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Brian Reece

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The name or term "Brian" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Brian (disambiguation).
"You've got kind of a piercing stare." —Michael Bay

Brian Reece (born August 26, 1975) is a United States Air Force Major instructing helicopter piloting at Kirtland Air Force Base. He also played "Moustache Man" in Transformers.

Reece was originally the pilot of the MH-53 Pave Low helicopter #0367, one of the two helicopters used as Blackout's alternate mode.[1] Director Michael Bay "discovered" him whilst in a conversation on set at Holloman Air Force Base, and both Bay and Steven Spielberg agreed that Reece looked exactly like what they had pictured for Mustache Man.

As a result, Reece had to change his wedding and honeymoon schedules so that he could film all of Mustache Man's scenes for the Transformers movie.[2]

He's a heck of a guy.


Transformers (2007)


  • According to the Albuquerque Tribune, that's not a real moustache.


  1. MH-53 Pave Low Transformers Movie trivia. (dead link)
  2. Transformers DVD audio commentary by director Michael Bay.

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