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Chronal phase

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To be in chronal phase is to be "chronically displaced" so as one time traveler may observe other time travelers without being registered by the later. Yeah, it's somewhat confusing. A being or object that is chronically displaced as such interacts normally with any object that originated from the current time, but is invisible and intangible to beings that did not originate from that time, and are not in chronal phase, or in the same chronal phase as another chronically displaced entity.

One can be put into chronal phase remotely using a chronal phase facilitator.


2006 IDW Beast Wars continuity

Plotting a coup d'état to overthrow their Maximal oppressors, Magmatron used a transwarp shunt to travel back to prehistoric Earth, along with Manterror, Transquito, Spittor, Iguanus, Drill Bit, and an undercover Razorbeast. When Depth Charge emerged from the water nearby, Drill Bit began to panic. Ordering his soldier to stand down, Magmatron explained that they had nothing to fear from the local combatant: being displaced by one or two nanokliks, they could act freely without being registered.

Later, Razorbeast was aligning a transmitter array to put all remaining stasis pods on Earth in the same chronal phase as himself and the squad of Predacon he had infiltrated. Once this was done, he was able to upload a shell program into each of them, reprogramming the dormant Maximals into Predacons, save for the ones that were protected by the viral code he had also uploaded. The Gathering #1

Later still, Optimus Minor, Bonecrusher, and Razorbeast were able to sneak by Cheetor, Rhinox, and Optimal Optimus and into the ark due to their state of chronal phase, although strangely, Optimus seemed to be able to faintly sense their presence. Rhinox suggested that this sensation might be due to all the changes Primal had gone through recently.

Meanwhile, Magmatron put several chronal phase armbands to use, and along with Iguanus and Drill Bit, used the element of surprise the armbands provided him with to attack and subdue Megatron. The Gathering #3

Such a strategy was also used by Razorbeast when he decided to rescue Megatron and return him to the proper timeframe. Using a stolen armband, he was able to quickly slip in and out of the local timestream to gain the upper hand over his Predacon opponents. The Gathering #4

See also

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