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Man-O-War is a Guardian from the GoBots continuity family.
Spatiotemporal Challengers ManOWar.jpg

Admiral Man-O-War is a heroic Guardian. He originally turned into an Iowa-class battleship, but when disguised as a Cybertronian, he instead takes the form of a hovercraft. He's a legendary hero you'd be glad to see coming, unless you actually know him because he's a condescending arsehole to anyone he feels is wrong or slacking off.



Renegade Rhetoric

From Axiom Nexus, Cy-Kill bragged about the vintage style of various GoBot alternate modes, including Man-O-War's battleship form. Renegade Rhetoric 2015/10/14

Man-O-War joined Leader-1 and Dive-Dive in reviewing UNECOM's work at the undersea Charybdis Labs. When Cy-Kill and the Renegades struck, an outpouring of Scylla Waves caused local marine life to gain the ability to communicate with the humans and GoBots present. Cy-Kill turned the situation to his advantage by tricking Leviathan, the blue whale spokes-being for the sea creatures, into seeing the Guardians as his enemies. Fortunately, a modification to the Scylla Wave generator revealed Cy-Kill's treachery, and peace returned to the seas. Scylla and Charybdis Cy-Kill once arranged a fight between Courageous and Monsterous, with the intent of unleashing his recently reactivated second combiner Puzzler on the brawl as an ambush. The Guardians learned of his plan, however, and worked to prevent the Puzzlers from reuniting, splitting into several teams to do so. Man-O-War's unit failed to stop Pocket and Crossword from arriving, but, fortunately, Good Knight and Defendor held up Rube, leaving Puzzler unable to fully form. Six Heads are Better than One


GoBots roll in! Sunrise.jpg

Admiral Man-O-War was a long-time veteran of the Guardians, receiving promotions back in the early days when they needed to shore up their military fast. Treds was in Man-O-War's platoon once and was berated daily.

When the universe was at risk, Man-O-War was part of the second group of cross-dimensional investigators. He arrived in an alternate Utah with a new body and quickly set to work pissing off group leader Path Finder, whose plan of "ask locals for help" he found lacking, and Treds, who he thought was doing a crap job of keeping the Renegades in line. Man-O-War was forced to go along with Path Finder's plan but put himself in the advance aerial team, openly so his leadership skills could be used to make contact with Autobots but secretly to avoid dirt roads. Sunrise

Though those traveling on the ground met with some trouble, Bad Boy, Man-O-War, and Path Finder managed to reach the Autobots' Ironworks base unimpeded. High Noon Man-O-War mockingly congratulated Treds on his arrival for not getting any of his team killed before they reunited. Journey's Eve When the GoBots needed to reach the Caretaker supercomputer at fastest available speed, it meant taking a shuttlecraft without room for the entire team. Path Finder named Man-O-War as one of the GoBots who would remain behind. Last Sunset

Echoes and Fragments

In a strange hybrid universe created by Gong and Sideways, Man-O-War was stationed at Guardian City in the year 2005. When the Decepticons attacked, Man-O-War was killed by Skywarp and Thundercracker. Echoes and Fragments



Foreign names

  • Japanese: Man-O-War (マン・O・ウォー Man Ō Wō)

External links

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