Hangers On Early in the trip, he and Swerve watched Tailgate try to transform. The Chaos of Warm Things Like many other hot-blooded Autobots, Brawn got excited when the Lost Light ran into some Decepticons to brawl with on Temptoria. Before & After Like the rest of the crew he leaped into action when Overlord appeared on the ship, and like the rest of the crew he was brutally beaten down. Under Cold Blue Stars

When the Legislators were defeated, Brawn was one of the crew who offered to help rebuild Swerve's. No Guns, No Swords, No Briefcases Later on, he was one of the many revellers at Swerve's after the Lost Light was temporarily quantum-shifted out of existence and was therefore knocked out when Brainstorm opened his briefcase. The Road Not Taken

Brawn was one of the Autobots who helped defend Miliarium from the Rust Giants. How Bright Their Frail Deeds

Brawn originally supported Getaway's mutiny against Megatron and the command crew of the Lost Light. However, his memory was violated by his new captain thanks to the mnemosurgeon, Sunder, who removed Brawn's recollection of the mutiny and how Rodimus's allies left the ship. Full Circle In a further betrayal of his crew, Getaway had Brawn and the others turned into Sparkeaters when he signed up with Scorponok and the Grand Architect. A Dance Before Dying

Henkei! Henkei! Transformers -Visualize-

Brawn stood behind Optimus Prime with his fellow Autobots, ready to fight. Visualize Shot 1

Henkei! Henkei! pack-in manga

Brawn and his fellow Minibots found Hot Shot, Jolt, and Dinobot buried on Earth and dug them up. Dinobot proceeded to pick a fight with everyone, and the Minibots took him on until Hot Shot managed to defuse the situation. Henkei! Henkei! volume 11

Transformers vs. G.I. Joe

"I have an army."
"We have a Brawn."

Together with Wheeljack, Mirage, and Perceptor, Brawn investigated Iacon after the abandoned city had been covered in foliage due to a G.I. Joe attack on Cybertron. The Autobots were then caught up in a Decepticon attack against the invading humans, and Brawn was captured by Cyclonus. Thankfully, Mirage escaped the Decepticons' notice, and managed to save his allies from Megatron's throne room within Trypticon. Brawn brought along four members of G.I. Joe as the Autobots made their way back to Metroplex. Targetmasters

The humans were presented to Grimlock, who promptly dropped them in a pool filled with Sharkticons. Not waiting around for the show, Brawn, Mirage, and Perceptor took off to find Wheeljack. They found the Autobot being vivisected within the Joes' base camp. Brawn and his friends charged in, exchanging fire with the off-worlders until blasts from both sides knocked everyone unconscious. Funeral for a Friend

Both teams eventually awakened and readied to take up arms once more when Grimlock showed up, accompanied by Breaker, Jinx, Cover Girl, and Clutch. Grimlock declared a truce between the Joes and the Autobots had been reached, and both factions partied together to cement their alliance. During the celebration, Grimlock told the Joes about Optimus Prime, lost leader of the Autobots. Brawn stated that he was of two minds when it came to Prime, and would only admit to whether or not the Autobots were abandoned by their leader when he would get the chance to question him personally. Form Follows Function

TheWarNeverEnds BrawnCoverGirlWedding.jpg

The humans moved into Metroplex with the Autobots, only for the Decepticons, now similarly aligned with Cobra, to launch a full-scale assault on the mobile city. Brawn helped fight them off alongside Clutch and Breaker. Everybody Hates Metroplex Afterwards, Brawn, Mirage, and Rodimus found that Bazooka, while in a trance, had drawn a map to the Chamber of Primus on Metroplex's floor. Following the map, the three Autobots, Bazooka, Cover Girl, and Duke found the face of the dormant Cybertronian god whispering: "No will but Megatron's". Atop the deity's brow, a Megatronian temple was corrupting his will with the Decepticons guarding it opening fire. Expelled from the Garden

Managing to evade the Decepticons, the group descended deeper into the bowels of Cybertron meeting the Keeper who told them all the tale of Daiakuron, the being who had birthed Primus. As Brawn and Cover Girl explored more of the chamber, Brawn theorized that Daiakuron might also have created Earth. Earth: R.I.P. Soon afterwards, Primus began his transformation to robot mode, the group fleeing the chamber. Escape from Primus

When the time for the final battle came, Brawn was part of the group that roused Metroplex back to robot mode. Transformers vs. G.I. Joe #12

Once the war had ended, Brawn moved to Earth and married Cover Girl, using various technologies to produce a Human/Cybertronian child. The War Never Ends

Of Masters and Mayhem

Brawn was among the Autobots in the launch facility of the Ark who were attacked by Toxitron. The Toxic Transformer

Titans Return marketing material

An ancient Titan Master, Brawn had the ability to enhance another bot's armor, granting virtual indestructibility. Brawn boldly welcomed any and all challenges, regardless of the challenger's size. His overconfident attitude sometimes landed him in trouble he had to fight his way out of, much to his liking. Titans Return Brawn online bio It is possible that he decreases the shoulder armor.

Beast Wars: Uprising

During the first year of the Autobot-Decepticon war on Earth, Brawn was part of a team that tried to prevent a Decepticon raid on the British Museum. When Sky Warp shot Bumblebee, Brawn responded by picking up some rock that was on display and throwing it at the Decepticon, hard enough to knock him over. Cultural Appropriation

Decades later in response to the Decepticons and the Hive developing Headmaster technology, Brawn volunteered to become the first Headmaster, binary-bonded with the Nebulon Muscles. A Brush With Infamy–Prologue

2019 IDW continuity

First appearance: Transformers #16

Brawn was a veteran of the War of the Threefold Spark. He was present in Iacon during the final battle with Exarchon's forces. Darkness, Once Gazed Upon: Part One

Poot dispenser here!

By the modern era, Brawn had become a member of the Senate Guard on Cybertron, under Ironhide's command. He and Pipes served as guards for a special session in the Senate house. The Change In Your Nature Part Four When Sentinel Prime ordered the captive Quake to be paraded through the streets, Brawn worked crowd control. Pipes considered him quite unflappable during the tense situation, pointing out Brawn's confident posture to the doubtful Roulette. Prisoners

Brawn was present when Ironhide gave the Senate Guard a pep talk before they deployed to provide security for Sentinel Prime's speech denouncing the Ascenticons. Ironhide stationed Brawn to the front of the building where the senators met. As the Ascenticons attacked, Brawn rushed in with Ironhide and Backstreet only to be shot at by Strika, driving them out. We Have Deceived You With the renamed "Decepticons" having seized the Senate, Brawn took part in the operation to take it back and rescued the prisoners held in the building's basement. After they escaped, he then witnessed Orion Pax transform into Optimus Prime as he received the Matrix from the dying Sentinel Prime. Prime

Shoulda gone for the shoulder.

Brawn and the Senate Guard became personal protection for Optimus Prime after that. At the Forge Pyramid, they came under attack by the Decepticons. Obsidian, a new member of Strika's Heavies, entered the Pyramid and did serious damage to Brawn using his whirling rotors. The Guard's new sniper, Javelin, drove Obsidian off long enough for Brawn and the others to retreat. Titans Iacon had fallen, and so Brawn and those loyal to Optimus Prime abandoned the city to the Decepticons. We Are Not Meant To Be Darkness

Brawn and the renamed "Prime Guard" deployed with their leader to the Sea of Rust, where Termagax had possession of the Enigma of Combination. They set up defensive positions around Termagax's house as the Decepticons arrived for the Enigma as well. Brawn fought against Scatterspike in the battle that followed. Sea of Rust II The Enigma was lost to the Sea, but the Autobots escaped without any fatalities and Brawn carried the wounded Pipes and Jumpstream off the battlefield. Enigmatic

Eventually, Brawn and the Prime Guard evacuated to Darkmount, prepared to leave Cybertron behind on the last Ark. They waged war against the Decepticons until the Ark was ready to launch. Brawn and Ironhide pressed Optimus Prime to get on board as the Technobots sacrificed themselves to allow the others to escape. Fate of Cybertron

Energon Universe

Brawn was among the Autobots who fled Cybertron following a 200 year war with the Decepticons, only for the Decepticons to follow. Transformers #2 During the battle aboard the crashing Ark, Brawn battled Megatron alongside some other Autobots. Unfortunately, Megatron shot Brawn through the chest, just in time for Optimus Prime to see. Transformers Energon Universe Special story


Adventure Game: Defeat the Decepticons

Brawn was amongst the Autobots kidnapped by Megatron and his Decepticons. Optimus Prime thus embarked on a rescue operation, infiltrating the Decepticons' labyrinthine base to liberate his troops. Adventure Game: Defeat the Decepticons packaging blurb and game

Transformers Legends

When Megatron challenged Optimus Prime to a duel, Brawn was one of the few Autobots left at HQ to defend it from an attack by the Constructicons. He joined Ironhide, Wheeljack, and Ratchet in mounting a defense, but they were no match for the Decepticon team. Heavy Metal War - Part 1 After Spike's mind was placed inside Autobot X and the trauma caused Spike to turn against the Autobots, Trailcutter and Brawn were forced to fight both him and the Decepticons. Fortunately Spike eventually came to his senses and helped them battle Skywarp and Thrust. Autobot X

When Nightbird was reprogrammed to aid the Decepticons and stole the World Energy Chip from Autobot HQ, Brawn was among the Autobots who pursued her into the desert and successfully retrieved both her and the chip. Enter the Nightbird Brawn took part in the defense of Autobot City during the Decepticon assault. The Battle for Autobot City

Transformers: Earth Wars

MysteryOfConvoy UltraMagnus RobotSprite.gif
The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!

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Transformers: Earth Wars

Transformers Online (2017 video game)

"Justice rains from above!"
Strength over intellect.

On Cybertron, Brawn was known as a master of combat. Regardless of his mental state and the difficulty of a challenge, Brawn will handle any objective personally to demonstrate his superior strength. He wielded a pair of iron fists, to which Brawn handled with care. Brawn had also gone toe-to-toe with numerous Decepticon defenders such as the Constructicons in contests of strength. Even Bludgeon is impressed by Brawn's mastery of warfare in such contests.

In battle, Brawn wielded the "Alloy Gauntlets" and the "Hulk" missile launcher. His active skill was "Airborne Takeover":

  • Airborne Takeover — Brawn levitates for a moment, to which he activates his shoulder-mounted missile launchers. A flurry of tracking missiles targeting opponents will deal up to 220 points of damage within the center of a group of enemies. Transformers Online [1]

Transformers Roleplaying Game

Brawn was an Autobot gunner. Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook


Main article: Brawn (G1)/toys



"Hey guys, I'm back! And I found Hauler!"
  • Brawn's original Micro Change toy was a brownish olive-green in color, which was changed to a darker pine-green for its release as a Transformer. It was the Micro Change-colored version of the toy that appeared in the 1984 catalog and the toy's own instructions,[2] and which clearly must have been used as the basis for Brawn's olive-colored color model in the Generation 1 cartoon, despite him being the corrected green on his package art and in all other contemporary media. For whatever reason, "Brown Brawn" never became a Transformer urban legend the way "Blue Bluestreak" did!
  • "Muscles" is listed as Brawn's nickname in Bob Budiansky's personal Transformers comic bible.[3] Nicknames for other characters can be found in early Universe-style profiles published in The Transformers Comics Magazine. "Muscles" is utilized as the name of Brawn's Headmaster partner in Beast Wars: Uprising, published decades later.
  • Brawn's death in The Transformers: The Movie was the subject of good-natured debate amongst Transformers fans. Brawn's toughness is well-established in the cartoon, to the point that he had repeatedly survives more serious shots than the shoulder wound that kills him, including two shots from Soundwave to the head in "Fire on the Mountain". Further, he does not turn grey when he falls, as most other Transformers who die in the film do, and he is omitted from the list of the movie's dead Autobots given in "Dark Awakening". Proponents of this tongue-in-cheek "Brawn Lives" movement cite his appearance in the season 3 episode "Carnage in C-Minor" alongside Huffer, who is the dead Autobot included in Brawn's place in the "Dark Awakening" list. The infamously low quality of that episode, though, means this was almost certainly an animation error. The initial scripts and storyboards for the movie are much clearer on the matter; both the earliest available draft (dated to April 27, 1985) and the "finalized" version describe Brawl as being cut in half by a blast of Megatron's fusion cannon.[4]
    • It's worth noting that the kill shot that hits Brawn isn't actually in the shoulder. Prior to the explosion when he's hit, a single frame can be seen with the shot connecting with the top of his chest. In the next shot as he falls, the entry wound is on the rounded part of the left side of his chest. He also has a massive exit wound on his back that lines up with the entry point.

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Gong (ゴング Gongu), Brawn (ブローン Burōn)
  • Czech: Silák ("Strong Man")
  • French: Bruto (Canada)
  • German: Muskelkraft ("Muscle Force")
  • Greek: Egkéfalos (Εγκέφαλος, "Brain")
  • Hungarian: Izmos ("Hefty")
  • Italian: Cammello ("Camel")
  • Mandarin: Brown (Taiwan, 布朗 Bù Lǎng), Dà Hàn (China, 大汉, "Big Man")
  • Portuguese: Músculos (Portugal comics, "Muscles"), Brigão (Brazil comics, "Brawler"), Jipe (Brazil toys, "Jeep")
  • Russian: Silach (Силач, "Strong Guy")
  • Polish: Krzepki (TM Semic Comic, "Brawny")


  1. Brawn on the Transformers Online website
  2. The many colors of Brawn at the NTFA forums
  3. "OK. Because You Demanded It (or at least, because M Sipher requested it) . . . . name changes from the Transformers comic bible. [...] Brawn: Nickname Muscles"—Jim Sorenson, The Allspark, 2007/12/25 (archive link)
  4. "Transformers Movie - Autobot Massacre Storyboard 2/3"—Peter K. Chung, Instagram, 2022/03/07
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