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Ramjet (Movie)

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The name or term "Ramjet" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Ramjet (disambiguation).
Ramjet is a Decepticon from the Transformers portion of the movie continuity family.
I was unsupervised, I had a real good time, until I... I hit my head.

While Ramjet is not terribly smart, he is all kinds of crazy and violent, which is the way Megatron likes him. Whereas other Decepticons do their fighting in grim silence, Ramjet simply blows everything around him to smithereens, laughing maniacally every step of the way.[1] Though he bristles with high-tech weaponry, including an arsenal of deadly missiles, lasers, cluster bombs, and even lethal vibro-claws, he really prefers to hit people with his super-tough head. The more he does this, the more his own cerebral circuitry gets rattled, and the better an idea it seems like next time. Even though he has driven his enemies into the ground, a lifetime of head injuries has left Ramjet unable to think very well.[2]

Unlike his fellow Seekers, Ramjet is untrustworthy and does not really believe in the Decepticon cause. A simple opportunist at heart, Ramjet's only in it for the power and favor, and does not care who he has to shoot in the back to get it.[3] However, not surprisingly, Ramjet is not really capable of being much of a schemer. In truth, he just simply sides with whoever he thinks has the bigger guns.



IDW movie comics

This I command!

Many years ago, Ramjet was a member of Cybertron's Defense Force under the command of Protector Megatron. When an ancient relic was uncovered and aliens unknown attacked the planet, Megatron embarked on a mission of vengeance against the invaders, changing the military's mission of defense to conquest. Ramjet was present for his war rally at Trypticon and the subsequent attack on the creatures. Defiance #2 Ramjet was part of Starscream's squadron, sent to capture Optimus Prime and eliminate the researchers and security officers assigned to him. However, they failed miserably and barely got out alive when Optimus dropped an abandoned city on their heads. Megatron used this a proof for "treachery" and rallied his army to become the Decepticons. Defiance #3 Ramjet was present during this rally. Foundation #3

During the subsequent civil war, Ramjet was among those Decepticons who stayed behind to fight the Autobots while Soundwave and the crew of the Nemesis searched the stars for a harvester, an ancient device crucial to the relic's plans. Defiance #4

Ramjet was apparently left in command of Cybertron after Starscream and his troops departed in search of the AllSpark. Thousands of years later, he, Swindle, and Dreadwing greeted Starscream and Thundercracker on their return to Cybertron. Ramjet informed Starscream that the construction of the temple at Simfur was progressing as planned. The Reign of Starscream #3 Ramjet assisted in the development of a replica AllSpark. The Reign of Starscream #4

When Starscream's AllSpark failed, Ramjet sided with Dreadwing and pointed his cannon at Thundercracker's head, telling him to choose a side. When the fighting broke out, he broke off to chase down some Autobots and pinned down Armorhide, but was beheaded by Crosshairs for his trouble. The Reign of Starscream #5

Despite his decapitation, Ramjet somehow survived and made his way to Earth, where he was captured by the Initiative and mind-controlled into being one of their soldiers. When the Autobots and NEST assaulted the Initiative's mobile headquarters, Ramjet was released in the Initiative's final battle. Nefarious #5 Ramjet battled Jolt, Dune Runner, and Knock Out until he was eventually subdued by Sideswipe, Skids, and Mudflap. Nefarious #6

Titan movie comics

Letters page

Ramjet and Starscream were old colleagues in the Seekers and Starscream wanted to reunite with him. #9's Star Screams


Transformers (2007)

SD Popeman! KAWAII!! ^_^
  • Claw Slash Ramjet (Fast Action Battler, 2008)
Fast Action Battlers "Claw Slash" Ramjet is a pale grey and maroon redeco of "Battle Blade" Starscream, based upon the colour scheme of Generation 1 Ramjet. He transforms into a somewhat super deformed F-22 Raptor, simplifying the overall design of the movie Starscream-type Decepticon jet to the point of his feet noticeably sticking out the aft of the fighter, and has a truncated transformation sequence that relies to a fair degree on an Automorph-like gearing system to move multiple parts at once.
Rather than having a separate weapon, he only has a claw-like blade that flips over the right hand (hence "Claw Slash") via spring-loaded trigger and non-removable missiles in the palms of his hands. His claw-arm is also spring-loaded for a nasty upward slash attack.
This mold was later redecoed into Revenge of the Fallen Fast Action Battlers Starscream.

Revenge of the Fallen

  • Ramjet (Voyager Class, 2009)
Ramjet is a Walmart exclusive redeco of the 2007 Voyager Starscream mold, transforming into an F-22 Raptor. It comes with a collector's card written in the style of Seymour Simmons giving a report on a sighting of Ramjet in Africa.
Pushing the fighter along a smooth surface causes the missile-launching barrels to rotate and fire their projectiles, which can also be stored in the black flip-up braces on the launchers. During transformation, pushing up upon the canopy fuselage piece activates his Automorphing gimmick, which pushes panels out of the torso, wings, and stabilizers. Interestingly, his projectile missiles are sculpted to resemble fingers, should users choose to keep them loaded while Ramjet is in robot mode.
This mold was retooled and redecoed to make movie Thundercracker and Revenge of the Fallen Skywarp.


  • Ramjet shares many similarities with his Generation 1 counterpart, most notably his obsession with headbutting his enemies, information given to Seymour Simmons by r0b0th3r0. His appearances in IDW's comics take this a step further by depicting him with conehead-inspired aesthetics.


  1. Revenge of the Fallen Voyager Class Ramjet packaging bio
  2. Fast Action Battlers Claw Slash Ramjet packaging bio
  3. The Reign of Starscream trade paperback bonus material
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