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Flip Top

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Flip Top is a Guardian from the GoBots continuity family.

Flip Top is a Guardian.





During the Diaspora, Flip Top was dispatched to Level 63 along with an assortment of Guardians and Renegades. Cultural Appropriation

Small Foot had a vision of several GoBots, including Flip Top, being menaced by a dark entity. High Noon

Go-Bots comic

Flip Top was one of the Renegade Go-Bots that flocked to Cy-Kill in the desert near Route 66, helping surround and subdue the US government Go-Bot Leader-1 and retrieve military secrets from his brain. Go-Bots #1

Soon, Flip Top was one of the Go-Bots that joined Leader-1's army to face the Renegade uprising. Go-Bots #2 Many years later, Flip Top was part of Leader-1's group searching for the Lazer Lance. Go-Bots #4


External links

GBwikilogo.png GBwiki has content relating to Flip Top.
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