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This article is about the Allspark-mutated toaster-bot from Revenge of the Fallen. For the toaster-bot who is Blaster's brother from Generation 1, see Toaster.
Ejector is an AllSpark Mutation and Decepticon from the live-action film continuity family.

Ejector is an evil mischievous Transformer who can conceal himself in the form of a 4-slot bread searing machine (namely, a toaster). He cannot speak English, but appears to understand it. In toaster mode, he is capable of concealing a small payload within his frame (such as a 20 oz bottle). However, doing so prevents actual toast from being inserted inside of him, and thus partially compromises his disguise.

It is his goal in life to render the world around him blackened and crispy, unpalatable to those living in it no matter the amount of tasty jam they try to apply. A simple goal for a simple machine.



Revenge of the Fallen film

Ejector was brought to life when Sam Witwicky dropped a piece of the AllSpark. Along with his fellow Appliancebots, he tried to attack Sam but was blasted by Bumblebee for his troubles. Revenge of the Fallen

Ejector’s involvement in the preceding events, or events mostly similar, were also chronicled in the novels Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, and The Last Prime; the comic mini-series Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Official Movie Adaptation; and the storybook "When Robots Attack!".

Commercial appearances

Transformers 2: Electric Dewgaloo

While the Patsy and his other roommates were out, Ejector snuck into the fridge and stole the Patsy's last 20 oz Mountain Dew. When he returned to find it missing, the Patsy reasoned aloud that the toaster must have taken it to aggravate him in increasingly accusatory tones until his roommates intervened to calm him down—whereupon Ejector transformed behind their backs and performed a taunting "touchdown dance", rubbing himself obscenely against the cool and glistening surface of the Dew bottle while the Patsy shrieked in impotent rage. Mountain Dew "Transform Your Summer" Commercial [1]

Related characters

"The Patsy"


The Patsy knows his toaster is both alive...and evil. He's seen it moving around, causing trouble when no one else is paying attention—but for some reason he always gets blamed for the toaster's mischief!

The Patsy at least partially doubts his own sanity in the face of the toaster's growing campaign of terror humiliation, and he has begun to construct elaborate logical proofs for Ejector's existence... that fail to convince his roommates, but leave Ejector in stitches.

One of these days, he's going to get that Ejector, yes he will! And then we'll see who the crazy one around here is! Ha! Ha ha ha ha ha...

The couch guys

We got the couch, now all we need is to find three girls, and we can start our own show.

The Patsy's roommates think he's crazy for projecting all his insecurities and failings onto the toaster. They figure he needs a girlfriend to project his failings and insecurities onto, like a normal guy.

Oh, God, is he yelling again? Yeah, okay, we'll do something about soon as it's a commercial. Well, not if it's one of those delightful Mac/PC ads...


Revenge of the Fallen

  • Ejector (Scout Class, 2009)
Part of the fourth wave of Revenge of the Fallen Scout Class toys, Ejector transforms into a modified Dualit Classic Vario toaster, which is quite famous in Britain.[2] His plug deviates from the Dualit's British standard plug, substituting a style that appears to be modeled after the AS 3112 standard.
Yes, it's a transforming toaster — and with a courage of 10, he sure is a brave little toaster.
Of course you want it. Unfortunately, a bottle of Mountain Dew is not included.
The silver paint used in his deco tends to scratch and flake quite easily, as it does not properly bond to the plastic. On the upside, he looks pretty good without it anyway.


"My wife asked why I carried a gun in the house. 'Decepticons' I replied. She laughed, I laughed, the toaster laughed, I shot the toaster. It was a good time."
  • For Ejector's appearance in When Robots Attack!, he was given a completely made-up color scheme, as was every Appliancebot in that storybook.
  • While in the Mountain Dew commercial and on official design sheets Ejector has four arms, in ROTF he only has two. The toy was most likely based on the first model, thus the 4 arms.

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Ejector (イジェクター Ejekutā)


  1. The "Toaster" commercial for the "Transform Your Summer" Mountain Dew campaign. (backup link)
  2. OAFE - Transformers 2: Ejector review
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