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Emissary of the Fourth Planet

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Beast Wars II: Super Lifeform Transformers ep 36
BWII 36 NAVI emissary.jpg
"Emissary of the Fourth Planet"
第四惑星の使者 ()
(Daiyon Wakusei no Shisha)
Production company TV Tokyo, NAS, Ashi Productions
Airdate 2 December 1998
Writer Junki Takegami
Director Shigeki Hatakeyama
Animation studio Ashi Productions
Continuity Japanese Generation 1 cartoon continuity

The arrival of a Gaian device left on Mars spells doom for Gaia!



BW II ep36 Gaian Temple.jpg
As Nemesis continues its approach on Gaia, it passes by the fourth planet, inadvertently activating the ruins there to release a mysterious light. It travels to Gaia, and it is spotted by Artemis and Moon as it passes the Moon. Artemis, confusing the light for a shooting star, wishes for cake, but Moon points out that it's no shooting star...

At the Yukikaze, the Maximals are taking their ship apart in preparation for their plans to handle Nemesis. Apache is concerned about meeting their deadline, so Lio Convoy suggests they ask the Maximals on other continent for assistance. NAVI detects the mysterious object, which soon crashes behind the Niagara Base. Apache and Lio Convoy tell the others to continue working while they investigate. At the crash site, they and NAVI discover a saucer-shaped robot, who they bring back to base. There, NAVI is able to communicate with it, explaining that the robot is from the fourth planet, where the ancient Gaians built a civilization. The robot further explains that it is aware of the Angolmois Energy and how to stop it, noting that there is a Mother Computer on the northern continent with all the necessary information.

The Jungle Emperor's New Hat
The four decide to head out to the computer, unaware that their conversations are being spied on by Hellscream and Max-B! The duo report to Galvatron at the Galvaburg II about the mysterious robot and its plan. Realizing the effect that stopping the Angolmois Energy would have on his plan, Galvatron orders the two to intercept the group and capture the robot.

The Maximals transverse the Valley of Lions, realizing it is the same one where Lio Convoy and Lio Junior were bathed in Angolmois Energy—the robot notes that the Mother Computer is at the end of the valley. They are soon ambushed by Hellscream and Max-B, who quickly capture the robot. Lio Convoy tries to rescue it, but the Predacons' game of catch stymies the Maximal, till Skywarp appears on the scene with Lio Junior and Santon! Rescuing the robot, Skywarp explains that Lio Junior felt his "father" was in danger. Combining into Magnaboss, the trio deal with the Cyborg Beasts, allowing Lio Convoy's group to press ahead. The Maximals come to the end of the valley, where the robot reveals the entrance to the Mother Computer's underground chamber.

Bet it's still running Win XP.
At the Moon, Artemis and Moon searches the database for information on the robot. They discover that it functions as a "key" to the Mother Computer in a failsafe system to deal with the Angolmois Energy... by crashing the Moon onto Gaia! After some clarification, Artemis is understandably perturbed at her imminent death, but Moon has a plan. Transforming into robot mode, the android travels to Gaia in the hopes that he will somehow be able to contact the Maximals, despite normally being invisible and unheard to them. Nevertheless, he is caught up in the fight between Magnaboss and the Predacons, feeling every blow and blast.

Lio Convoy's group reaches an underground city, left behind by the Gaians tens of thousands of years ago. They finally reach the Mother Computer, and the robot interfaces with it. In the valley, Moon's pleas manage to be heard by Lio Junior within Magnaboss. Thanks to his Energon Matrix, Junior can see and hear Moon! His partners are still unable to see the robot, though, and their hands are still full with dealing with the Predacons...

BW II ep36 Moon Magnaboss.jpg
Through the Mother Computer, the robot reveals some of the history of the planet's former inhabitants—after achieving a great civilzation, they were successful at extracting Angolmois Energy from within the planet. However, the Angolmois Energy itself came with a cost—if used with evil intention, it becomes a literal evil energy with the capability to destroy the planet and even the universe. As the Gaians realized that they all had the potential for evil, they left the planet to save it from possible destruction. They left behind two androids, Artemis and Moon, on the Moon to monitor Gaia in their absence. A failsafe was initated, where if the Angolmois Energy on Gaia were to tip towards evil, the ruins on Mars would activate the key-robot to awaken the Mother Computer. Its exposition done, the robot enters the Mother Computer to trigger the destruction of the planet!

The resulting rumbling scares away the Predacons, allowing Moon to explain the situation to Lio Junior. Both Maximals and Predacons at their bases detect the earthquakes and see the Moon is getting dangerously closer! Magnaboss reaches the confused Lio Convoy and explains to him the true intentions of the Martian robot. Realizing the consequences of his actions, Lio Convoy sets out to strike at the computer!

To be continued...

Artemis & Moon II Report

Artemis is still freaked out about the imminent crash of the Moon onto Gaia. From Gaia, Moon explains that the two of them were created by the ancient Gaians to observe the planet and make sure the Angolmois Energy didn't fall into evil hands, but their true purpose was wiped from their memories, as they would have likely erred from their chosen duty otherwise. Moon notes it'll be hard to defeat the Martian robot, but that Lio Junior's ability to see him thanks to his Matrix gives them some fighting chance. Artemis begs Lio Junior to stop the Moon.

Featured characters

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)

Maximals Predacons Others


Transformers references

Real world references


Home video releases

All releases listed are in Japanese audio unless otherwise noted.

Japan 1999 — Beast Wars II: Super Lifeform Transformers — ACT. 12 (Pioneer LDC)

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