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Chirolinguistics twenty plus one.jpg

Chirolinguistics, also known as speaking hand, is a language performed through hand contact. Chirolingual Transformers communicate by stimulating the nervecircuits in the fingers, wrist and palm of their conversational partner. It seems to be fairly common to know at least a little hand.


2005 IDW continuity

In the aftermath of the Chaos Event, Drift negotiated chirolingually with the owners of a ship called the U1 at the Festival of Lost Light, eventually paying one billion shanix for it.

Acting on a hunch, Riptide revisited the U1's owners and read their hands to learn that they were Mortilus worshippers, hiding out from the crew of the Alchemy-Seven for trying to steal a brace of turbofoxes to feed the sparkeater they had left hidden in the ship's hold. What followed was a form of manual communication unrelated to chirolinguistics that left Riptide incapacitated for some time.

A couple of years later, the Autobot Megatron used chirolinguistics to surreptitiously communicate with the Decepticon spy Ravage aboard the Rodpod. Twenty Plus One

As part of a ruse to gain his confidence, Getaway taught chirolinguistics to Tailgate over drinks in "Visages". The Lopsided Triangle

See also

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